Wash. doctors and NRA engage in Twitter war over gun safety


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
If you ever had a bad doctor, one who is the epitome of the stereotypical "God complex", or one who simply lacks the ethics to put their patient's welfare above their own self-interest, financial or otherwise, then you'd understand why this is an issue.

Getting this categorized as a "public safety issue" will allow the same dubious and even more intrusive forays into the lives of their patients. The trampling of the rights of one set of people in order to appease the bloodlust of another group of people.

Wash. doctors and NRA engage in Twitter war over gun safety

There's a firestorm brewing between the National Rifle Association (NRA) and some physicians – and it’s blowing up on Twitter.

The social media war of words began when the NRA took aim at doctors over gun safety - starting last week with this NRA tweet: 'Someone should tell self-important doctors to stay in their lane.'

At issue, recent medical publications published by the American College of Physicians view gun safety as a public health issue. Within its recommendations, is a a ban on semiautomatic firearms.

Dr. Elizabeth Meade, Seattle's Swedish Medical Center Chief of Pediatric, is one of the many other physicians who pushed back online.

She tweeted: 'My lane is the ER when kids come in shot in the face'.

"We're not anti-gun, we're anti-preventable death," Meade told KOMO News.

The pediatrician said 342 people in the U.S. are shot every day, 47 of of them are kids or teens and insisted stats like that create a public health issue.

"Especially in the world of pediatricians where you have to tell a parent their child is dead or paralyzed. That changes you for the rest of your life, I don't think you can carry that experience forward and not want to do something about it," said Meade.

"I can certainly sympathize with the NRA for saying, 'hey stick to your own lane,' " said Dave Workman.

The former firearms instructor and Senior Editor of the Second Amendment Foundation's GunMag.Org said firearm safety is in a doctors 'sandbox' – he insisted firearms instructors, not doctors know best about gun safety.

He pointed to the Second Amendment Foundations’ group called Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, which he said considers the matter a so-called ‘boundary issue’.​
I seen that story tonight and wondered why it became news now...…..after the toughest gun laws in the country were just passed. It was kinda like shutting the barn door after the horse got out.
Gun safety is a public health issue? People are mangled and killed every day in much greater numbers in vehicle accidents and that's not a public health issue?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is not a war on guns, it's a war on a way of life or way of being. These people view all hunters and gun enthusiasts as ignorant rednecks and hate this group of people with a purple passion.

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