Watching the Sunday shows today is shaking my thoughts of leaning Cruz

There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

About 80-90% of the congress will keep their seats. There is no additional "anger" out there. The only difference in 2016 from any other election is that old white folks feel threatened. Something like 70-80% of the Congress is white, the Fortune 500 has something like 450+ white CEOs, most billionaires are white, most governors are white, the Supreme Court is 3/4 white....

It's truly mind boggling how programmable the right wing nut jobs are when it comes to being spoon fed anger.
Wow...I am really amazed.

Six months ago the left was saying Trump would never get nominated.

They also callled Hillary a lock.

They blew it on the first account and it's looking more and more like Hillary is in for a fight.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

About 80-90% of the congress will keep their seats. There is no additional "anger" out there. The only difference in 2016 from any other election is that old white folks feel threatened. Something like 70-80% of the Congress is white, the Fortune 500 has something like 450+ white CEOs, most billionaires are white, most governors are white, the Supreme Court is 3/4 white....

It's truly mind boggling how programmable the right wing nut jobs are when it comes to being spoon fed anger.

The train of "progress" just jumped the tracks.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.
Poor Cecilie is having a hard time absorbing the good news about Trump! Just imagine when President Trump announces the special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton's, her email server, mishandling TOP SECRET documents, improper donors to the Clinton Foundation and pay to play, quid pro quo, even Chelsea could be going down on that one! Good times!
Of course Cruz has been caught douing dirty tricks to garner votes instead of campaigning on his laurels. If you cannot accept the truth, I doubt if you are going to find a truthful candidate.

You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
That's interesting...I have been accused of turning my back on Trump! Why do any of you worry about who I support or don't. God, what losers you are!

I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass what any other person has said about you or seen of you, so I'll thank you to not include it as though it has some relevance to MY comments.

Furthermore, we're on a political message board, discussing the various candidates we each support. "Why would you worry about who I support?" Really, dumbass? You can't figure out the linear progression there? God, what a Trump supporter you are!
Your condescension knows no bounds. Truly an uptight bitch

Definition of an "uptight bitch" - a woman who doesn't think a penis equals intelligence, and says so.
Gramps misspoke. You are an uptight, ignorant bitch! :)
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

I'll pin it down for you. Trump is your nominee. The Republican Party allowed the radicals to seize control of the party and now it will pay the price. Either that, or the US will really pay the price with Trump at the reins.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

The best thing for Hillary is being chased
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

About 80-90% of the congress will keep their seats. There is no additional "anger" out there. The only difference in 2016 from any other election is that old white folks feel threatened. Something like 70-80% of the Congress is white, the Fortune 500 has something like 450+ white CEOs, most billionaires are white, most governors are white, the Supreme Court is 3/4 white....

It's truly mind boggling how programmable the right wing nut jobs are when it comes to being spoon fed anger.

The train of "progress" just jumped the tracks.

There is no stopping progress...delay is done at one's peril
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

About 80-90% of the congress will keep their seats. There is no additional "anger" out there. The only difference in 2016 from any other election is that old white folks feel threatened. Something like 70-80% of the Congress is white, the Fortune 500 has something like 450+ white CEOs, most billionaires are white, most governors are white, the Supreme Court is 3/4 white....

It's truly mind boggling how programmable the right wing nut jobs are when it comes to being spoon fed anger.

What's really mind-boggling is how utterly insulated you are from anyone who isn't a clone of you, politically speaking, leaving you completely, stunningly out-of-step with the entire rest of the population.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

About 80-90% of the congress will keep their seats. There is no additional "anger" out there. The only difference in 2016 from any other election is that old white folks feel threatened. Something like 70-80% of the Congress is white, the Fortune 500 has something like 450+ white CEOs, most billionaires are white, most governors are white, the Supreme Court is 3/4 white....

It's truly mind boggling how programmable the right wing nut jobs are when it comes to being spoon fed anger.

