Was Amanda Knox really guilty?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Her boyfriend is still doing time in Italy. Was Amanda a pretty little murderer who fooled the media into supporting her?
Her boyfriend is still doing time in Italy. Was Amanda a pretty little murderer who fooled the media into supporting her?

Actually her X boyfriend was ruled the same. Not enough evidence to support the murder charge. Any time he is still doing is on another charge.

A Court of Law witha Judge, 8 jurors and a defense and prosecutor held a trial and the finding was that there was not enough evidence to support a conviction of murder, nor enough to justify a new trial.

Pretty simple concept.
Her boyfriend is still doing time in Italy. Was Amanda a pretty little murderer who fooled the media into supporting her?

Actually her X boyfriend was ruled the same. Not enough evidence to support the murder charge. Any time he is still doing is on another charge.

A Court of Law witha Judge, 8 jurors and a defense and prosecutor held a trial and the finding was that there was not enough evidence to support a conviction of murder, nor enough to justify a new trial.

Pretty simple concept.

Guilt or innocence is a pretty simple concept in the US most of the time. When you get a media circus like the OJ trial justice might take a back seat to political pressure. Italy has skilled forensic technicians just like the US even though their judicial system might seem confusing. Don't sell them short.
Her boyfriend is still doing time in Italy. Was Amanda a pretty little murderer who fooled the media into supporting her?

Actually her X boyfriend was ruled the same. Not enough evidence to support the murder charge. Any time he is still doing is on another charge.

A Court of Law witha Judge, 8 jurors and a defense and prosecutor held a trial and the finding was that there was not enough evidence to support a conviction of murder, nor enough to justify a new trial.

Pretty simple concept.

We don't know. We might get a better clue when her book comes out? That should be a read! :eusa_whistle:
Here's the deal, the media is the only source of information we have. When the media takes sides we usually go along with it. The media said the assassination of an American citizen in Yemen was justified and we accepted it. The media says Amamda was a target of European prejudice against Americans and she is a gosh darn pretty little American college student so it's impossible for her to be guilty of murder. Case closed and to bad about those four years she spent in an Italian prison.
Out of the three, who looks more likely to slash a girls throat?

Her boyfriend is still doing time in Italy. Was Amanda a pretty little murderer who fooled the media into supporting her?

Actually her X boyfriend was ruled the same. Not enough evidence to support the murder charge. Any time he is still doing is on another charge.

A Court of Law witha Judge, 8 jurors and a defense and prosecutor held a trial and the finding was that there was not enough evidence to support a conviction of murder, nor enough to justify a new trial.

Pretty simple concept.

Guilt or innocence is a pretty simple concept in the US most of the time. When you get a media circus like the OJ trial justice might take a back seat to political pressure. Italy has skilled forensic technicians just like the US even though their judicial system might seem confusing. Don't sell them short.

You already sold them short by claiming that there is some nefarious conspiracy that freed Amanda Knox and not a proper trial with jurors and all. If you honestly believe the Italian system is good, then why claim Knox is really guilty and a conspiracy is afoot?
Her boyfriend is still doing time in Italy. Was Amanda a pretty little murderer who fooled the media into supporting her?

if she was, the prosecution didn't prove it.

it's not the media who supported her that changed things. it's the fact that the court-appointed experts said the DNA evidence was tainted and there was nothing to draw a connection between her and the crime scene.
The girl is innocent. Wasn't there when the murder happened. the guy that did it is in Jail. Though why he only got 16 years is beyond me.........
Actually her X boyfriend was ruled the same. Not enough evidence to support the murder charge. Any time he is still doing is on another charge.

A Court of Law witha Judge, 8 jurors and a defense and prosecutor held a trial and the finding was that there was not enough evidence to support a conviction of murder, nor enough to justify a new trial.

Pretty simple concept.

Guilt or innocence is a pretty simple concept in the US most of the time. When you get a media circus like the OJ trial justice might take a back seat to political pressure. Italy has skilled forensic technicians just like the US even though their judicial system might seem confusing. Don't sell them short.

You already sold them short by claiming that there is some nefarious conspiracy that freed Amanda Knox and not a proper trial with jurors and all. If you honestly believe the Italian system is good, then why claim Knox is really guilty and a conspiracy is afoot?

We know, don't we, that Americans support the release of the poor kid. If you want to call it a "nefarious conspiracy" it's OK with me. I posted it in the conspiracy forum. We could consider the theory that the Italian justice system is biased against Americans but I don't think that theory holds water. If you agree the Italians don't hold an an animosity toward the US the next thing to consider is the forensic evidence. Italy is probably as skilled in forensic evidence as any modern western government. If the prosecution relied on forensic evidence you have to conclude it was valid. the next thing is the Italian judical system and the ball is in your court.
I have no idea. I know of no forensic evidence that indicates that she did this. And, just because she could have doesn't mean she did.

I don't think they've met any burden of proof.

But, I don't know what they know, either, IF they know more.

And, looks mean nothing to me. Apparently, Ted Bundy was both handsome and charming.
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I have no idea. I know of no forensic evidence that indicates that she did this. And, just because she could have doesn't mean she did.

I don't think they've met any burden of proof.

But, I don't know what they know, either, IF they know more.

And, looks mean nothing to me. Apparently, Ted Bundy was both handsome and charming.

Bundy was handsome, charming, a republican and a monster. We don't know what the Ital government had on Amanda because we don't care.
I have no idea. I know of no forensic evidence that indicates that she did this. And, just because she could have doesn't mean she did.

I don't think they've met any burden of proof.

But, I don't know what they know, either, IF they know more.

And, looks mean nothing to me. Apparently, Ted Bundy was both handsome and charming.

Bundy was handsome, charming, a republican and a monster. We don't know what the Ital government had on Amanda because we don't care.
Is it because we don't care or the Italian government won't share it?
I have no idea. I know of no forensic evidence that indicates that she did this. And, just because she could have doesn't mean she did.

I don't think they've met any burden of proof.

But, I don't know what they know, either, IF they know more.

And, looks mean nothing to me. Apparently, Ted Bundy was both handsome and charming.

Bundy was handsome, charming, a republican and a monster. We don't know what the Ital government had on Amanda because we don't care.
Is it because we don't care or the Italian government won't share it?

"We" rely on the mainstream media and "they" are the ones who can and should enlighten us about the forensic evidence. I'm still waiting.

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