Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

Would the "monstrous legislation" include notifying parents before kids are administered drugs and hormones?
And not allowing males to enter locker rooms and bathrooms designated for females.

The wannabe talking heads in the video were vague about which laws were monstrous. They claimed that one bill required the medical de-transitioning of transgender youth, but provided no evidence.

OP, I'm sure you have some links for us?

I thought the OP was talking about Canadian shop teachers...


Would the "monstrous legislation" include notifying parents before kids are administered drugs and hormones?

The new laws will outlaw "transitioning" youth who say they want to change genders. No more sex change operations for minors, no more hormone treatments for kids either. Period. Against the law, malpractice waged against any so-called "medical professional" who would administer such an atrocity.
The only thing that queers have in common with trannies is their statistical rarity. This is why I favor the term "sexual irregulars" to LGBQYWRI+. Everything is covered with those two words.
Are you still talking about your niece and her vagina?

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