Watching the Sunday shows today is shaking my thoughts of leaning Cruz

There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Cruz can't do a damn thing about the PAC that is doing it, the law prohibits it. He did say he didn't like the tone of the ads and calls, that's about all he can legally do.

Yes, but just like people run out and elect outsiders to office so they can change Washington, then turn around and accuse them of being "insiders" because they're in that office now, people also belly-ache about the need for campaign finance laws, then blame the candidates for things that those self-same campaign finance laws prevent them from doing anything about . . . because the people forgot, or never understood, what was in the laws they supported.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
C'mon, drink the cool aide and jump in line I did with Cruz! You got to support somebody.

You got to support somebody.


You're entirely welcome to stay home and not vote as far as I'm concerned. I think too many people vote that have no business doing so, anyway.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
C'mon, drink the cool aide and jump in line I did with Cruz! You got to support somebody.

You got to support somebody.


You're entirely welcome to stay home and not vote as far as I'm concerned. I think too many people vote that have no business doing so, anyway.

I think too many people vote that have no business doing so, anyway.

I quite agree.

and this year they are voting to put people , (R and D), in the oval office that shouldn't be allowed within 50 miles of Washington DC
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

I didn't watch the Sunday Shows today, but I was disappointed with Cruz in Iowa, spreading the disinformation that Carson was dropping out of the race. That wasn't his PAC, that was him. How do you run as the Evangelical Christian and then bald face lie like that?

The TPP photoshop doesn't bother me nearly as much. It is symbolic, and doesn't look like a real image. Rubio is in favor of the Obama negotiated, job killing TPP.

Which shows was this revealed on? I can watch tomorrow on Hulu.

How do you flatter yourself you're an intelligent person if you don't know the difference between "bald-faced lie" and "misunderstanding"? Rubio's campaign drew the same conclusion about the news spot, and several pundits have said they also heard it and drew that conclusion. If you watch the news spot, you can see that CNN was clearly trying to give that impression.

If you're outraged at anyone's "bald-faced lie", it should be Rubio and his attacks on Cruz for something his own campaign did, as well.
I worry about Cruz in the respect of these dirty tricks he is doing is in the open for all to see. What would he be doing in private against his perceived enemies? Or to get favors from others?

Puhleeze. You wouldn't know a "dirty trick" if one crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek. Anyone who's in the tank for Trump to the extent you are has NO moral standing to bitch about anyone else's character.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.

You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
You do not accept different thoughts from yours very well. Just as you say, you laughed at others who had concerns of the truthfulness of Cruz. Maybe that is a little lesson in humility. You are not always right. None of us are.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.

View attachment 64312
Note that the Cruz campaign just made up the part about “a big announcement next week.” Neither Carson nor CNN had said any such thing. Cruz’s forces made that up and included it in the memo to drive home the false impression that Carson was dropping out of the race.

The memo is on Cruz campaign letterhead and signed by Spence Rogers, who is Cruz’s deputy director for the state of Iowa. So, while I haven’t seen any report on whether Cruz was personally aware of, or involved in, the memo, it came from a relatively senior source in his campaign.

Cruz later apologized to Carson, explaining that his staff had sent the memo based on an early CNN report, but when a later report came out with a statement by Carson’s campaign that he wasn’t quitting the race, they didn’t follow up by sending out that report. For this, Cruz said he was sorry.

The Cruz Campaign’s Dirty Tricks

They didn't make up anything. The CNN spot SAID he was going to make a big announcement the next week. Of course, I wish you lots of luck finding a clip of it again, since CNN has done everything they can to make it unavailable so they can continue to fool suckers like you.

And what the hell did you WANT him to do? Oh, I know, you wanted him to give all his votes and delegates to Trump as the only POSSIBLE fair solution.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.

View attachment 64312
Note that the Cruz campaign just made up the part about “a big announcement next week.” Neither Carson nor CNN had said any such thing. Cruz’s forces made that up and included it in the memo to drive home the false impression that Carson was dropping out of the race.

The memo is on Cruz campaign letterhead and signed by Spence Rogers, who is Cruz’s deputy director for the state of Iowa. So, while I haven’t seen any report on whether Cruz was personally aware of, or involved in, the memo, it came from a relatively senior source in his campaign.

Cruz later apologized to Carson, explaining that his staff had sent the memo based on an early CNN report, but when a later report came out with a statement by Carson’s campaign that he wasn’t quitting the race, they didn’t follow up by sending out that report. For this, Cruz said he was sorry.

The Cruz Campaign’s Dirty Tricks

They didn't make up anything. The CNN spot SAID he was going to make a big announcement the next week. Of course, I wish you lots of luck finding a clip of it again, since CNN has done everything they can to make it unavailable so they can continue to fool suckers like you.

And what the hell did you WANT him to do? Oh, I know, you wanted him to give all his votes and delegates to Trump as the only POSSIBLE fair solution.
I was watching CNN that night. The only remark that CNN said was a joke that Carson was going home to change into a new suit. The talk host laughed and said he was wearing the same suit for four days. There was no "big announcement next week.."
As for your other comment, "What the hell you wanted him to do..." Just stop making things up would be a good start.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.

You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
That's interesting...I have been accused of turning my back on Trump! Why do any of you worry about who I support or don't. God, what losers you are!
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.

View attachment 64312
Note that the Cruz campaign just made up the part about “a big announcement next week.” Neither Carson nor CNN had said any such thing. Cruz’s forces made that up and included it in the memo to drive home the false impression that Carson was dropping out of the race.

