Watergate Break Ins Conducted By Murdering Mueller

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration by Weaponizing our system of Justice, with help from corrupt officials in The DOJ, FBI, and courts who are beholden to Obama.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.

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First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.
First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
Did Mueller’s Team Violate Manafort’s Constitutional Rights? They May Have


Legal experts split on constitutionality of bills to protect Robert Mueller in Russia probe

Mueller violated Michael Cohen's constitutional rights | Daily Mail Online

Dershowitz: Targeting Trump's lawyer should worry us all

There is much speculation as to the significance of the search of the offices and hotel room of President Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen. To obtain a search warrant, prosecutors must demonstrate to a judge that they have probable cause to believe that the premises to be searched contain evidence of crime. They must also specify the area to be searched, the items to be seized and, in searches of computers, the word searches to be used.

At least that’s the constitutional requirement in theory, especially where the Sixth Amendment right to counsel is involved, in addition to the general Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches. Yet, in practice, judges often give the FBI considerable latitude, relying on the “firewalls” and “taint teams” they set up to protect the subject of the search from violation of his or her constitutional rights.

Civil libertarians should be concerned whenever the government interferes with the lawyer-client relationship. Clients should be able to rely on confidentiality when they disclose their most intimate secrets in an effort to secure their legal rights. A highly publicized raid on the president’s lawyer will surely shake the confidence of many clients in promises of confidentiality by their lawyers. They will not necessarily understand the nuances of the confidentiality rules and their exceptions. They will see a lawyer’s office being raided and all his files seized.

I believe we would have been hearing more from civil libertarians — the American Civil Liberties Union, attorney groups and privacy advocates — if the raid had been on Hillary Clinton’s lawyer. Many civil libertarians have remained silent about potential violations of President Trump’s rights because they strongly disapprove of him and his policies. That is a serious mistake, because these violations establish precedents that lie around like loaded guns capable of being aimed at other targets.

I have been widely attacked for defending the constitutional rights of a president I voted against. In our hyperpartisan age, everyone is expected to choose a side, either for or against Trump. But the essence of civil liberties is that they must be equally applicable to all. The silence among most civil libertarians regarding the recent raid shows that we are losing that valuable neutrality.

But the firewalls and taint teams are comprised of government agents who themselves may not be entitled to read or review many of the items seized. It is an imperfect protection of important constitutional rights.
First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
Do any of these crazyland statements make any sense? Murder? Gestapo?
The crime that must be investigated at all costs is this: Whosoever stole the lead foil insert of The Original Tree's (OT) hat needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Our club, The Society of Trolls, has previously taken action and outed OT as an embarrassment and a toxic source within our structure; as we awaited the final decision - if he should simply be suspended or had his license to troll revoked for life - and while waiting we have been informed of an action so vile, so foolish and so alien to the one moral imperative we hold to be true, to wit: We believe that all lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations used by a troll must have some nexus to credibility. We need no more Sarah Sanders to sully our task.

It has been confirmed by our Master Troll, The Crusader Frank, that the OT has once again committed an act which violated this single value we hold so close to our colon: To wit, a thread so outlandish that we hope our Master, Baits it and digests it so as to come to the conclusion he must Revoke the OT's license to troll for life.

The Thread which brings laughter and finger pointing at us and our Master, must be forever stricken from history. We have therefor requested our Ambassador without portfolio, The PoliticalChic, to lobby her colleagues in the Ministry of Truth to modify OT's thread, if possible, to reflect reality and not simply an echo of some obscure conspiracy theory.

Watergate Break Ins Conducted By Murdering Mueller

Respectfooly submitted,

Buck Private Secretary, to The Master

cc: To interested parties
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First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration by Weaponizing our system of Justice, with help from corrupt officials in The DOJ, FBI, and courts who are beholden to Obama.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


:iyfyus.jpg:One can count on The Original Tree to turn that frown, upside down.

But seriously folks, this Thread as started 2 hours ago. You'd think by now, that one Mod would have move this Thread to the Conspiracy section or at least to the Rubber Room' :dunno:
Has the judge voided all NDA'S? Since everything this guy did will be posted online would seem all ya need is some cooked up excuse and whole lot of people's private lives will be on display ....Hello Hollywood
First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
I have citizenship papers, and an engineering degree from an elite university, and a magna cum laude doctoral degree from another elite university.

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