Warren's folly.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The public discourse is becoming increasingly cluttered with calls for expanding Medicare to cover all Americans. Medicare for All has been on the lips of many democratic candidates, particularly Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Itā€™s a bad idea, not just in terms of public health but it would probably destroy our whole way of life.

It would pollute a system already in place since 1966 designed primarily for citizens over age 65. Since aging is inevitable, unavoidable and disabling, the program functions reasonably well for a limited sector of the population that pays in over their working life in tandem with Social Security. ā€œLimitedā€ is the key word because thatā€™s what makes it work.

There is an example of a ā€œlimitedā€ program that works well: In 1990 the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) enacted laws requiring handicapped parking spaces for disabled individuals. All private businesses and public buildings are required to provide special parking spaces for disabled individuals. The program works because itā€™s only for disabled citizens.

Letā€™s apply Warrenā€™s logic to the ADA: If handicapped parking spaces work so well for some then they would be a wonderful idea for all. So, every American should get a handicapped parking sticker from the government, because if they work well for crippled people, theyā€™ll work great for healthy ones. Imagine the joy some would feel when they see an empty handicap spot right in front-they could just pull right in wearing a ā€œWarren for presidentā€ button!

Of course, all the legitimately disabled people would have a long haul from the dark, isolated regions at the back of the lot. Thatā€™s exactly what would happen to you if you are retired and on Medicare under warrenā€™s genius idea.

Most Americans donā€™t retire until they reach 67 which is the going age for Social Security these days. But what if we took Warrenā€™s novel free-for-all theory to the limit? What if we had Retirement for All with no restrictions? That way millions of American kids could retire right after elementary school! Talk about a compassionate society!

If youā€™re not completely stupid youā€™ve probably figured out by now that all this canned compassion is just a scheme too make everyone dependent on the government and empower the state. Trump interrupted the long-range plan by defeating Clinton so now the true face of the left is exposed.

Ignore the impeachment circus and just vote your conscience.
This will never ever be a socialist country. Donald Trump said that and he generally knows what he's talking about.

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