Watch How People Respond to Bible Quotes When Told They're From the Quran


If you watch Watters on Bile Ori'ly he attempts this kind of thing but Watters is dishonest in his methods. This is simply reading straight from the bible. You do this kind of thing in some parts of the south and they'd try to lynch you. Fake kristians DO NOT like their hypocrisy being brought out into the open like this at all.

your "experiment" is utterly meaningless. It involves careful teasing out of individual phrases ----that are IN TRANSLATION and not even being interpreted by the scholars of the people---who generated those writings------your experiment is 100% bullshit. ANY IDIOT can do that with just about any book---including the ODYSSEY
fellow posters----I read the koran before some of you were born----and long before MOST of the people in the area of the USA knew the word "koran"-----English translation---Pickthal---an Englishman. As far as I know---it was the only English translation of the koran at that time. I did not learn about islam by reading the koran------I learned about islam from muslims born and educated in muslim lands. I read the New Testament at about age 12-----I did not learn anything about Christianity from that reading either------Christianity I got from my friends and neighbors and some visits to churches. I read the Bhagavad Gita sometime in my teens when the Beetles were big news------and the Ramayana----Hinduism still confuses me. I also read the Divine Comedy and---the Odyssey, the Illiad and the Aneid. etc etc ------none of those
readings gave me much of a handle on the various religions of
the world. You might just as well compare the bible to MOBY DICK as an "experiment"
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.
Quran comes from the OT or the OT comes from the Koran, just too much alike.
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.
The purpose is to expose the hypocrisy and prejudice of credulous rubes like you, and you are walking right into it.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If Islam really was a religion of violence, you would already be dead.
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

Penelope never read the bible either---she is just repeating that which she learned from her catechism whore. It is certainly true that most Christians never read the OT-----I have had conversation with ---STUDENT PRIESTS and EX-PRIESTS (of the catholic variety) who had no concept of what the contents of the OT are-----but----they did claim they read it..
Most Christians never read the NT-------but they seem to know its contents a bit better than does Penny. BTW penny----who was LOT? was he a jew? who was adolf hitler? ---someone you like a lot better than you do the person called LOT?
Is this another straw man attempt to defend radical Islam as the religion of peace? Muhammad stole from the Bible and made it the book of Jihad.

So...Muhammad stole all the violent, barbaric things the OT god told his followers to do...?

Christianity is the source of all the evil shit in the world today?
Quran comes from the OT or the OT comes from the Koran, just too much alike.

^^^^ the opinion of a person who never read either book. The similarities between the OT and the Koran are about as comprehensive as are the similarities between Superman comics and The Ladies Home Journal
"If you've been raised with this book and these kinds of thoughts it's going to influence the way you think".

Exactly. Unless it's your own book. Then --- "oh wait, that's different!"

I love the way "WHAT THE FUCK!?" is an expression in Dutch. :lol:
Suggestion-----Leave it to muslim scholars to INTERPRET THE KORAN---that is muslims who know Arabic and can read it and understand "from where its coming". The interpretation of the koran by people who KNOW----is "shariah"
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

Best part of the Bible is where they advocate rape. It's a filthy, abhorrent, disgusting text. Just as bad as the Quran.
This seems like a good time to talk about two cute nerdy girls talking about taking it in the ass.

Suggestion-----Leave it to muslim scholars to INTERPRET THE KORAN---that is muslims who know Arabic and can read it and understand "from where its coming". The interpretation of the koran by people who KNOW----is "shariah"

Everybody who posts in the USMB politics forum is a "Muslim scholar". Don't you know that?

By the way we capitalize proper nouns in English.
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

Penelope never read the bible either---she is just repeating that which she learned from her catechism whore. It is certainly true that most Christians never read the OT-----I have had conversation with ---STUDENT PRIESTS and EX-PRIESTS (of the catholic variety) who had no concept of what the contents of the OT are-----but----they did claim they read it..
Most Christians never read the NT-------but they seem to know its contents a bit better than does Penny. BTW penny----who was LOT? was he a jew? who was adolf hitler? ---someone you like a lot better than you do the person called LOT?

Right, there you go bringing Hitler up, old Jew trick, bring up Hitler or Holocaust to shut people up about your nasty books. Quite the contra, the church said no need to read the bible they'll teach us everything we need to know, they only read the good stuff in Mass, not the creepy stuff. Well Lot was a drunk and got his daughters pg , can you say that about Hitler?
Suggestion-----Leave it to muslim scholars to INTERPRET THE KORAN---that is muslims who know Arabic and can read it and understand "from where its coming". The interpretation of the koran by people who KNOW----is "shariah"

Suggestion -- stop posting.
Most Christians do not realize what it says in the OT, and have not even read it. The OT is about lying, incest, homosexuality, sex slaves, genocide, and well just read EZE 16. Lots daughters got their dad drunk and had sex with him. Its disgusting.

Best part of the Bible is where they advocate rape. It's a filthy, abhorrent, disgusting text. Just as bad as the Quran.

what part is that? ------if you do not remember---just ask Penelope. The koran does not precisely advocate rape----
It does not say GO AND RAPE PEOPLE. The legality and illegality of rape is an interpretation by muslim scholars based on things muhummad did------and his specific directives

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