Was Obama tougher on Russian than Trump is ??

Your right wing opinion writer fails to mention that Obama was not responding to Russian election meddling for eight years. Obama never granted Putin a world stage exhibition of respect, fondness and praise for Putin that Trumpo is giving up now. The invite of Putin to the White House undoes all the actions taken by the GOP Congress against Russia since Trumpo’s taking office.

From your link:
“Obama’s lackluster track record with Russia is in stark contrast to the Trump administration that has already, in its first 18 months, surpassed what Obama did over a total of eight years.”

It’s a phony comparison. Not apples to apples.

And who knows what Trumpo promised and gave up in Syria during the private secret meeting in Helsinki.

Trumpo thought about rounding up Americans and delivering them to Putin in Moscow as Putin asked. The worm didn’t say no the second Putin asked. Trumpo is scum.

Some people were not only not fooled by W.

They were fucked in the ass by him.
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Lets see Obama had Hilly sell Russia a good percentage of Nuke material, gave Iran over a trillion dollars to help delelope a H bomb and to further the killing in Seira. Trump has given them nothing but one visit. What else was given by the Democrats we will never know.
Obama gave Putin Crimea,

Obama did not possess Crinea.
Barry ignored a US promise to Ukraine to help protect its sovereign borders.

As Russia placed troops on their border preparing to invade, Barry refused to send them weapons, refused to send them help, refused to public warn or rebuke Putin...he sat back and watched it happen.

By doing so Barry showed the whole world - including our allies - that our promises mean nothing and that under Obama we did not have the balls to stick up for / fight with our allies.
Dan Stubbs, post: 20411430
ets see Obama had Hilly sell Russia a good percentage of Nuke material, gave Iran over a trillion dollars to help delelope a H bomb and to further the killing in Seira. Trump has given them nothing but one visit. What else was given by the Democrats we will never know

Not one thing you wrote is close to being factual. All lies believed with diehard faith in rightwing hater propaganda with Russian bots pitching in, makes you the epitome of what is known as the ignorant Trumpo voter.
Kosh, post: 20411604
See how the far left will defend their messiah at all costs.

That’s not blind defense of a great president. It is a fact. Obama nor any US President has had possession of the Ukraine and specifically Crimea. Simply pointing out EasyT65’s lie that Obama ‘gave’ Crimea to Russia.

If you have facts showing the US possessed Crimea bring it on. No US military intervention could have stopped the annexation of Crimea by Russia. It occurred because the Ukraine Constitution was broken when the Ukrainian rightwing committed a coup de tat against their president Yanakovich. The Ukrainian right us to blame for losing Crinea. They started a fight they could not finish. The US military had no legal or moral right to intervene.
Awesome 'Reset Button.' Guess the morons have conveniently forgot about that one. :abgg2q.jpg:
Awesome 'Reset Button.' Guess the morons have conveniently forgot about that one. :abgg2q.jpg:

Not at all. No Syria civil war, No Election Meddling for Trumpo. No Crimea annexation. No murder of ex spies in England.

Are you really that stupid to not understand the sequence of events?
basquebromance, post: 20413475
President Putin meddled because he knew he could get away with it under Obama

Putin meddled to help Trumpo. That is a much more critical factor than who was President at the time. And then there is no way Putin’s concern about ‘getting away with it’ was a factor either. That is a very ignorance based observation indeed.
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What I remember of the time was the US being still stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq then along came John McCain and Lindsey Graham starting their typical saber rattling against Russia. I was glad to see Obama and the Republican Congress taking a moderate economic approach. Obama issued sanctions and Republicans hollered for the expulsion of Russia from the G8, both of which I thought were reasonable. I hadn't much use for Obama, likewise Trump's moaning about Russia not being invited during the G7 meetings was disappointing.
...it doesn't matter how tough he was on Russia--he screwed over the country by sympathizing with criminals/backing up the BLM shitheads
...the Russian crap is not as important
Obamaggot was incapable of being tough on anyone, because he masochistically loved to beg and grovel on the floor before everyone. He's Trudeau-with-a-tan.
This is your faggot hero.

with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
They are both idiots on the world stage. What they do behind closed doors I can't speak to.
Obama got bitched slapped by Putin around the world and he surrendered Crimea to him...

Right, except that Obama reinforced NATO's eastern countries with heavy armored units and combat aircraft after surprise Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea. Slapped sanctions on Russia and is against any recognition of the Russian annexation of Crimea.

Your Idol Trump has discussed abandoning NATO to Russian influence or outright invasion as well as recognizing the Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.
Obama abandoned a long standing agreement with Poland because of Russian cries.

There is enough stupidity for both parties to share in while they finger point.

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