Watch live as President Donald J. Trump holds a rally in Houston, TX

Any word on any accomplishments by Ted Cruz? Grampa Murked U

I live in Houston and I can tell you that a couple of years ago Ted Cruz was verboten amongst the Republicans. Even the hard core hated him because he's nothing but a creepy gas bag.

This time around the Houston Chronicle endorsed Beto O'Rourke for his stand on policies and because Cruz has a "repellant" personality.

I actually live in Houston and I can say with all honesty you're full of shit!!!!
Any word on any accomplishments by Ted Cruz? Grampa Murked U

I live in Houston and I can tell you that a couple of years ago Ted Cruz was verboten amongst the Republicans. Even the hard core hated him because he's nothing but a creepy gas bag.

This time around the Houston Chronicle endorsed Beto O'Rourke for his stand on policies and because Cruz has a "repellant" personality.

Fuck off douche bag.

The President is a nationalist he puts America First!!!!! :2up:

He's a fucking moron and a world joke...
I loved the point he emphasized about being the 'unpopular' Nationalist! & how he wore, as a badge of honor, the 70% of nations disapproval with a US-centric presidency, lol. (Fantastic)

The leftards will have a field day with Trump admitting that he's a "nationalist." Because of their inability to reason, they associate the word "nationalist" to white supremacy or Nazism. They don't have a clue that nationalism means love of country.

Even Michelle Obama once stated that for the first time in her life, she was "proud of her country." So does that make her a "white supremacist" or a "nazi"? So she can be proud of her country and we can't?
In VERY simple terms Trump explained what a 'globalist' was & why he doesn't subscribe to that ideology. He was even gentle about saying that we have no problem providing support & safety abroad & even to 'some of the richest countries in the world' but that it's time for us to be reimbursed. Also, he very simplistically laid forth his claim to nationalism and the sanctity of a nation existing because of the sovereignty of its borders. In a nut shell, America comes first (period) and if America is diminished the rest of the globe is somewhat fucked!

The President is a nationalist he puts America First!!!!! :2up:

He's a fucking moron and a world joke...
I loved the point he emphasized about being the 'unpopular' Nationalist! & how he wore, as a badge of honor, the 70% of nations disapproval with a US-centric presidency, lol. (Fantastic)

The leftards will have a field day with Trump admitting that he's a "nationalist." Because of their inability to reason, they associate the word "nationalist" to white supremacy or Nazism. They don't have a clue that nationalism means love of country.

Even Michelle Obama once stated that for the first time in her life, she was "proud of her country." So does that make her a "white supremacist" or a "nazi"? So she can be proud of her country and we can't?
The talking heads will be parroting it tomorrow.
Actually, he's not only made a joke out of the American leftists, but globalist shitheads all over the world.

You people are really pathetic. I'd feel something for you but I can't muster up enough sympathy.
In picture dictionaries, right next to the word moron, is a portrait of the Orange Buffoon.
I loved the point he emphasized about being the 'unpopular' Nationalist! & how he wore, as a badge of honor, the 70% of nations disapproval with a US-centric presidency, lol. (Fantastic)

Just playing to his Deplorable gallery. And you nimrods lap it up like the dogs you are...
In VERY simple terms Trump explained what a 'globalist' was & why he doesn't subscribe to that ideology. He was even gentle about saying that we have no problem providing support & safety abroad & even to 'some of the richest countries in the world' but that it's time for us to be reimbursed. Also, he very simplistically laid forth his claim to nationalism and the sanctity of a nation existing because of the sovereignty of its borders. In a nut shell, America comes first (period) and if America is diminished the rest of the globe is somewhat fucked!

it is a global world. Get on board or get left behind.

And the irony of this post. America is being diminished because they have a bona fide retard in the WH.
Crowded outside too...........LOL

Wow! they just showed the crowds outside!!!! they are YUGEEEE:2up::2up:

WOW! The crowds outside the capitol were MUCH BIGGER....

That is a horribly photoshopped picture.

Donald J Trump....two times President! :thup:GOD Bless him and all Patriots

God Bless America God Bless President Trump!

The demonic left will not be able to harm him!! NEVER NEVER NEVER

The Swamp is being drained alright!
Hahah the crowd went crazy as he mentions investigate Hillary C. bahahah.

Yeah, they lap up the regurgitation from 2 years ago.
That's how brain dead they are.
They eat that shit up and that's exactly what it is, too.
Do you need a Valium. Settle down nipple dick.

STFU little dick.
The President will talk shortly!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS :2up::2up::2up::thewave:

Id rather slam my fingers in a door.


Do it I dare ya
Hahah the crowd went crazy as he mentions investigate Hillary C. bahahah.

Yeah, they lap up the regurgitation from 2 years ago.
That's how brain dead they are.
They eat that shit up and that's exactly what it is, too.
Do you need a Valium. Settle down nipple dick.

I think she/it does LOL :laugh:

The half wits are easily taken in by a carnival barker.

With this said are you sorry you voted for obongo?

Are you kidding? Obama was the worst American President this country has ever had, yet the libtards still have their collective heads so far up his ass, they can taste what he had for breakfast.

You're a sick little fucker ain't ya.
Apparently tons of empty seats an hour into the Trump meeting last night.

If you watch the whole 23 second vid, you see the upper deck almost empty in places. On a Monday night in Houston too....nothing else going on for miles and miles....LOL

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