Wars We Were Never Meant to Win


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Wars We Were Never Meant to Win
Terrorism, illegal drugs, and the flow of illegal immigrants are all weapons in the hybrid war being waged against America by those with common cause to destabilize and collapse America from within​

Wars We Were Never Meant to Win
By Linda Goudsmit ~~ It has been over 17 years since George Bush announced the war on terrorism and 47 years since Richard Nixon announced the war on drugs. Does anyone wonder why the most powerful nation on earth has not won either? I do. The current border war and heated debate over the building of a security wall on our southern border sounds disturbingly familiar.... Globalism is not to be confused with global trade... Terrorism, illegal drugs, and the flow of illegal immigrants are all weapons in the hybrid war being waged against America by those with common cause to destabilize and collapse America from within. Unlike a traditional military war using bombs and bullets, the hybrid war uses political warfare, lawfare, and fake news to destroy the enemy - but exactly WHO are the players in this unconventional war? Who is the enemy? What is at stake? Who are the domestic enemies of American sovereignty, secure borders, and adherence to the Constitution?
Obama, his entire resistance movement, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who are leading the seditious Democrat party in Congress.... RINOS - Republicans in name only like Mitch McConnell and Richard Shelby who subvert POTUS’ America-first initiatives.... Mueller and his team of lawfare specialists leading the smear campaign against President Trump designed to destroy his re-election chances in 2020... FBI deep state operatives Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page et al
CIA operatives Brennan, Clapper et al... Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization and its offshoots like CAIR, ISNA, MSA et al... 9th circuit court and the radical leftist judges across America who legislate from the bench and use lawfare to stop POTUS from enacting his America-first policies
We have presidential elections every four years so that we can maintain the peaceful transfer of power that distinguishes America from the military coups in third world countries. We cannot allow the deep state and the radical leftist Democrat party to dissolve our Constitution and transform America into a tyrannical socialist/globalist new world order of one world government.
We must resist the resistance. We can win the war on drugs. We can win the war on terrorism. We can win the border wars. We can make America great again and win the wars we were never meant to win. America first is very presidential!

Indeed, the author omitted 'The War On Poverty' declared by LBJ in 1964. Are we any closer to eradicating poverty now, than we were then after spendin $23 Trillion? The coming Presidential election cycle is coming around, just remember who pays these evil, power hungry things, also remember, our VOTES COUNT. We need no illegals to further the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats Left NWO. We The PEOPLE do have power, we must make all voting legal by legal citizens of America. All voting machines must be checked so they don't just automatically turn your votes into Democrat votes, Illegal can't legally vote. We need good, honest Americans at these voting booths and no more " absentee mail outs" unless you're in our Military.... We are surrounded by globalists and communists who hold power in government, and they control the propaganda of the national media 24/7. They are pushing this agenda on the nation against the will of the voters who elected them. All the Muslims the Obama State Department infiltrated the nation with were brought here without our consent. They had been quiet while they ran for, and won, public and political offices at local, state and federal levels. Now they have been given powerful positions in Congress, and the powerful media are giving them a national voice. They are starting to show that they, also, along with the socialist-communists and globalists, in-our-own-government, are political enemies of the Constitution and American people.
You have to wonder how much cartel money goes to pay off our Progressive Democrat politicians? That is why we haven't won the war on drugs. As always follow the money to the truth.
All of them. It's just business. With no military or support by corporate fascists(who own you) unemployment in the US would be over 40%

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