Was Obama tougher on Russian than Trump is ??

with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.

What a laughable assertion. Ukraine began relations with NATO immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union. If anything obummer hindered Ukraine's inclusion within the western sphere of influence. I don't see obummer mentioned anywhere in the list below.

Go figure....

  • Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994).
  • Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward.
  • The Declaration of 2009 to Complement the NATO-Ukraine Charter mandated the NUC, through Ukraine’s Annual National Programme, to underpin Ukraine’s efforts to take forward reforms aimed at implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations
  • Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine actively contributing to NATO-led operations and missions.
  • Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine’s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.
  • In response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO has reinforced its support for capability development and capacity building in Ukraine.
  • Since the NATO Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, NATO’s practical support for Ukraine has been subsumed in the Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine.
  • In June 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation reinstating membership in NATO as a strategic foreign and security policy objective.

Relations with Ukraine
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.

What a laughable assertion. Ukraine began relations with NATO immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union. If anything obummer hindered Ukraine's inclusion within the western sphere of influence. I don't see obummer mentioned anywhere in the list below.

Go figure....

  • Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994).
  • Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward.
  • The Declaration of 2009 to Complement the NATO-Ukraine Charter mandated the NUC, through Ukraine’s Annual National Programme, to underpin Ukraine’s efforts to take forward reforms aimed at implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations
  • Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine actively contributing to NATO-led operations and missions.
  • Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine’s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.
  • In response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO has reinforced its support for capability development and capacity building in Ukraine.
  • Since the NATO Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, NATO’s practical support for Ukraine has been subsumed in the Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine.
  • In June 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation reinstating membership in NATO as a strategic foreign and security policy objective.

Relations with Ukraine
The Ukrainian coup is not on your list.........go figure.

Trump is a piker in comparison.
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.

What a laughable assertion. Ukraine began relations with NATO immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union. If anything obummer hindered Ukraine's inclusion within the western sphere of influence. I don't see obummer mentioned anywhere in the list below.

Go figure....

  • Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994).
  • Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward.
  • The Declaration of 2009 to Complement the NATO-Ukraine Charter mandated the NUC, through Ukraine’s Annual National Programme, to underpin Ukraine’s efforts to take forward reforms aimed at implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations
  • Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine actively contributing to NATO-led operations and missions.
  • Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine’s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.
  • In response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO has reinforced its support for capability development and capacity building in Ukraine.
  • Since the NATO Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, NATO’s practical support for Ukraine has been subsumed in the Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine.
  • In June 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation reinstating membership in NATO as a strategic foreign and security policy objective.

Relations with Ukraine
The Ukrainian coup is not on your list.........go figure.

Trump is a piker in comparison.

Explain how the coup moved Ukraine into the western sphere.
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.

What a laughable assertion. Ukraine began relations with NATO immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union. If anything obummer hindered Ukraine's inclusion within the western sphere of influence. I don't see obummer mentioned anywhere in the list below.

Go figure....

  • Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994).
  • Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward.
  • The Declaration of 2009 to Complement the NATO-Ukraine Charter mandated the NUC, through Ukraine’s Annual National Programme, to underpin Ukraine’s efforts to take forward reforms aimed at implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations
  • Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine actively contributing to NATO-led operations and missions.
  • Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine’s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.
  • In response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO has reinforced its support for capability development and capacity building in Ukraine.
  • Since the NATO Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, NATO’s practical support for Ukraine has been subsumed in the Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine.
  • In June 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation reinstating membership in NATO as a strategic foreign and security policy objective.

Relations with Ukraine
The Ukrainian coup is not on your list.........go figure.

Trump is a piker in comparison.

Explain how the coup moved Ukraine into the western sphere.

Ukraine: Council adopts EU-Ukraine association agreement - Consilium
Obama got bitched slapped by Putin around the world and he surrendered Crimea to him...
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.

What a laughable assertion. Ukraine began relations with NATO immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union. If anything obummer hindered Ukraine's inclusion within the western sphere of influence. I don't see obummer mentioned anywhere in the list below.

Go figure....

  • Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994).
  • Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward.
  • The Declaration of 2009 to Complement the NATO-Ukraine Charter mandated the NUC, through Ukraine’s Annual National Programme, to underpin Ukraine’s efforts to take forward reforms aimed at implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations
  • Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine actively contributing to NATO-led operations and missions.
  • Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine’s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.
  • In response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO has reinforced its support for capability development and capacity building in Ukraine.
  • Since the NATO Summit in Warsaw in July 2016, NATO’s practical support for Ukraine has been subsumed in the Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine.
  • In June 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted legislation reinstating membership in NATO as a strategic foreign and security policy objective.

Relations with Ukraine
The Ukrainian coup is not on your list.........go figure.

Trump is a piker in comparison.

Explain how the coup moved Ukraine into the western sphere.

Ukraine: Council adopts EU-Ukraine association agreement - Consilium
Ukraine needed bailing out and there were two agreements on the table. The IMF and the Russian.

Yanukovych was waffling and signaling that he would go with the Russian agreement. And then the coup.
How come the Russians meddled in the Elections under Obama’s watch? What did he know and when did he know it?

With the Left, it is always about whose watch. Bush.
The most toxic chemicals, including sarin precursors and sulphur mustard, were destroyed by 18August aboard the US naval vessel MV CapeRay.

yidnar, post: 20403200
yep and Russian backed Syria laughed at his red lines in the sand !

Actually that’s a lie. The redline was about Chem weapons. Obama forced Assad and Putin to admit possession of chemical and biological weapons and then Putin sent in his trucks to move the WMD to the Port wher they were picked up by the internationalt community and destroyed at sea.

The last 8% of the chemical stockpile was loaded onto ships at Latakia. The most toxic chemicals, including sarin precursors and sulphur mustard, were destroyed by 18 August aboard the US naval vessel MV Cape Ray. The remaining were destroyed in the US, UK and Finland.
Destruction of Syria's chemical weapons - ...

Stop being a dupe for Russian bots and expand your knowledge by researching factual information. It’s out there.

We must presume that Trumpo would have taken Putin at his word when denying there were WMD there in the first place.
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Obama got bitched slapped by Putin around the world and he surrendered Crimea to him...

Right, except that Obama reinforced NATO's eastern countries with heavy armored units and combat aircraft after surprise Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea. Slapped sanctions on Russia and is against any recognition of the Russian annexation of Crimea.

Your Idol Trump has discussed abandoning NATO to Russian influence or outright invasion as well as recognizing the Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

You lying fuck, the first tanks in decades were put there by Trump, pussy Obama refused to give Ukraine heavy weapons...Bill Clinton assured Ukraine we would defend her..

And look what happened.
The most toxic chemicals, including sarin precursors and sulphur mustard, were destroyed by 18August aboard the US naval vessel MV CapeRay.

yidnar, post: 20403200
yep and Russian backed Syria laughed at his red lines in the sand !

Actually that’s a lie. The redline was about Chem weapons. Obama forced Assad and Putin to admit possession of chemical and biological weapons and then Putin sent in his trucks to move the WMD to the Port wher they were picked up by the internationalt community and destroyed at sea.

The last 8% of the chemical stockpile was loaded onto ships at Latakia. The most toxic chemicals, including sarin precursors and sulphur mustard, were destroyed by 18 August aboard the US naval vessel MV Cape Ray. The remaining were destroyed in the US, UK and Finland.
Destruction of Syria's chemical weapons - ...

Stop being a dupe for Russian bots and expand your knowledge by researching factual information. It’s out there.

We must presume that Trumpo would have taken Putin at his word when denying there were WMD there in the first place.

News flash retard

Assad used them again on three occasions..

What you forgot that Trump bombed assads ass in retaliation for using the WMDs that Obama and Kerry said were gone?

bear513, post: 20404050
Assad used them again on three occasions

Chlorine bombs, right? That does not negate the fact that tons and tons of banned chemical weapons were in fact removed from a major war zone. You just can’t give Obama credit for anything. At least Obama never kissed Putin’s ass, Trumpo would have believed Putin when he denied Assad had any wespons at all.
bear513, post: 20404050
What you forgot that Trump bombed assads ass in retaliation for using the WMDs that Obama and Kerry said were gone?

Kerry and Obama were correct since the OPCW said Assad’s production facilities and CW Arsenal were destroyed

So, Assad with Putin’s, consent kept a few behind to kill civilians with.

