Watching the REAL left is endlessly entertaining

More real left.

There is a burning question that no poll, no news correspondent, and no newspaper wants to consider.

It is important, too, because the November mid-terms are just around the corner.

With more and more states with Republican legislatures and Republican governors passing more and more laws restricting abortions, come election time will Republican women in these Republican states support the Republican position that the government is in control of a pregnant women's health?

I doubt forum Republicans will answer that question. They never do. They don't talk much about issues. It may be an intelligence issue.

Nevertheless, it would be nice to get some feedback on that question.
I'm sure they're working on something seein' as they look like total asses in this situation.

brie and other 'whores de Oovers' are fer the elites of muthah's vineyard. These folk get the snacks of the common riffraff. Surprised there are no buggs in it.
I wish a plane load of muslims would arrive on 'the Island'. or perhaps a busload of chicagoans.

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