Was this pandemic a conspiracy between the CCP, DNC, MSM and the CIA to stop Trump ?

It could also be that he mishandled it and said the wrong things in order to sound like he knew what he was talking about. Quick to place blame on anything that moved, make false statements, and pat himself on the back for doing a good job on handling of the pandemic. Yet the first few months he was in denial. Imagine what would have happen if he jump on board at the start.

Trump said in in 2014 that Obama should resign because of his handling of the Ebola outbreak.
Trump was also quick to critic the H1N1 flu outbreak, He also blamed Obama for many things concerning the outbreak

If he was not busy denying, placing blame, and sound like an expert in the field, then yeah it was a conspiracy to deny or take any blame.
It could also be that he mishandled it and said the wrong things in order to sound like he knew what he was talking about. Quick to place blame on anything that moved, make false statements, and pat himself on the back for doing a good job on handling of the pandemic. Yet the first few months he was in denial. Imagine what would have happen if he jump on board at the start.

Trump said in in 2014 that Obama should resign because of his handling of the Ebola outbreak.
Trump was also quick to critic the H1N1 flu outbreak, He also blamed Obama for many things concerning the outbreak

If he was not busy denying, placing blame, and sound like an expert in the field, then yeah it was a conspiracy to deny or take any blame.
It caught him off guard you could say.
He should have fired Fauci for coming out saying don't wear masks in March, among other things. Then the injecting Clorox comment went viral of course.
It could also be that he mishandled it and said the wrong things in order to sound like he knew what he was talking about. Quick to place blame on anything that moved, make false statements, and pat himself on the back for doing a good job on handling of the pandemic. Yet the first few months he was in denial. Imagine what would have happen if he jump on board at the start.

Trump said in in 2014 that Obama should resign because of his handling of the Ebola outbreak.
Trump was also quick to critic the H1N1 flu outbreak, He also blamed Obama for many things concerning the outbreak

If he was not busy denying, placing blame, and sound like an expert in the field, then yeah it was a conspiracy to deny or take any blame.
It caught him off guard you could say.
He should have fired Fauci for coming out saying don't wear masks in March, among other things. Then the injecting Clorox comment went viral of course.

Fauci should be fired for a lot of things not to mention a globalist snake oil salesmen. One could even make the case that he should be held for war crimes or atleast going against the Nuremberg code and he can also be labeled a terrorist for going against the Patriot Act.

Dr. Anthony Fauci's ties to George Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the World Health Organization (WHO), Bill Gates and the 'Big Pharma Mafia' should 'Set Off Alarms' across America...

Early on Dave got it right


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Finally, a straight answer!
Finally ?
Not to disillusion you, because that would be essentially impossible from what I've seen of your posts, but believe it or not, some of us are just honest all the time. I realize that's a unique concept to you, but maybe you'll at least muse over the idea and something will start to sink in.
And don't forget the courts.

You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.

You ask me COVID-19 was a full blown Chinese declaration of war on the rest of the world. But it gets even better than that—and even more complicated, too. See, on one hand the Chinese unleashed the greatest biological weapons attack in human history. But on the other hand, every single world leader was ready and willing and all geared up to lockdown their national populations ALL at the SAME time, in lockstep. Which leads one to suspect that all world leaders were in cahoots with the Chinese or the UN or WEF or what the fuck ever evil overlord organization. China initiated the plague attack but even leaders of the Western World jumped all at once to lockdown their people. Thus, it was all one giant global coordinated conspiracy to rob people everywhere of their individual freedom. What a par-tay!
Something like this. One of those globalist orgs even had a meeting discussing the reaction to a release of a coronavirus in October of 2019. Chinese state media even released a video laughing at everyone saying it was just a test to see how world leaders would react and then specifically mentioned, Bolsonaro, Trump and Boris Johnson. Then the WHO/CDC and the others defining a CV19 death as you tested positive or the doc thinks you might have it, total BS. And all of these CV19 tracking dashboards were set up too dam fast IMHO. Then all of the states violating law and doing mass mail in votes via EOs, not via state legislature.
These are all fake CCP state videos designed to scare the world. All around 1 year ago. Propaganda. They tried to make it look like Ebola.

And don't forget the courts.

You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.


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