So now let’s tslk about Trumpo and his bromance with the enabler that allowed Assad to do this:

“May 4, 2018 · The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday that its team of investigators has finished a fact-finding mission in the Syrian town of Douma, where a suspected chemical weapons attack took place in April. The inspectors brought back samples to the OPCW ...”

So why in hell did Trumpo prostrate himself to Putin in Helsinki and invite a chemical weapons murderer to the White House.

That’s an ok to kill with WMD from Trumpo to Putin.
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bear513, post: 20404050
Assad used them again on three occasions

Chlorine bombs, right? That does not negate the fact that tons and tons of banned chemical weapons were in fact removed from a major war zone. You just can’t give Obama credit for anything. At least Obama never kissed Putin’s ass, Trumpo would have believed Putin when he denied Assad had any wespons at all.

Give him credit? Gtfo..

They stumbled into it like the two stooges, Obama made his " red line" in Syria and Kerry opened his mouth bluffing to Putin (remember France wanted to bomb the fuck out of Syria but couldn't do it with out Obama's help...)

Putin said fine I will get Assad to remove the WMDs ( a lie)

Obama was so embarrassed by it he ran to Iran to change the newspaper headlines and made his bullshit nuclear deal and paid them off

Obama and Kerry was a fucking joke on foreign relations..

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with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !

Nah. He was just waiting to win his second term so he could be "more flexible" with them. LOL
with the communist left saying Trump is weak on Russia please enlighten us simple minded patriots who cling to our Bibles and guns that you can smell in Wallmart what Obama did to fight Russian influence around the world !
Obama removed Ukraine, a country on Russia's doorstep, from the Russian sphere and delivered it to the West. That's about as a big a move as one could make.
Yea, because Obama had so much influence in that part of the world.:laughing0301:
bear513, post: 20404050
What you forgot that Trump bombed assads ass in retaliation for using the WMDs that Obama and Kerry said were gone?

Kerry and Obama were correct since the OPCW said Assad’s production facilities and CW Arsenal were destroyed

So, Assad with Putin’s, consent kept a few behind to kill civilians with.

So now let’s tslk about Trumpo and his bromance with the enabler that allowed Assad to do this:

“May 4, 2018 · The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday that its team of investigators has finished a fact-finding mission in the Syrian town of Douma, where a suspected chemical weapons attack took place in April. The inspectors brought back samples to the OPCW ...”

So why in hell did Trumpo prostrate himself to Putin in Helsinki and invite a chemical weapons murderer to the White House.

That’s an ok to kill with WMD from Trumpo to Putin.

May 4, 2018 · The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said Friday that its team of investigators has finished a fact-finding mission in the Syrian town of Douma, where a suspected chemical weapons attack took place in April. The inspectors brought back samples to the OPCW ...”

You just proved my point, Syria didn't get rid of WMDs.

bear513, post: 20404050
Assad used them again on three occasions

Chlorine bombs, right? That does not negate the fact that tons and tons of banned chemical weapons were in fact removed from a major war zone. You just can’t give Obama credit for anything. At least Obama never kissed Putin’s ass, Trumpo would have believed Putin when he denied Assad had any wespons at all.

Give him credit? Gtfo..

They stumbled into it like the two stooges, Obama made his " red line" in Syria and Kerry opened his mouth bluffing to Putin (remember France wanted to bomb the fuck out of Syria but couldn't do it with out Obama's help...)

Putin said fine I will get Assad to remove the WMDs ( a lie)

Obama was so embarrassed by it he ran to Iran to change the newspaper headlines and made his bullshit nuclear deal and paid them off

Obama and Kerry was a fucking joke on foreign relations..

For Republicans, this is how Europe hates Obama:


And this proves Europe LOVES Trump:

bear513, post: 20404417
Putin said fine I will get Assad to remove the WMDs ( a lie)

You admit Putin is a known liar about killing civilians with chemical weapons in Syria. So please explain why Trumpo is inviting him to the White House and giving him that honor.

Obama never would have given a royal ass kidding to Putin like Trump did in Helsinki and will now do on DC.

Is this where you run away because it’s inexplicable what Trumpo is doing for his pal Vladi?

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