Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
I guess that's why exit wounds, like the sort attested to by ER physicians in Parkland hospital by those that attended to JFK ALL agreed to the large "gaping wound" in the back of Kennedy's skull.

Fine, we should see evidence of that being created on the Zapruder film. We should also see a gaping hole in the back of Kennedy's scalp. Where are they? Or is this another pristine scalp problem?

And be sure to let us know the next time you see a bullet hitting a watermelon. You know, to see which way the spray goes when the gaping wound is created in the back of the watermelon.

Don't you remember that the silly troll types think that the Zapruder film was "tampered" with...probably by Life Magazine since they bought it the next day...OR maybe the CIA went in and changed all THREE copies that were developed on the evening of November 22, 1963. Honestly, the fantasies of the conspiracy theory nuts are boundless because they're not tied to the truth.

When you claim all contrary evidence is faked, you can substitute anything you want.

True, but who can believe people who make such claims.
Altering the Zapruder Film
Zapruder film altered. Too convenient and fantastic to believe?
The Warren Commission magic bullet you will believe in order to swallow the fable of Oswald on the sixth floor of the TBSD firing away with his defective mail order rifle (paraffin tests showed he fired no weapons, no one can place him on the sixth floor, etc.)

Or you will overlook the presidential limousine that was wiped clean of evidence (windshield, upholstery replaced). Or the President's body that was stolen right out from Parkland hospital before an actual autopsy could be performed you have nothing to say about. Or the faked photos of Oswald used to poison the public's mind you accept.
Or you will buy the story of Lee Oswald the Commie lover assassin but you simply ignore the evidence he was given sensitive intelligence work at Atsugi Naval base in Japan and did work for the CIA. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

If the Warren Commission and the government could do all that in order to sell the lie of Oswald the killer is it inconceivable that they might alter the key evidence in the Zapruder film? Not at all. In fact it makes the likelihood of it all the more probable.
Altering the Zapruder Film
Zapruder film altered. Too convenient and fantastic to believe?
The Warren Commission magic bullet you will believe in order to swallow the fable of Oswald on the sixth floor of the TBSD firing away with his defective mail order rifle (paraffin tests showed he fired no weapons, no one can place him on the sixth floor, etc.)

Or you will overlook the presidential limousine that was wiped clean of evidence (windshield, upholstery replaced). Or the President's body that was stolen right out from Parkland hospital before an actual autopsy could be performed you have nothing to say about. Or the faked photos of Oswald used to poison the public's mind you accept.
Or you will buy the story of Lee Oswald the Commie lover assassin but you simply ignore the evidence he was given sensitive intelligence work at Atsugi Naval base in Japan and did work for the CIA. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

If the Warren Commission and the government could do all that in order to sell the lie of Oswald the killer is it inconceivable that they might alter the key evidence in the Zapruder film? Not at all. In fact it makes the likelihood of it all the more probable.

So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.

There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.
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I wonder how many of them have ever seen a case where a watermelon was hit by a bullet and the contents sprayed back TOWARD the gun. Every time I've seen it done, the seeds and juice fly AWAY from the gun because that's the direction the bullet was moving.
I guess that's why exit wounds, like the sort attested to by ER physicians in Parkland hospital by those that attended to JFK ALL agreed to the large "gaping wound" in the back of Kennedy's skull.
Stop lying. The attending Parkland doctors did not say there was an exit wound at the back of his head.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

Oh, I saw your citation. The problem is, all he says it's how it MIGHT have been done and what he BELIEVES was done, but there's no proof that it actually WAS done. You then take it to be Gospel truth. You've still not produced anyone who saw the back of Kennedy's head blow apart, nor is there any photographic evidence of such, and there's a pristine scalp. Based on the evidence at hand, the best conclusion is that Oswald shot Kennedy from behind
Oh, I saw your citation. The problem is, all he says it's how it MIGHT have been done and what he BELIEVES was done, but there's no proof that it actually WAS done. You then take it to be Gospel truth. You've still not produced anyone who saw the back of Kennedy's head blow apart, nor is there any photographic evidence of such, and there's a pristine scalp. Based on the evidence at hand, the best conclusion is that Oswald shot Kennedy from behind
No comment on the magic bullet? Hmmm...amazing.

Anyway you didn't read the citation and your bullshit isn't going down well. Page seven, for example, is excruciatingly explicit and detailed.

