Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing… Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump

Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing... Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump
Nov 29, 2019 ~~ Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. These were highly organized actions by Democrats on Sondland’s properties. They were meant to send a message.
And after his public testimony turned out to be a nothing-burger all of the sudden three women accused the EU Ambassador of sexual misconduct. Democrats put their hopes on Sondland to compose his testimony against President Trump and when he failed to do that — all of the sudden — three women accused the Trump ambassador of sexual misconduct. The NEW Democrat Party will ruin your life it you don’t bend to their will. Are we supposed to believe this was a complete coincidence that these women are stepping forward today after Sondland failed to deliver the goods on Trump?

Hmm...., Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are the pigs in the story written by George Orwell - "Animal Farm." The PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats literally jump out of the pages of that book. Isn't it amazing how they try to manipulate and control people, and the crazy part is they do it in front of everyone watching. Do they think that all of the American people are too stupid to realize and see what they are doing? If that is the case, then add insult upon insult against the citizens of America by the out of control no actual work accomplished Democrats.
The Party that would legalize the murder of new born babies is capable of anything. I must express my doubt in the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats ability to govern competently, or to exhibit signs of higher strategic thought. Or even basic, rational thought.
Would you put anything past these deranged NAMBLA supporting leftists? ( kind of a rhetorical question, but not). I sure wouldn't.
Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing… Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump

Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing... Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump
Nov 29, 2019 ~~ Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. These were highly organized actions by Democrats on Sondland’s properties. They were meant to send a message.
And after his public testimony turned out to be a nothing-burger all of the sudden three women accused the EU Ambassador of sexual misconduct. Democrats put their hopes on Sondland to compose his testimony against President Trump and when he failed to do that — all of the sudden — three women accused the Trump ambassador of sexual misconduct. The NEW Democrat Party will ruin your life it you don’t bend to their will. Are we supposed to believe this was a complete coincidence that these women are stepping forward today after Sondland failed to deliver the goods on Trump?

Hmm...., Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are the pigs in the story written by George Orwell - "Animal Farm." The PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats literally jump out of the pages of that book. Isn't it amazing how they try to manipulate and control people, and the crazy part is they do it in front of everyone watching. Do they think that all of the American people are too stupid to realize and see what they are doing? If that is the case, then add insult upon insult against the citizens of America by the out of control no actual work accomplished Democrats.
The Party that would legalize the murder of new born babies is capable of anything. I must express my doubt in the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats ability to govern competently, or to exhibit signs of higher strategic thought. Or even basic, rational thought.
Would you put anything past these deranged NAMBLA supporting leftists? ( kind of a rhetorical question, but not). I sure wouldn't.

And these same demrats were so offended by any questioning or opposition to BO.
Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing… Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump

Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing... Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump
Nov 29, 2019 ~~ Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. These were highly organized actions by Democrats on Sondland’s properties. They were meant to send a message.
And after his public testimony turned out to be a nothing-burger all of the sudden three women accused the EU Ambassador of sexual misconduct. Democrats put their hopes on Sondland to compose his testimony against President Trump and when he failed to do that — all of the sudden — three women accused the Trump ambassador of sexual misconduct. The NEW Democrat Party will ruin your life it you don’t bend to their will. Are we supposed to believe this was a complete coincidence that these women are stepping forward today after Sondland failed to deliver the goods on Trump?

Hmm...., Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are the pigs in the story written by George Orwell - "Animal Farm." The PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats literally jump out of the pages of that book. Isn't it amazing how they try to manipulate and control people, and the crazy part is they do it in front of everyone watching. Do they think that all of the American people are too stupid to realize and see what they are doing? If that is the case, then add insult upon insult against the citizens of America by the out of control no actual work accomplished Democrats.
The Party that would legalize the murder of new born babies is capable of anything. I must express my doubt in the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats ability to govern competently, or to exhibit signs of higher strategic thought. Or even basic, rational thought.
Would you put anything past these deranged NAMBLA supporting leftists? ( kind of a rhetorical question, but not). I sure wouldn't.
Yeah, he was threatened with a criminal perjury charge. Awww, poor wittle guy.

And try to remember...it was FOX that broke the story on Sondland. You're confused as to who was interested in discrediting him, since he absolutely fried trump and giuliani with his testimony.
DemonRats didn't like Sondland's testimony.....so what do they do? they blackmail him with sexual assault.

