Was making Americans fat and sick the plan right out of the gate ?

When a population has an overdose of choice and an enormous lack of discernment, it must look almost exactly like the U.S.
When a population has an overdose of choice and an enormous lack of discernment, it must look almost exactly like the U.S.

I'm sure shoplifting happens at places where you and I regularly shop. On that basis, we should have those options taken away from us? Only stores without any theft can keep their doors open?

I mean, yeah, as a consequence of theft, stores leave bad, high-crime areas. So go after the criminals then.
The increase in the number of people with Sugar Diabetes means an increase in the demand for Insulin.

This graph shows the real reason for the increase in price for the commodity.
I believe there's a video that talks about what happens to your body if you get off of sugar and start using honey instead and I'm going to go see if I can find it.....brb🤟😎
I'm sure shoplifting happens at places where you and I regularly shop. On that basis, we should have those options taken away from us? Only stores without any theft can keep their doors open?

I mean, yeah, as a consequence of theft, stores leave bad, high-crime areas. So go after the criminals then.
But they can’t go after the criminals. Our laws in that regard have become too pussified.
Just don’t over do the honey. Or fruit even, if you’re diabetic.

I’ve had a lot of low-education diabetic patients who are convinced they can eat absurd amounts of fruit because it’s “healthy”. It’s still fructose. It’s still carbs.
Obsesity is an epedemic and childhood obesity is tragic. Like most things there is no single magic bullet that solves it. Kids eat what parents feed them. You don't fix it by making school lunches healthier. Michelle Obama tried that and the kids threw the crappy tasting lunches in the trash. Personal responsibility is not right wing bull shit. It is part of being a REAL American.
Seldom is there a "single magic bullet" solution to most problems, but this article offers significant insight towards one key factor (between the lines applies to beyond childhood);

Childhood Obesity: What You’re Not Hearing in the News​

“Lifestyle choices” typically mean more exercise—along with less processed food and more fruits and vegetables in the diet—but no one in the mainstream is suggesting that the solution is to allow children to eat more natural saturated fat.

Years ago, my co-author and colleague Mary Enig, who held a doctorate in nutritional sciences, had an interesting conversation with an official at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The agency had researched the best way to fatten pigs—research that was never published. When they fed pigs whole milk or coconut oil, the pigs stayed lean—they found that the best way to fatten pigs was to feed them skim milk.

The department’s dietary guidelines stipulate reduced fat milk for all Americans above the age of 2. Could this policy—initiated in the 1990s—explain the increase in obesity among American children? A couple of studies indicate that this could be the case.

The first, published in 2006 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at diet and metabolic markers in 4-year-old children in Sweden. “High body mass index was associated with a low percentage of energy from fat,” and greater weight was related to greater insulin resistance, especially in girls. In other words, children on low-fat diets tended to be overweight and had markers that presage diabetes later in life.

The second study, published in 2013 in the Archives of Diseases of Children, looked specifically at children consuming reduced-fat milk, comparing the body mass index of those drinking 1 percent skim milk and 2 percent “whole milk” drinkers. (I put “whole milk” in quotation marks because commercial whole milk contains 3.5 percent fat, and whole milk obtained from the farm can contain up to 5 percent fat.)

Across all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic status subgroups, those drinking 1 percent skim milk “had an increased adjusted odds of being overweight … or obese … In longitudinal analysis, children drinking 1 percent skim milk at both 2 and 4 years were more likely to become overweight/obese between these time points.” In other words, children on skim milk are more likely to become fat—just like pigs do!

Thus, the science indicates that giving kids nonfat milk, especially combined with sugar, is a recipe for making kids fat and setting them up for diabetes later in life. But there’s more—listed in the minor ingredients is “artificial flavor,” a term often used for hidden MSG.

The food industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration insist that there is nothing wrong with MSG (monosodium glutamate), however, if you search “MSG-induced obesity” in PubMed, you will come up with almost 100 citations. It’s hard to get research animals to overeat and become obese—in order to study obesity—so scientists feed the rats, mice, and hamsters MSG to make them eat more and put on weight.

Most of the citations are animal studies, not human trials, and the food industry has argued that the amount of MSG given to the animals is way more, as a function of body weight, than humans would ever eat. Or, they say, the association between weight gain and MSG is really an association between weight gain and processed foods, since MSG is in almost all processed foods.

What happens when we consume small amounts of MSG as a flavoring day after day after day—as school children do when they drink chocolate milk? A 2008 study, published in the journal Obesity, confirms that MSG is indeed associated with weight gain in humans, and not because of its inclusion in processed foods. ...
Considering these studies have been done only in past decade or two, it would be hard to say this is result of intent. More likely ignorance.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but often that is how nature works out.