Try a video, dumbass. You can't lie about the PHD in this video that takes three hours to carefully dissect the forged Zapruder film. It's pointless anyway trying to get you to admit you are floating on a sea of lies.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

he will have to consult his handler at Langley for a long lengthy period of time on what to post after being backed up against the wall with nowhere to run on this one.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:
Oh, I saw your citation. The problem is, all he says it's how it MIGHT have been done and what he BELIEVES was done, but there's no proof that it actually WAS done. You then take it to be Gospel truth. You've still not produced anyone who saw the back of Kennedy's head blow apart, nor is there any photographic evidence of such, and there's a pristine scalp. Based on the evidence at hand, the best conclusion is that Oswald shot Kennedy from behind
No comment on the magic bullet? Hmmm...amazing.

Anyway you didn't read the citation and your bullshit isn't going down well. Page seven, for example, is excruciatingly explicit and detailed.

Try a video, dumbass. You can't lie about the PHD in this video that takes three hours to carefully dissect the forged Zapruder film. It's pointless anyway trying to get you to admit you are floating on a sea of lies.

Really? Was there an intermission between the Acts? LOL

A 3 hour video? LOL. I flew from SkyHarbor to San Fransisco in less time.

Science proves your poorly clothed whack job as wrong.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

The bullet from the reverse angle:

Profound deformity (much like the gray mass between your ears).

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 5.23.16 PM.png
Altering the Zapruder Film
Zapruder film altered. Too convenient and fantastic to believe?
The Warren Commission magic bullet you will believe in order to swallow the fable of Oswald on the sixth floor of the TBSD firing away with his defective mail order rifle (paraffin tests showed he fired no weapons, no one can place him on the sixth floor, etc.)

Or you will overlook the presidential limousine that was wiped clean of evidence (windshield, upholstery replaced). Or the President's body that was stolen right out from Parkland hospital before an actual autopsy could be performed you have nothing to say about. Or the faked photos of Oswald used to poison the public's mind you accept.
Or you will buy the story of Lee Oswald the Commie lover assassin but you simply ignore the evidence he was given sensitive intelligence work at Atsugi Naval base in Japan and did work for the CIA. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

If the Warren Commission and the government could do all that in order to sell the lie of Oswald the killer is it inconceivable that they might alter the key evidence in the Zapruder film? Not at all. In fact it makes the likelihood of it all the more probable.

There was no altering of the film.
Other film from Dallas on that day show the same events.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

he will have to consult his handler at Langley for a long lengthy period of time on what to post after being backed up against the wall with nowhere to run on this one.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:

Man, I'm going to have to get in on this whole getting paid thing. Who's handling you guys and can you get me an application? As for the bullet, it's far from impossible for it to be deformed the way it was.

At any rate, the physics make it plain that Kennedy was killed by a shot from behind. You know, because of the whole pristine scalp thing.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

Oh, I saw your citation. The problem is, all he says it's how it MIGHT have been done and what he BELIEVES was done, but there's no proof that it actually WAS done. You then take it to be Gospel truth. You've still not produced anyone who saw the back of Kennedy's head blow apart, nor is there any photographic evidence of such, and there's a pristine scalp. Based on the evidence at hand, the best conclusion is that Oswald shot Kennedy from behind

It's sad that these willfully ignorant people are SO full of crap but still insist on being taken seriously. Frankly, they're too tiresome to read.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

The bullet from the reverse angle:

Profound deformity (much like the gray mass between your ears).

View attachment 247252

OH, they're on the "magic bullet" thing, huh? I don't think they know what the word "pristine" means. I especially like the layers and layers of cloth line, as if fabric is as dense as wood. LOL!!!! Oliver Stone really screwed up a whole generation of morons, didn't he?
Last edited:
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

The bullet from the reverse angle:

Profound deformity (much like the gray mass between your ears).

View attachment 247252

OH, they're on the "magic bullet" thing, huh? I don't think they know what the word "pristine" means. I especially like the layers and layers of cloth line, as if fabric is as dense as wood. LOL!!!! Oliver Stone really screwed up a whole generation of morons, didn't he?

I appreciate that they have made it so easy to debunk them on the physical evidence by simply showing a picture.

I'm sure he's looking for someone who said the bullet was crimped with a pair of pliers or something like that as we speak (if he hasn't done so already).
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

The bullet from the reverse angle:

Profound deformity (much like the gray mass between your ears).

View attachment 247252

OH, they're on the "magic bullet" thing, huh? I don't think they know what the word "pristine" means. I especially like the layers and layers of cloth line, as if fabric is as dense as wood. LOL!!!! Oliver Stone really screwed up a whole generation of morons, didn't he?

I appreciate that they have made it so easy to debunk them on the physical evidence by simply showing a picture.

I'm sure he's looking for someone who said the bullet was crimped with a pair of pliers or something like that as we speak (if he hasn't done so already).