What's really mind-boggling is how utterly insulated you are from anyone who isn't a clone of you, politically speaking, leaving you completely, stunningly out-of-step with the entire rest of the population.

Stats don't lie.
You do.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.
Poor Cecilie is having a hard time absorbing the good news about Trump! Just imagine when President Trump announces the special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton's, her email server, mishandling TOP SECRET documents, improper donors to the Clinton Foundation and pay to play, quid pro quo, even Chelsea could be going down on that one! Good times!

:lalala: Trump, Trump, Trump! Thinking is for losers! Trump, Trump, Trump! :lalala:

And when I get done "just imagining" your fantasy scenario, I can spend some time "just imagining" when I win the Powerball and buy my very own purple unicorn. Gosh, I hope they come in lilac!
You're supporting Trump. Tell me again about morality, truthfulness, and character. I need a good laugh.
That's interesting...I have been accused of turning my back on Trump! Why do any of you worry about who I support or don't. God, what losers you are!

I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass what any other person has said about you or seen of you, so I'll thank you to not include it as though it has some relevance to MY comments.

Furthermore, we're on a political message board, discussing the various candidates we each support. "Why would you worry about who I support?" Really, dumbass? You can't figure out the linear progression there? God, what a Trump supporter you are!
Your condescension knows no bounds. Truly an uptight bitch

Definition of an "uptight bitch" - a woman who doesn't think a penis equals intelligence, and says so.
Gramps misspoke. You are an uptight, ignorant bitch! :)

Emasculation doesn't equal intelligence either, apparently.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Electing a major Hillary campaign donor is a surefire way to get her investigated and prosecuted. You brilliant fiends, you!

Your logic is not like our Earth logic.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

The best thing for Hillary is being chased

Well, she can't get her husband to do it, so I guess her best chance at feeling wanted is a special prosecutor.
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

The best thing for Hillary is being chased

Well, she can't get her husband to do it, so I guess her best chance at feeling wanted is a special prosecutor.

No better way to make yourself irrelevant than to bring up some nonsense from the early 90's in 2016. Do you like being a nobody?
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.
The Trump movement has made "the establishment" worried. I don't think the Senate would have voted NOT to take any of Obama's appointees under advisement without seeing the anger of the Republican voters. Washington is getting the message!

The Trump movement makes sane people worried.

As for your "anger":

Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment, even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise, including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please unchallenged.

I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to. You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but you support a slimy swindler andfraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for personal gain.

You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.

You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the establishment” right until he ran for president.

You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and “compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.

Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.

In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That is what makes me angry. - (thanks to Matt Walsh)

Your "anger", your "candidate", are just another example of bread and circuses, throwing anyone and anything handy to the lions so you can cheer and hoot and holler while the government goes on with more of the same, secure in the knowledge that you're too pacified by your lowest-common-denominator show to demand real solutions.

About 80-90% of the congress will keep their seats. There is no additional "anger" out there. The only difference in 2016 from any other election is that old white folks feel threatened. Something like 70-80% of the Congress is white, the Fortune 500 has something like 450+ white CEOs, most billionaires are white, most governors are white, the Supreme Court is 3/4 white....

It's truly mind boggling how programmable the right wing nut jobs are when it comes to being spoon fed anger.

What's really mind-boggling is how utterly insulated you are from anyone who isn't a clone of you, politically speaking, leaving you completely, stunningly out-of-step with the entire rest of the population.

Stats don't lie.
You do.

There are lies, damned lies and statistics. -Mark Twain
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

The best thing for Hillary is being chased

Well, she can't get her husband to do it, so I guess her best chance at feeling wanted is a special prosecutor.

No better way to make yourself irrelevant than to bring up some nonsense from the early 90's in 2016. Do you like being a nobody?

You would know all about ways to make yourself irrelevant, this is true. For instance, pretending that things happen in a vacuum with no reference to history . . . or pretending that your disapproval is some devastating blow.

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