Was this really the breast decision?

skull you just hate children period......

so you not only want to isolate women....but now you want to dictate where they can be?

frankly i find men scratching their balls in public annoying.....people picking their noses etc

guess what skull you dont rule the world or the country or the county......do ya?

Hey I can't perform my bodily functions in public so why should a woman just because she spit out a rug rat?

And I am not isolating anyone. They chose to have a brat so let them deal with it out of eye shot.

All you breeders make the assumption that there is something special about children. Well there isn't. Women have been pumping out pups for millions of years so get over it already.

Why are so many of you homosexuals so angry all the time? Aren't you supposed to be 'gay'?

You should know Kunthair
skull you just hate children period......

so you not only want to isolate women....but now you want to dictate where they can be?

frankly i find men scratching their balls in public annoying.....people picking their noses etc

guess what skull you dont rule the world or the country or the county......do ya?

Hey I can't perform my bodily functions in public so why should a woman just because she spit out a rug rat?

And I am not isolating anyone. They chose to have a brat so let them deal with it out of eye shot.

All you breeders make the assumption that there is something special about children. Well there isn't. Women have been pumping out pups for millions of years so get over it already.

I do not like your take on this one little bit. This post makes you appear idiotic and vile, now go play with your balls on a busy street in traffic.

I have the common decency not to scratch in public. Is it too much to ask the same from women when it comes to breast feeding?
Why are you addressing me personally and assuming I am offended?

And as long as we are discussing THE ISSUE, would you not agree that there are many "natural" things that we usually do in private?

Simple. If you don't want us to assume you are anti breast feeding in a public place perhaps you should consider changing the phraseology of your op.

To what specific phraseology are you reffering?

I would have thought it obvious since your op only consisted of one brief sentence...."Is there a reason why going to a dressing room would be such a burden?"
Is there a reason why going to a dressing room would be such a burden?

Breastfeeding at Target: Moms Stage National Demonstration - ABC News

Why in the hell must a mom run to the dressing room to nurse the child? Mom's were likely nursing children long before dressing rooms were on the planet.

If people are offended by that natural act why are they looking or staring?

Taking a shit is natural, would you mind if i took a dump right in front of you?

Go for it!!! However I likely have a busy schedule that would not allow me time to observe. Perhaps someone might come along and engage you in conversation.
Hey I can't perform my bodily functions in public so why should a woman just because she spit out a rug rat?

And I am not isolating anyone. They chose to have a brat so let them deal with it out of eye shot.

All you breeders make the assumption that there is something special about children. Well there isn't. Women have been pumping out pups for millions of years so get over it already.

Why are so many of you homosexuals so angry all the time? Aren't you supposed to be 'gay'?

You should know Kunthair

I should know what?
Simple. If you don't want us to assume you are anti breast feeding in a public place perhaps you should consider changing the phraseology of your op.

To what specific phraseology are you reffering?

I would have thought it obvious since your op only consisted of one brief sentence...."Is there a reason why going to a dressing room would be such a burden?"

That's what we call a question. Welcome to ESL 101.
Why would I know that? That is obviously YOUR bag of 'tricks.' miss.

You have been projecting your homosexuality for quite some time now, Kunthair.

It's too late for you to close the closet door now, skull fuck. You hate women, you hate children, you use code words like "breeder,"...You are OUT, miss.

I love women. In fact I adore my wife and I don't like kids. Is that too much for your little mind to comprehend?

I chose not to have kids a long time ago so I can rightly call people like you breeders because that is exactly what you are.

Do you really think all people who don't have kids are homosexual?
why should a woman have to hide to breast feed? i breast fed and no one could tell.....you simply toss a blanket over your shoulder and smother the child...

what the fuck is wrong with a country that sees breast feeding as 'sexual' or abnormal? what the fuck is wrong with a country where you prefer infants feed with chemicals than breast feed?

i think your attitude is fucked...but that is just me.

No it isn't.
Is there a reason why going to a dressing room would be such a burden?

Breastfeeding at Target: Moms Stage National Demonstration - ABC News

Is there a reason a woman should have to go to a dressing room to nurse child? Shouldn't we, as a society, be evolved enough not to get need to hide mothers away because some idiot might be excited or offended?

As long as everyone else can whip out body parts in public why not? After all who gives a shit if idiots get excited or offended right?

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