The memo is on Cruz campaign letterhead and signed by Spence Rogers, who is Cruz’s deputy director for the state of Iowa. So, while I haven’t seen any report on whether Cruz was personally aware of, or involved in, the memo, it came from a relatively senior source in his campaign.

Cruz later apologized to Carson, explaining that his staff had sent the memo based on an early CNN report, but when a later report came out with a statement by Carson’s campaign that he wasn’t quitting the race, they didn’t follow up by sending out that report. For this, Cruz said he was sorry.

The Cruz Campaign’s Dirty Tricks

They didn't make up anything. The CNN spot SAID he was going to make a big announcement the next week. Of course, I wish you lots of luck finding a clip of it again, since CNN has done everything they can to make it unavailable so they can continue to fool suckers like you.

And what the hell did you WANT him to do? Oh, I know, you wanted him to give all his votes and delegates to Trump as the only POSSIBLE fair solution.
I was watching CNN that night. The only remark that CNN said was a joke that Carson was going home to change into a new suit. The talk host laughed and said he was wearing the same suit for four days. There was no "big announcement next week.."
As for your other comment, "What the hell you wanted him to do..." Just stop making things up would be a good start.

Maybe you should have been looking at their Twitter instead, since that's where the story came from. (Why you're bloviating on this subject when you don't even know THAT basic fact is beyond me. I can only assume it's because you're a Trump supporter, and emulating your big-mouthed, know-nothing leader.)

As always, your demands for other people's behavior, given your poof-haired Messiah, is rich with amusing irony.
Frankly, rather than going, "*gasp* Look what the media has revealed about Cruz now!" I'm more inclined to say, "Hmmm, the media REALLY wants to submarine Cruz. Must mean he's a good candidate."

It never fails to astonish me how many people are ready to believe and get their panties in a ruffle about the words of the very people they claim to be so angry at and hold in such contempt: the media and the GOP establishment. It's like they're not really clear on what they want, or how to get it.
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.

You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
That's interesting...I have been accused of turning my back on Trump! Why do any of you worry about who I support or don't. God, what losers you are!

I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass what any other person has said about you or seen of you, so I'll thank you to not include it as though it has some relevance to MY comments.

Furthermore, we're on a political message board, discussing the various candidates we each support. "Why would you worry about who I support?" Really, dumbass? You can't figure out the linear progression there? God, what a Trump supporter you are!
Your hyperbole is unnecessary. This thread is not about media bias. It is about the things Cruz's campaign have been caught doing. And no one has claimed that it's out of the norm.
I watched Rubio describe 3 incidents of underhanded bullshit the Cruz campaign has engaged in.
If you don't think it matters that is your choice. I believe it shows a pattern and Cruz would do well to address it.
No panties involved except yours in regards to my opinion. Get over yourself.

Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.

You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
That's interesting...I have been accused of turning my back on Trump! Why do any of you worry about who I support or don't. God, what losers you are!

I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass what any other person has said about you or seen of you, so I'll thank you to not include it as though it has some relevance to MY comments.

Furthermore, we're on a political message board, discussing the various candidates we each support. "Why would you worry about who I support?" Really, dumbass? You can't figure out the linear progression there? God, what a Trump supporter you are!
Your condescension knows no bounds. Truly an uptight bitch
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

If this was "just politics as usual" I wouldn't have a problem with it. BUT and it's a big but, Cruz made his campaign about taking the high road and not politics as usual. I'm really disappointed in Cruz and his staff.

Oh and the new one? Where one of his staff put up a notice that Rubio trash talked the Bible? I believe he apologized and resigned.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

If this was "just politics as usual" I wouldn't have a problem with it. BUT and it's a big but, Cruz made his campaign about taking the high road and not politics as usual. I'm really disappointed in Cruz and his staff.

Oh and the new one? Where one of his staff put up a notice that Rubio trash talked the Bible? I believe he apologized and resigned.
I believe he was fired by Cruz. He didn't want to take any chances...
Haven't used any hyperbole. I stated it as it is. Not my fault if you don't like your reflection in the mirror.

Cruz's campaign hasn't been "caught" doing anything. I'll say it again: the media and his opponents have manufactured scandals out of standard, legal campaign tactics and the public's own ignorance of same.

Furthermore, taking what a candidate's opponent says about him at face value is incredibly naive. Rubio LOVES to describe "underhanded bullshit" on the part of Cruz, and he's counting on you being too stupid and lazy to find out that his campaign has done the exact same stuff. Congratulations on playing exactly into his expectations of you.

If you want to get more of the same crap you claim to be angry about because as soon as an election comes up, you can be distracted by every shiny sleight-of-hand the media creates, that is your choice. I believe it just shows you aren't going to have jack to bitch about when you get what you're clamoring for.

Don't post publicly if you can't handle dissent. I'm not about applauding your stupid. Live with it.
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.

You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
That's interesting...I have been accused of turning my back on Trump! Why do any of you worry about who I support or don't. God, what losers you are!

I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass what any other person has said about you or seen of you, so I'll thank you to not include it as though it has some relevance to MY comments.

Furthermore, we're on a political message board, discussing the various candidates we each support. "Why would you worry about who I support?" Really, dumbass? You can't figure out the linear progression there? God, what a Trump supporter you are!
Your condescension knows no bounds. Truly an uptight bitch

Definition of an "uptight bitch" - a woman who doesn't think a penis equals intelligence, and says so.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

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