Was candidate properly vetted by the media ?

Do you believe that President Obama was properly vetted by the media while running

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Jul 14, 2009
Do you believe that President Obama was properly vetted by the media while running ?
yes or no
If yes
What did candidate Obama mean when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. "
Do you believe that President Obama was properly vetted by the media while running ?
yes or no
If yes
What did candidate Obama mean when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. "

No they did not.

He meant that he was going to fundementally transform the constitutional republic of the united states into a socialist democracy. He has been doing a great job of delivering on this promise.
Doesn't matter. It's over and done with. We know much more now than we did during the campaign. There is nothing to do but move forward.
No they did not.

He meant that he was going to fundementally transform the constitutional republic of the united states into a socialist democracy. He has been doing a great job of delivering on this promise.


How so? Do tell Pilgrim. :)
paperview, Truthmatters

What did candidate Obama mean when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. "
Was Abe Lincoln properly vetted? How about Harry Truman?

Its kind of late for this stupid thread isn't it?
No they did not.

He meant that he was going to fundementally transform the constitutional republic of the united states into a socialist democracy. He has been doing a great job of delivering on this promise.


How so? Do tell Pilgrim. :)

I know your smart enough to know how but for other's who may not be I'll provide one example.

A health care law that forces individuals to pay a fine if they do not conform to a government approved level of health care coverage.....last I checked before Obama was president I had the liberty to decide how much coverage I wanted without interference from the federal government. Now I have the responsibility to the federal government and private insurers to pay more money for additional coverage or face a government imposed fine.

Read some of the language in the cap and trade proposals too....such as forcing me to "green" my home before I can sell it.

Hell lets let obama show us, in his own words, his socialist leanings
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiPak85p5sg&feature=related]YouTube - Barack Obama - Dreams from my Father[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUvwKVvp3-o]YouTube - 'Joe the Plumber' Becomes Focus of Debate[/ame]

Or you could read one of his books and see more of his values in his own words. ;)
Of course he wasn't vetted by the media. Their job wasn't to vet him - it was to get him elected. Just as their job today is to keep him elected.

If the media had done any kind of job, Obama would never have been a candidate.

And if the media was doing it's job today, there would be impeachment proceedings right now.

Obama is no different than Bush (either of them), Clinton, Reagan, Carter etc. He is a PR mouthpiece for global finance who own our media and who control our government.

Anyone who believes otherwise is living in the fantasy land created by our media to enable these traitors to maintain their control.
Do you believe that President Obama was properly vetted by the media while running ?
yes or no
If yes
What did candidate Obama mean when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. "

Oh hell no!

He meant he was out to change this country from a capitalist society to a socialist society.
Yes. More than enough. MSM is primarily conservative as it is corporate owned and operated. He was more than properly vetted simply by so many appearances, question and answer sessions, and debates - if you can possibly think that was not enough information then you are either stupid or a fool who belongs to the retarded partisans who hate democracy's results.

What he meant was America would go back to being about American values, and not just the plutocracy and corporatism that elected and was supported by Cheney / Bush. Has he fulfilled that statement, no, and if he doesn't we will return once again to the lack of competent governance that brought us to the brink of financial collapse.
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Yes. More than enough. MSM is primarily conservative as it is corporate owned and operated. He was more than properly vetted simply by so many appearances, question and answer sessions, and debates - if you can possibly think that was not enough information then you are either stupid or a fool who belongs to the retarded partisans who hate democracy's results.

What he meant was America would go back to being about American values, and not just the plutocracy and corporatism that elected and was supported by Cheney / Bush. Has he fulfilled that statement, no, and if he doesn't we will return once again to the lack of competent governance that brought us to the brink of financial collapse.

Obama has broken almost every major campaign promise that he lied in order to enable the finance controlled media to put their Obama puppet in office. If he has been properly vetted, why hasn't the media called him out on his succession of policy implementations that revela that his campaign promises were a long string of lies?

The fact that you recognize corporatism in the Bush Administration but can't see it in the Obama Administration raises serious questions about either your cognitive abilities or your intent.
Sure he was......

We found out that he was a Muslim, wasn't born in the US, hates whites, supports terrorists, hates America, smokes and uses a teleprompter

What else did we need to know?
Hell no.

The media didn't want to vet this guy. They didnt' want to dig into his past and look for anything detremental. The media was so up his ass that if Barry had let a fart, he would have killed quite a few of em. LOL

No The media, with the exception of Fox, did a piss poor job of looking at this guy. Any little thing that came up was given a whitewash by most of the LSM.

Nope. They wanted this guy elected and so he was.

I wonder if Chris Matthews still has that shivver running up and down his leg. LOL
The Liberal dominated MSM was going to try and get him elected no matter what. This is always the case with the MSM & Democratic candidate. It was just more extreme with this guy. They're still shamefully boot-licking and giving him a free pass on everything. He's their guy so they're never going to hold him accountable for anything. The Republicans always have it tough. They have to not only beat the Democrat but they also have to beat the Liberal dominated MSM as well. This guy was not qualified to be President and i still stand by that belief.
Oh vey, more idiots that believe every campaign slogan and read more into it than there already is. Even McCain was claiming "change" and he was the same as bush essentially.

He was a great candidate, who was predicted to be the front runner 4 years prior to his election. whether you like his politics or not. And considering all we hear about him from the right is stupid shit like he's a muslim, socialist, not american born, is a racist, and all the other bullshit tells me the vetting was perfectly fine since nothing of substance against him has come out.

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