Was there ever a better Russian plant in this country than the democrats are now?

Sounds about as dumb as forgetting meetings with Russian officials and refusing to open your finances to investigation.

The Special Prosecutor isnt STILL working on this crap for no apparent reason.

Theres lots of smoke.
It's not smoke, it's steam coming out of Democrat ears.
Yeah but in reality lets uhh let the investigation determine that and not your us them mentality
Yeah, gotta keep Russia's agenda of disruption front & center.

I didn't take you to be this stupid.
Yeah, cuz the special prosecutor is an unchecked power just dragging his feet cuz the media told him to :rolleyes:

do you know how many lawyers and investigators are currently working on this case??

do you know how INSANE it sounds that the invisible hand of the democrats and media are instructing the investigation????

Dont let partisan wishing interfere with the US governments last clings to integrity.

if these assholes were all up in meetings in hotels and business dealings about state properties in russia and shit...you dont WANT that checked into??

He is a real estate broker, that was his job.

Go pedal your bullshit elsewhere
yeah we will see huh? ill wait for the results and respect whatever they are.

the smoke billows more and more....even congressman on the right are catching wind of whats being discovered and distancing themselves

maybe its all nothin!

hey, hopefully.
The only collusion that had ever been proven has been the collusion between Putin, the Clintons and the democrats.

"Always accuse others of that which you are guilty." Goebbels

We understand this. The stupid sheep still believe there was this collusion between Trump and Putin. Meanwhile, Trump did not have any access whatsoever to the FBI, IRS, the CIA, or Homeland Security, not to mention the NSA.

Yet, the fucking left think he was able to sneak around with Putin under the noses of all of those institutions that all had left wing pieces of shit in them. All while they still maintain Trump is a moron.

Did you get all of that? The media sure has done a great job to take our attention away from what was actually found in those leaked emails.

Notice folks how the media does not focus on those facts, or the confirmed links between that fucking clinton foundation and russia.

Instead they have us looking at shadows on the wall. Take our attention away.

The Bolsheviks continue to rise and gain power. They are flat out telling us free speech is unacceptable and we turn our cheeks. Some of us are bending over and spreading our cheeks.
We shall see what Mr Mueller has to say about it

I think as he follows the money it will all become clear

Comrade Trump has been in control of the Russians for decades...it is why he chooses brides from the Eastern Block

The man named his own daughter "Ivanka" feminine for Ivan

Can't get more Russian than that
He made a deal with the Russians 30 years ago to steal the Whitehouse dontcha know....

This is how stupid you sound.
Actually Don THE Con made a deal 30 years ago to launder Putin's money, stealing the presidency was just a recent bonus.
This is the type of ignorance that masquerades as fact for uninformed morons.
Nope, just the truth that even you know is true!
Exhibit A

The man named his own daughter "Ivanka" feminine for Ivan

Can't get more Russian than that
He made a deal with the Russians 30 years ago to steal the Whitehouse dontcha know....

This is how stupid you sound.
Actually Don THE Con made a deal 30 years ago to launder Putin's money, stealing the presidency was just a recent bonus.
This is the type of ignorance that masquerades as fact for uninformed morons.
Nope, just the truth that even you know is true!

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