WATCH: Trump Warns Obama Can be Charged For Drone Strikes if Court Rules Against Immunity Claims

This just might be the dumbest topic started in 2024 so far.
Oh come on, there's been dumber...

Its an interesting argument, basically arguing that the US must declare war before warmaking can occur.

The easy out that the court will take of course, is that attempting to commit fraud and subvert the election is not within the President's Executive Power, and thus not protected. I am a little surprised they just didn't issue such last night.
Another reason to condemn Obama. Despite his promises to end the wars and not expand them, he got his supporters to accept any war, any where.

Sure..........that was republicans.
They blocked Obama...........Then, blamed him.

Republicans, Again, Call Obama Inconsistent on Iraq​

The New York Times › 2008/07/07 › republican...

Jul 7, 2008 — Last week Senator Barack Obama indicated his willingness to “refine” his plans to withdraw troops from Iraq. Republicans immediately pounced ...

Obama under GOP fire for decision to pull US troops out by ...​

Daily Mail › news › article-2051961

Oct 22, 2011 — Republicans condemned President Obama's announcement that remaining U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year.

House GOP leaders to Obama: Keep 9800 troops in ...​

POLITICO Pro › article › 2016/03 › h...

Mar 16, 2016 — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the chairmen of House national security committees are urging the White House to drop its plans to ...
Ha! Jack Smith wasn't expecting this. Remember when Obama had an American citizen assassinated by a drone in 2011? Yea, that's what I thought. Nevertheless Trump and his lawyers did though.

Biden can also be prosecuted for his botched Afghanistan withdrawal that resulted in the death of 13 US service members.

“The lowest moment, I think, in the history of our country was Afghanistan – the way we withdrew. With shame. We surrendered. People were killed, 13 great soldiers killed…[Biden] could be prosecuted for that. So you can’t have a president without immunity,” Trump said.

One of Trump’s lawyers said as soon as they argued that Obama could be prosecuted for drone strikes, all of a sudden Jack Smith pivoted and said that Obama should be protected from criminal prosecution because of presidential immunity.

WATCH in link.
It's important to keep in mind how childish Trump is.
He is incapable of thinking or acting like a normal adult.
So this latest grasping at straws and tit-for-tatting over the presidential immunity question is just more of his immature pubescent tantrumming.
It's like when a child gets busted for breaking a rule and their only attempted defense is "yeah...b-but Billy did it too!"
It doesn't work.
It's a hopeless attempt at deflection and no courts or judges will buy it.
Every situation is different and just because Trump's actions in attempting to steal the election most likely won't get immunity that isn't a blanket "rule" now that NO presidential action can ever be covered by presidential immunity.
Each case has to be examined on an individual basis.

It will be the same situation if The SCOTUS rules next month in favor of Colorado's right to manage it's own ballot and remove Trump for it.
The petty tit-for-tatting will begin immediately with red states threatening to "do the same thing to Biden."
Will it be possible.
Most lukely nit.
Not unless it can be proven in court that Biden did the same thing as Trump.
See, that's how it works in the grownup world.
It's important to keep in mind how childish Trump is.
He is incapable of thinking or acting like a normal adult.
So this latest grasping at straws and tit-for-tatting over the presidential immunity question is just more of his immature pubescent tantrumming.
It's like when a child gets busted for breaking a rule and their only attempted defense is "yeah...b-but Billy did it too!"
It doesn't work.
It's a hopeless attempt at deflection and no courts or judges will buy it.
Every situation is different and just because Trump's actions in attempting to steal the election most likely won't get immunity that isn't a blanket "rule" now that NO presidential action can ever be covered by presidential immunity.
Each case has to be examined on an individual basis.

It will be the same situation if The SCOTUS rules next month in favor of Colorado's right to manage it's own ballot and remove Trump for it.
The petty tit-for-tatting will begin immediately with red states threatening to "do the same thing to Biden."
Will it be possible.
Most lukely nit.
Not unless it can be proven in court that Biden did the same thing as Trump.
See, that's how it works in the grownup world.
It's also childish to try and prosecute the person running against you in an election.
It's important to keep in mind how childish Trump is.
He is incapable of thinking or acting like a normal adult.
Right, we are suppose to listen to you, about how a billionaire thinks and acts.

If you were just a little bit right, Trump would not be a successful billionaire, or hollywood star, or president.

That was about the stupidest thing you have said yet
The war on terror did not include Yemen.

When Trump was president, Trump wrote and executive order banning Terrorists from Yemen coming to the USA and it was the Democrats who screamed bloody murder that this was racist? Now you claim we were war with Yemen? Proving Trump right.

View attachment 886016

Yemen was sending shoe bombers into the US before Trump. Remember the USS Cole?
Do you accept that Iraq was developing WMD and were an immediate direct threat to the US?

Do you think we should have just accepted Trump's claims of a stolen election and not have to present anything in court?

I already addressed this. In absentia.

Nope. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Diplomats, Arabs, oilmen... everyone opposed the invasion of Iraq. See Clean Break Strategy and Operation Mass Appeal.
It’s always been open. No one in this country seriously believes we’d be better off if presidents are immune from prosecution for illegal acts.
The door may be open legally, but until it's used the first time it may as well have been closed. There is a way TRUMP! could have been investigated and tried for his actions, but the democrats have long since blown any credibility they have claiming that they're only seeking justice. Rightly or wrongly, we've always had a tradition of looking the other way when it comes to presidents. This smacks of political theater, not justice.
Sure..........that was republicans.
They blocked Obama...........Then, blamed him.

Republicans, Again, Call Obama Inconsistent on Iraq

View attachment 886020
The New York Times › 2008/07/07 › republican...
Jul 7, 2008 — Last week Senator Barack Obama indicated his willingness to “refine” his plans to withdraw troops from Iraq. Republicans immediately pounced ...

Obama under GOP fire for decision to pull US troops out by ...

View attachment 886021
Daily Mail › news › article-2051961

Oct 22, 2011 — Republicans condemned President Obama's announcement that remaining U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year.

House GOP leaders to Obama: Keep 9800 troops in ...

POLITICO Pro › article › 2016/03 › h...
Mar 16, 2016 — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the chairmen of House national security committees are urging the White House to drop its plans to ...

You Trump supporters are all the same. I say that because you act just like them with your lame excuses.
Yemen was sending shoe bombers into the US before Trump. Remember the USS Cole?

Nope. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Diplomats, Arabs, oilmen... everyone opposed the invasion of Iraq. See Clean Break Strategy and Operation Mass Appeal.

Everyone but Republicans and Democrats.
You Trump supporters are all the same. I say that because you act just like them with your lame excuses.
1) NOT an orange traitor supporter.
2) It wasn't Trump who blocked Obama, it was war mongering teabaggers.
The door may be open legally, but until it's used the first time it may as well have been closed. There is a way TRUMP! could have been investigated and tried for his actions, but the democrats have long since blown any credibility they have claiming that they're only seeking justice. Rightly or wrongly, we've always had a tradition of looking the other way when it comes to presidents. This smacks of political theater, not justice.
If it was ever closed in the past, it’s because presidents weren’t callous enough to break laws brazenly. Nixon did, and should have been prosecuted. He was pardoned thinking it was better for the country in the moment, and maybe it was, but excusing criminality harmed the nation by degrading the rule of law.

A tradition of looking the other way is harmful to a nation supposedly founded on laws and not men.

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