Was the President's Secret Offer a promise to weaken the military?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

That's what it sounded like to me, and the meat puppet faggot had a history of undermining military strength, and making the ROE so restrictive it put soldier's lives at increased risk.


That's what it sounded like to me, and the meat puppet faggot had a history of undermining military strength, and making the ROE so restrictive it put soldier's lives at increased risk.


...OR did Trump promise to extradite Barry to Syria or the Hague to stand trial for committing an International War Crime by invading Syria without the required permission to do so from the leader of Syria or the Syrian government?
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I think it was to tell Putin to go ahead and take The Crimea. And also to let him know that Obama was going to do everything he could to limit oil and natural gas production in The US, so Putin could continue to have a stranglehold on Europe.

Remember for all The Left's Bluster about Russia, The Left is Marxist and Russia is actually their ally. They just use the strategy of plausible deniability to keep that under wraps.

Notice Putin did not produce a Dirty Hillary Dossier, when she and Bill were constantly linked with and involved with crooked dealings in Russia., like The Uranium One-Rosatom Bribery Scandal. And they would not have had to make anything up like they did with the pack of lies that was the Dirty Russian Trump Dossier.

Putin could have buried Clinton's Campaign himself, but he instead allied with Obama and Clinton and produced The Dirty Dossier to help Clinton and Obama to defeat Trump.
I think it was to tell Putin to go ahead and take The Crimea. And also to let him know that Obama was going to do everything he could to limit oil and natural gas production in The US, so Putin could continue to have a stranglehold on Europe.

Remember for all The Left's Bluster about Russia, The Left is Marxist and Russia is actually their ally. They just use the strategy of plausible deniability to keep that under wraps.

Notice Putin did not produce a Dirty Hillary Dossier, when she and Bill were constantly linked with and involved with crooked dealings in Russia., like The Uranium One-Rosatom Bribery Scandal. And they would not have had to make anything up like they did with the pack of lies that was the Dirty Russian Trump Dossier.

Putin could have buried Clinton's Campaign himself, but he instead allied with Obama and Clinton and produced The Dirty Dossier to help Clinton and Obama to defeat Trump.
AHA! the old don't-look-at-Trump's-actions,look-over-there-at-Obama-Hillary-RutherfordBHayes-Cohen-Pelosi-AOC-Nadler sleight of hand trick.
I think it was to tell Putin to go ahead and take The Crimea. And also to let him know that Obama was going to do everything he could to limit oil and natural gas production in The US, so Putin could continue to have a stranglehold on Europe.

Remember for all The Left's Bluster about Russia, The Left is Marxist and Russia is actually their ally. They just use the strategy of plausible deniability to keep that under wraps.

Notice Putin did not produce a Dirty Hillary Dossier, when she and Bill were constantly linked with and involved with crooked dealings in Russia., like The Uranium One-Rosatom Bribery Scandal. And they would not have had to make anything up like they did with the pack of lies that was the Dirty Russian Trump Dossier.

Putin could have buried Clinton's Campaign himself, but he instead allied with Obama and Clinton and produced The Dirty Dossier to help Clinton and Obama to defeat Trump.
AHA! the old don't-look-at-Trump's-actions,look-over-there-at-Obama-Hillary-RutherfordBHayes-Cohen-Pelosi-AOC-Nadler sleight of hand trick.
There were NO ACTIONS by Trump with regards to Russian Collusion. 23 separate investigations costing $100 Million Dollars proved that.
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AHA! the old don't-look-at-Trump's-actions,look-over-there-at-Obama-Hillary-RutherfordBHayes-Cohen-Pelosi-AOC-Nadler sleight of hand trick.

That are ALL at least that stupid folks.

Never mind they have ZERO evidence, when you present EVIDENCE their meat puppet faggot messiah WAS GUILTY of what they accuse Trump of doing, that's "deflection".

We are not supposed to strongly recommend or encourage these pathetic, malignant pieces of shit abort themselves though.


That's what it sounded like to me, and the meat puppet faggot had a history of undermining military strength, and making the ROE so restrictive it put soldier's lives at increased risk.


You are a very delusional liar.

No it doesn't sound like any such thing.

There isn't one word of the military in that conversation. No one on this board knows what he was talking about. Including you.

You're just lying to create a false impression. And it's pathetic.

However trump was extremely clear and everyone knows that he said he trusted Putin over all of our intelligence agencies when he was at that press conference in Helsinki last year.

Then there's putin telling the world that yes he wanted trump to win and helped make it happen at that same conference.

Stop lying. You have absolutely no idea what Obama was talking about. Saying he was making a secret offer to weaken the military is just such a pathetic lie that you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you have lately.

That's what it sounded like to me, and the meat puppet faggot had a history of undermining military strength, and making the ROE so restrictive it put soldier's lives at increased risk.


You are a very delusional liar.

No it doesn't sound like any such thing.

There isn't one word of the military in that conversation. No one on this board knows what he was talking about. Including you.

You're just lying to create a false impression. And it's pathetic.

However trump was extremely clear and everyone knows that he said he trusted Putin over all of our intelligence agencies when he was at that press conference in Helsinki last year.

Then there's putin telling the world that yes he wanted trump to win and helped make it happen at that same conference.

Stop lying. You have absolutely no idea what Obama was talking about. Saying he was making a secret offer to weaken the military is just such a pathetic lie that you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you have lately.

Everyone knows Obama was an Evil Marxist Communist Islamocist Lying Son of a Bitch Criminal.

The Marxist Muslim Manchurian Candidate.

1,180 Documented Examples of Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Hypocrisy, etc...
AHA! the old don't-look-at-Trump's-actions,look-over-there-at-Obama-Hillary-RutherfordBHayes-Cohen-Pelosi-AOC-Nadler sleight of hand trick.

That are ALL at least that stupid folks.

Never mind they have ZERO evidence, when you present EVIDENCE their meat puppet faggot messiah WAS GUILTY of what they accuse Trump of doing, that's "deflection".

We are not supposed to strongly recommend or encourage these pathetic, malignant pieces of shit abort themselves though.

Zero evidence he sez...then calls ME stupid. Ha!
If the military is weakened despite a runaway and unaccountable budget than the corruption at the Pentagon is worse than I previously thought.

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