Typical Rats behavior.
Accused of sexual assault from over 20 years ago...just like judge roy moore, john grunseth, brett kavanaugh...and the list goes on...

Don't the democrats have any other play in their playbook?

They can only accuse of what they themselves are guilty of.

Accused of sexual assault from over 20 years ago...just like judge roy moore, john grunseth, brett kavanaugh...and the list goes on...

Don't the democrats have any other play in their playbook?

They can only accuse of what they themselves are guilty of.

View attachment 292316
How telling that you used a photo shopped picture in your pathetic attempt to excuse Trump's documented sexual assaults and his propensity for appointing men with a similar background.
Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing… Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump

Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing... Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump
Nov 29, 2019 ~~ Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. These were highly organized actions by Democrats on Sondland’s properties. They were meant to send a message.
And after his public testimony turned out to be a nothing-burger all of the sudden three women accused the EU Ambassador of sexual misconduct. Democrats put their hopes on Sondland to compose his testimony against President Trump and when he failed to do that — all of the sudden — three women accused the Trump ambassador of sexual misconduct. The NEW Democrat Party will ruin your life it you don’t bend to their will. Are we supposed to believe this was a complete coincidence that these women are stepping forward today after Sondland failed to deliver the goods on Trump?

Hmm...., Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are the pigs in the story written by George Orwell - "Animal Farm." The PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats literally jump out of the pages of that book. Isn't it amazing how they try to manipulate and control people, and the crazy part is they do it in front of everyone watching. Do they think that all of the American people are too stupid to realize and see what they are doing? If that is the case, then add insult upon insult against the citizens of America by the out of control no actual work accomplished Democrats.
The Party that would legalize the murder of new born babies is capable of anything. I must express my doubt in the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats ability to govern competently, or to exhibit signs of higher strategic thought. Or even basic, rational thought.
Would you put anything past these deranged NAMBLA supporting leftists? ( kind of a rhetorical question, but not). I sure wouldn't.


Ambassador Sondland BURIED Donald Trump, giving evidence that Trump not only knew about the efforts to extort investiations against the Democrats in exchange for military aid, but that Trump was personally DIRECTING these efforts.
Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing… Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump

Was Sondland Threatened by Democrats? Top Witness Changes Testimony Before Hearing... Then Accused of Sexual Assault After Not Delivering the Goods on Trump
Nov 29, 2019 ~~ Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. Sondland’s testimony was also altered after Democrats harassed Sondland last month during his closed-door interview and accused him of being an agent of shadow foreign policy on Ukraine. Democrats were so desperate to pressure Sondland that they even held several protests outside his hotels before his public testimony. These were highly organized actions by Democrats on Sondland’s properties. They were meant to send a message.
And after his public testimony turned out to be a nothing-burger all of the sudden three women accused the EU Ambassador of sexual misconduct. Democrats put their hopes on Sondland to compose his testimony against President Trump and when he failed to do that — all of the sudden — three women accused the Trump ambassador of sexual misconduct. The NEW Democrat Party will ruin your life it you don’t bend to their will. Are we supposed to believe this was a complete coincidence that these women are stepping forward today after Sondland failed to deliver the goods on Trump?

Hmm...., Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are the pigs in the story written by George Orwell - "Animal Farm." The PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats literally jump out of the pages of that book. Isn't it amazing how they try to manipulate and control people, and the crazy part is they do it in front of everyone watching. Do they think that all of the American people are too stupid to realize and see what they are doing? If that is the case, then add insult upon insult against the citizens of America by the out of control no actual work accomplished Democrats.
The Party that would legalize the murder of new born babies is capable of anything. I must express my doubt in the PMS/DSA Leftist Democrats ability to govern competently, or to exhibit signs of higher strategic thought. Or even basic, rational thought.
Would you put anything past these deranged NAMBLA supporting leftists? ( kind of a rhetorical question, but not). I sure wouldn't.


Ambassador Sondland BURIED Donald Trump, giving evidence that Trump not only knew about the efforts to extort investiations against the Democrats in exchange for military aid, but that Trump was personally DIRECTING these efforts.
Were it not for the willingness of Trumpette's to believe anything they are told it would be unbelievable they swallowed the preposterous notion Sondland changed his testimony for any other reason than trying to fend off a perjury charge for lying in his initial round of testimony.
How telling that you used a photo shopped picture in your pathetic attempt

Hey genius...the NON-photoshopped pic was worse because the woman was sleeping!

Talk about pathetic!

Now lets hear your lame excuses for the pervert!


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