I'm sure that is true. To be honest, I'm sure that at some point, they'll say Jack Ruby squeezed it tight. LOL!
I can't believe any of this.

Fake news.

Trump said Ted Cruz's father probably helped.

That's the real news.

This time I believe Trump.
So show where the Zapruder film was faked. Show where frames were removed (people should appear to jump from place to place, for example), or the grain structure was modified by someone painting on it. IOW, you have to do more than just insist it has to be faked because it counters your theory.
There is a nice long thorough citation I provided that you can read as much as you like if you want to be informed.
That's what it's there for.
There is no need, moreover, for a magic bullet, as has been explained multiple times in this thread. It's clear to see in the Zapruder film that Connelly was turned to his right, lining him up perfectly to be hit in the side.
The magic bullet was truly magic in that it smashed through human bone and tissue and was utterly un-deformed (except for the firing pin mark on the bottom )and free of blood, tissue, bone matter or fabric fibers which isn't really possible.


The ball has always been in your court. Stop acting like it is not.

The bullet from the reverse angle:

Profound deformity (much like the gray mass between your ears).

View attachment 247252

OH, they're on the "magic bullet" thing, huh? I don't think they know what the word "pristine" means. I especially like the layers and layers of cloth line, as if fabric is as dense as wood. LOL!!!! Oliver Stone really screwed up a whole generation of morons, didn't he?

I appreciate that they have made it so easy to debunk them on the physical evidence by simply showing a picture.

I'm sure he's looking for someone who said the bullet was crimped with a pair of pliers or something like that as we speak (if he hasn't done so already).

And there will be a 3 hour YouTube video from some guy insisting that there are tooth marks from the pliers on the bullet, but that the pictures are doctored to hide them.
Man, I'm going to have to get in on this whole getting paid thing. Who's handling you guys and can you get me an application? As for the bullet, it's far from impossible for it to be deformed the way it was.
You mean for it to be NOT deformed, don't you? But I guess you know more than the Warren Commission's own ballistics expert. :113:
At any rate, the physics make it plain that Kennedy was killed by a shot from behind. You know, because of the whole pristine scalp thing.
Not really. You know, because of the whole gaping exit head wound in the back of the head thing.

Post a photo of that "pristine hair" you keep farting up. If it came from the rigged Bethesda autopsy, which it undoubtedly did, then it was a lie.

Naval Corpsman Jim Jenkins, who actually assisted in the government approved autopsy was there and saw the whole thing unfold in front of his eyes.

He saw the back wound that only penetrated JFK's body about "an inch and a quarter" and didn't even piece the lungs, which makes the whole lie of the magic bullet the absolute bit of bullshit we've all known it was all along.

And he clearly saw the entrance wound in the temple of the president (as we've all seen in the Zapruder film) but the president's brain had been replaced and the exit wound was patched, as x-rays prove and I've already cited days ago.

So either you are just an ignorant dupe, too stupid and brainwashed to actually take the time to study what you are spouting off about, or you are a cowardly liar and an amoral prick, doing your little bit to perpetuate a coup that changed the course of America.

Only you know which and either way your input is worthless and a waste of electrons.
Man, I'm going to have to get in on this whole getting paid thing. Who's handling you guys and can you get me an application? As for the bullet, it's far from impossible for it to be deformed the way it was.
You mean for it to be NOT deformed, don't you? But I guess you know more than the Warren Commission's own ballistics expert. :113:
At any rate, the physics make it plain that Kennedy was killed by a shot from behind. You know, because of the whole pristine scalp thing.
Not really. You know, because of the whole gaping exit head wound in the back of the head thing.

Post a photo of that "pristine hair" you keep farting up. If it came from the rigged Bethesda autopsy, which it undoubtedly did, then it was a lie.

Naval Corpsman Jim Jenkins, who actually assisted in the government approved autopsy was there and saw the whole thing unfold in front of his eyes.

He saw the back wound that only penetrated JFK's body about "an inch and a quarter" and didn't even piece the lungs, which makes the whole lie of the magic bullet the absolute bit of bullshit we've all known it was all along.

And he clearly saw the entrance wound in the temple of the president (as we've all seen in the Zapruder film) but the president's brain had been replaced and the exit wound was patched, as x-rays prove and I've already cited days ago.

So either you are just an ignorant dupe, too stupid and brainwashed to actually take the time to study what you are spouting off about, or you are a cowardly liar and an amoral prick, doing your little bit to perpetuate a coup that changed the course of America.

Only you know which and either way your input is worthless and a waste of electrons.


A video comprised of absolutely nothing but hearsay. Ok, I’m convinced.

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