Wasn't Anyone In That Nightclub Armed? Not One With A Gun?

There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.

This was a dance club....many were drunk or high....and had no idea what was happening when it first started..then the rush to exits and away from the shooter bottle necked people in doorways........in the dark and the loud music......

Rushing anyone would be illogical.....
It did not seem illogical when United Flight 93 passengers attacked the hijackers (they went down fighting and saving who knows how many lives) or when the guys fucked the Moroccan terrorist up on the high speed train in France.
Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.

Armed Israelis are active duty. Not a bunch of untrained civilians.
Wow....nice touch. Bunch of untrained civilians.... A lot of those civilians could be ex military fighting in wars over there where you are, many of those civilians are avid sportsmen shooting guns very frequently, or just the bunch of civilians who reload their cartridges, honing their sharp shooting skills frequently etc. This is a country where bearing arms is a right and we cherish and protect that right.
The notion that an armed citizen – carrying a concealed firearm for his personal protection – would ‘leap into action’ and ‘save the day’ by shooting the attacker is childish, naïve, and unrealistic.

Especially when drunk at 2am while dancing with their glock down their panties on a hot night.
The notion that an armed citizen – carrying a concealed firearm for his personal protection – would ‘leap into action’ and ‘save the day’ by shooting the attacker is childish, naïve, and unrealistic.
^^^^ fails as composition fallacy
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.

I think also it could have been a combination of things happening so fast and the shock it was happening. Sometimes in a situation, people are so shocked they freeze and are unable to even function.

In hindsight, for those who thankfully have never been in such a horrific situation, it's easy for us to say what we'd have done had we have been in that nightclub.
Plus the terrorist blocked all the exits.
You will never see one of these Islamic cowards show up in a biker bar. They need an enforced gun-free zone with helpless unarmed people so that they can rack up a big body count and get a nicer place at Mohammed's table.

They're the ultimate in cowardice, this is why they always attack Soft Targets.

"get a nicer place at Mohammed's table."

Satan's table.
They are not cowards, Lucy. These jihadists are ready to die to assert their principles and there is nothing cowardly about that.

There is nothing more dangerous than a man, or a woman, who is ready to die. Such a soldier is worth a hundred of the ordinary kind. These are very dangerous individuals and it's time we start thinking seriously about how to deal with them.

Maybe start by trying to stop breeding more.
How the hell are we going to get them to 'stop breeding more' when it is a sign of Gods approval and blessing in their religion?
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.

This was a dance club....many were drunk or high....and had no idea what was happening when it first started..then the rush to exits and away from the shooter bottle necked people in doorways........in the dark and the loud music......

Rushing anyone would be illogical.....
It did not seem illogical when United Flight 93 passengers attacked the hijackers (they went down fighting and saving who knows how many lives) or when the guys fucked the Moroccan terrorist up on the high speed train in France.

It was illogical for those in the club......they were not mentally prepared to fight.....
It's all an obvious hoax story.

The club was a gun-free zone so the alleged attack could never have happened.

Because gun control WORKS!

(Doesn't it?)

Funny how:

People gun shot up and killed with gun control = gun control doesn't work.
People get shot up and killed without gun control = we need more guns.
A carry conceal is not to go hunt down the bad guy.

It is to hunker down and protect those with you.

Remember that if you have a gun in your hand when the police enter such a situation, they will shoot you. They won't ask you anything: they will shoot you.
You're right, which is why I advocate extensive training for CCW permit holders. It's important to know how to avoid being a vulnerable target for arriving police.

Lie down. Put your gun away when the job is done. When the police arrive, turn your back and raise your hands.

You can't drive a car when drunk, but you can shoot a gun when drunk....

You wouldn't be drinking if you were carrying...adults make the adjustment....Virginia allows concealed carry in bars as of last year...their crime rate in bars dropped 5.9%......
The notion that an armed citizen – carrying a concealed firearm for his personal protection – would ‘leap into action’ and ‘save the day’ by shooting the attacker is childish, naïve, and unrealistic.

No one said you would have to....the guys in the bathroom...could have shot him......and if he is between you and the exit.....you want the gun.......or you simply hold up in a back office, the bathroom or behind the bar....and if you have to you shoot him...or wait till the police arrive...moron...
Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.

Armed Israelis are active duty. Not a bunch of untrained civilians.

Untrained civilians in America stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year according to a bill clinton Department of Justice study on gun self defense....
Funny how:

People gun shot up and killed with gun control = gun control doesn't work.
People get shot up and killed without gun control = we need more guns.


Obviously gun control worked and nothing happened. The problem is you insist on believing what you are fed by the captive media.

You know I'm right because you're reading it on an internet blog, right?
A carry conceal is not to go hunt down the bad guy.

It is to hunker down and protect those with you.

Remember that if you have a gun in your hand when the police enter such a situation, they will shoot you. They won't ask you anything: they will shoot you.
You're right, which is why I advocate extensive training for CCW permit holders. It's important to know how to avoid being a vulnerable target for arriving police.

Lie down. Put your gun away when the job is done. When the police arrive, turn your back and raise your hands.

You can't drive a car when drunk, but you can shoot a gun when drunk....

And yet people go to dance clubs.....don't drink because they are driving home...and yet they will automatically drink if they are carrying a gun....

your logic needs a lot of work....
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.

Yeah right. Tough keyboard warrior. First shot you hear............ Most or all people duck and try to save their own life. You don't stand up there looking for a beer bottle or chair then charge at the shooter. Unless you are a dummy.
Funny how:

People gun shot up and killed with gun control = gun control doesn't work.
People get shot up and killed without gun control = we need more guns.


Obviously gun control worked and nothing happened. The problem is you insist on believing what you are fed by the captive media.

You know I'm right because you're reading it on an internet blog, right?

Well clearly guns didn't work either....

What, exactly, have I been fed by the media? Oh, wait, no, you're just attacking me rather than discussing the issue.

Here's the deal.

There was a mass shooting in Paris by quite a few guys, 130 died. There's one in Florida where potentially 50 have died at the hands of, what looks like at the moment, one guy.

The difference?

The difference is that the French murder rate is about 1.0 and the US murder rate is about 4.0, and 3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns.

There's your difference. Oh, that and France didn't go to war in Iraq and still got attacked, whereas the US was most responsible for the invasion of Iraq and got hit.
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.

Yeah right. Tough keyboard warrior. First shot you hear............ Most or all people duck and try to save their own life. You don't stand up there looking for a beer bottle or chair then charge at the shooter. Unless you are a dummy.
Projecting much? Since you are a yellow belly chickenshit you think everybody is one. Keyboard warrior... huh?
Funny thing is you have no idea who the fuck I am, what did I do what I did not do in my life. If I am/were military or not, if I am/were law enforcement or not. Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch.
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"Wasn't Anyone In That Nightclub Armed? Not One With A Gun?"

Florida law prohibits the carrying of concealed firearms in “[a]ny portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose[.]”

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If the nightclub was subject to the above provision, then concealed firearms wouldn’t be allowed to begin with.
The notion that an armed citizen – carrying a concealed firearm for his personal protection – would ‘leap into action’ and ‘save the day’ by shooting the attacker is childish, naïve, and unrealistic.
^^^^ fails as composition fallacy

Obviously you have no idea what a composition fallacy is.

Private citizens have no training or experience with regard to an active shooter in a public venue – the notion of a private citizen ‘saving the day’ is a moronic fantasy, devoid of evidence or merit.

And anyone who would attempt to be a ‘hero’ would end up killing innocent bystanders, not the shooter.

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