The Fifth Column


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"
As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

Just look at "the squad" if you want to see the 5th column in action.
Look at the ones who want "open borders" and "free stuff"
Look at "sanctuary cities"
Look at who wants to eliminate ICE
Look at who wants to collect guns
Lots of Democrats, it seems, never recognized the threat of a fifth column.....or....perhaps they are one.

Let's not forget these aims of the Democrat Party....

"Immigration To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

"Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Wants a 550% Increase in Syrian Refugees in U.S."
Fact-Check: Yes, Hillary Clinton Wants a 550% Increase in Syrian Refugees in U.S. - Breitbart
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?
You are a sympathizer
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?

I love it when stupid guys like you post....and put in a question I can hit out of the park......

"What free stuff are illegals promised?"

“Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases

…illegal immigration is hazardous to Americans’ health.

Matthew Vadum | Front Page Magazine Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

“I don’t think there is any health care professional who has examined the fact, who can honestly say that Americans have not died because of the diseases brought into America by illegal aliens who are not properly healthcare-screened as lawful immigrants are,”
Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases - Right Side News

And who enticed them to come here???

Obama and the Democrats.

“Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens - Judicial Watch
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?

I love it when stupid guys like you post....and put in a question I can hit out of the park......

"Where is the evidence that they vote?"

illegals get driver's licenses that say no voting.....


I say Democrat's who work the polls ignore that blue bar and simply look at the name on the driver's license.

And guess what?

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
iIllegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Even you can't be this, you must be one more example of a lying Liberal.
Another of those lies that Democrats/Liberals tell.....and their drones pretend to believe, is that illegal aliens don't get welfare.

Of course they do.
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?

I love it when stupid guys like you post....and put in a question I can hit out of the park......

"What free stuff are illegals promised?"

“Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases

…illegal immigration is hazardous to Americans’ health.

Matthew Vadum | Front Page Magazine Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

“I don’t think there is any health care professional who has examined the fact, who can honestly say that Americans have not died because of the diseases brought into America by illegal aliens who are not properly healthcare-screened as lawful immigrants are,”
Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases - Right Side News

And who enticed them to come here???

Obama and the Democrats.

“Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens - Judicial Watch
Okay that’s a load of bullshit. The department of agriculture specifically states that illegal immigrants do not qualify for food stamps. Are you incapable of being objective?
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?

I love it when stupid guys like you post....and put in a question I can hit out of the park......

"What free stuff are illegals promised?"

“Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases

…illegal immigration is hazardous to Americans’ health.

Matthew Vadum | Front Page Magazine Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

“I don’t think there is any health care professional who has examined the fact, who can honestly say that Americans have not died because of the diseases brought into America by illegal aliens who are not properly healthcare-screened as lawful immigrants are,”
Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases - Right Side News

And who enticed them to come here???

Obama and the Democrats.

“Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens - Judicial Watch
Okay that’s a load of bullshit. The department of agriculture specifically states that illegal immigrants do not qualify for food stamps. Are you incapable of being objective?

Re-post without the juvenile barnyard vulgarity, and I may honor you with a response.
1. How secure is any Western society when the wish-fulfillment of pretending invitees will be what you wish them to be.
For the Democrats, they entice and invite illegal aliens from our southern border in, telling them free stuff is theirs if they vote as directed.

But there are other invitees who want something more than free stuff......they want lives, blood, and America becoming theirs under an alien flag and religion.

2. "Not everyone has been indifferent to history and its cautionary instructions to protect America. In 1941, as fierce isolationists such as aviator Charles Lindbergh condemned any effort to help democratic nations under siege by the Nazis, the author Ayn Rand wrote of "Innocent Fifth Columnists."

(The phrase "Fifth Columnists" -- meaning "a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy..." -- became part of the nation's vocabulary during the brutal Spanish Civil War when rebels suggested that their sympathizers were secretly waiting to join four army columns marching to take Madrid.)

3. Rand's open letter to "Innocent Fifth Columnists" challenged her fellow citizens:

"Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?... Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can't quite name or explain and isn't very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there's nothing anyone can do about it?... Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he'd be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?... Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?"

4. Rand was confronting the studied ignorance of many Americans who did not wish to see the danger posed by the isolationists -- they believed we could appease Hitler and Imperial Japan. The isolationists' ignorance of history would threaten our nation's very survival.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.

There are also those within our borders whom some might label modern Fifth Columnists.

The reality is we remain at war -- with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe."
Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists

5. We see the warnings on a daily basis.

"London Bridge stabbing: Terror attack suspect killed; 2 victims ..." ›

"Dutch Police: Three People Wounded in Hague Stabbing"

"As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program"

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

What free stuff are illegals promised? Where is the evidence that they vote?

I love it when stupid guys like you post....and put in a question I can hit out of the park......

"What free stuff are illegals promised?"

“Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases

…illegal immigration is hazardous to Americans’ health.

Matthew Vadum | Front Page Magazine Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

“I don’t think there is any health care professional who has examined the fact, who can honestly say that Americans have not died because of the diseases brought into America by illegal aliens who are not properly healthcare-screened as lawful immigrants are,”
Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases - Right Side News

And who enticed them to come here???

Obama and the Democrats.

“Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens
Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens - Judicial Watch
Okay that’s a load of bullshit. The department of agriculture specifically states that illegal immigrants do not qualify for food stamps. Are you incapable of being objective?

Re-post without the juvenile barnyard vulgarity, and I may honor you with a response.
No you just know I’m right.

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