Warren Buffett: Trump ‘Afraid’ To Release Tax Returns


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Native America
Alongside Hillary Clinton, the billionaire vowed to help drive people to polls for the election.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett on Monday campaigned alongside Democrat Hillary Clinton at a rowdy rally in his home state of Nebraska, where he challenged Republican Donald Trump to release his tax returns and said he would personally drive people to the polls in November.

After delivering a forceful rebuke of Trump’s recent statements about the Muslim parents of a decorated American soldier killed in Iraq, Buffett said he wanted to surprise Clinton and “make a little news” by announcing the launch of a get-out-the vote effort.

“I pledge today that on Election Day, Nov. 8, I will take at least 10 people to the polls who would otherwise have difficulty getting there,” Buffett said.

Buffett also said he was backing a website, Drive2Vote, that would coordinate transportation to cast votes and that he had reserved a trolley that seats 32 people for the same purpose.

“I’m going to be on it all day. I’m going to do selfies, whatever it takes,” Buffett said.

Buffett, a Clinton backer, said his goal is to generate the highest voter turnout in the congressional district that includes Omaha of any in the country. Nebraska is one of just two U.S. states that award electoral votes in presidential elections by congressional district. Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway <BRKa.N> conglomerate is based in Omaha, stressed that this gives power to Omaha residents to affect the outcome of the election.

Clinton responded to Buffett’s pledge with a promise of her own, if his turnout goal is met.

“Warren and I will dance in the streets of Omaha together! Maybe if we’re really lucky he’ll wear his Elvis costume again!” Clinton said.

Buffett earlier challenged Trump to release his tax returns, something that presidential candidates typically do. The New York businessman has said he cannot do so until the Internal Revenue Service has completed an audit.

“Now I’ve got news for him,” Buffett said. “I’m under audit, too, and I would be delighted to meet him anyplace, anytime, before the election.

“I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return ... and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there,” Buffett added, saying Trump was “afraid” not of the IRS but voters.

More: Warren Buffett: Trump ‘Afraid’ To Release Tax Returns

Thank you, Mr. Buffett. I agree that Trump is afraid to release his tax returns. Will not happen.
Trump is tanking in the polls. Go Hillary!

First, let's flash back to 2011, when Warren Buffett said this:

"Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent."
I watched Warren Buffett the Democratic party shill once again stand there flaunting his wealth. Why hasn't he given all his wealth to the Democrats to be redistributed? Why isn't he leading by example voluntarily giving is wealth to the poor? Warren Buffett ladies and gentlemen a shining example of liberal do as we say not as we do. Liberals talk shit while hoarding their wealth, shocker.

On a side note MSNBC LIES they lie right through their big fat lying mouth, that ass hat said, "Warren Buffett has thousands of times more money than Trump" so the guy is either a math imbecile or he LIES my money is on the latter. He kept on running his big fat lying mouth bragging about how Democrats had Buffett and Buffett has more money than Trump. Well he said "astronimically more" because, well he's a big fat liberal LIAR.
Go somebody not Hillary and not Donald......

What a pukefest.

Glad to see the Warren hasn't completely lost his mind...just 75% of it.
Warren Buffett challenges Donald Trump to discuss tax returns

How many times must we go through this?...You actually think Buffett would get the RECTAL EXAM and OUTRIGHT LIES that Trump would face from you leftist scumbags?

And for you subversive that really don't want to know the SORTED DETAILS, a much shorter video to fit your LIMITED IQ!!!!!!!....

Where are Trump's tax returns? Hillary released hers.
There is only 1 man currently breaking the law by refusing to release documents right now, and that is Barak Obama, who STILL refuses to obey court orders of releasing documents regarding his illegal immigration.

There is only 1 candidate who has broken several laws by not releasing documents, and that candidate - according to the FBI and State Department - is Hillary Clinton.

The continued hypocritical demand made by Liberals for Trump to releae his tax records is nothing more than a distraction to prevent anyone from focusing on the fact that Hillary has broken the law and Obama continues to do so by not releasing documents while there is no legal requirement to release his.

When will libs prove they are not hypicritical partisan losers by holding their own party leaders accountable?! I personally predict 'never'.
First, let's flash back to 2011, when Warren Buffett said this:

"Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent."

What's your point? He's saying he pays a lower percentage on personal income than his employees.
Alongside Hillary Clinton, the billionaire vowed to help drive people to polls for the election.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett on Monday campaigned alongside Democrat Hillary Clinton at a rowdy rally in his home state of Nebraska, where he challenged Republican Donald Trump to release his tax returns and said he would personally drive people to the polls in November.

After delivering a forceful rebuke of Trump’s recent statements about the Muslim parents of a decorated American soldier killed in Iraq, Buffett said he wanted to surprise Clinton and “make a little news” by announcing the launch of a get-out-the vote effort.

“I pledge today that on Election Day, Nov. 8, I will take at least 10 people to the polls who would otherwise have difficulty getting there,” Buffett said.

Buffett also said he was backing a website, Drive2Vote, that would coordinate transportation to cast votes and that he had reserved a trolley that seats 32 people for the same purpose.

“I’m going to be on it all day. I’m going to do selfies, whatever it takes,” Buffett said.

Buffett, a Clinton backer, said his goal is to generate the highest voter turnout in the congressional district that includes Omaha of any in the country. Nebraska is one of just two U.S. states that award electoral votes in presidential elections by congressional district. Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway <BRKa.N> conglomerate is based in Omaha, stressed that this gives power to Omaha residents to affect the outcome of the election.

Clinton responded to Buffett’s pledge with a promise of her own, if his turnout goal is met.

“Warren and I will dance in the streets of Omaha together! Maybe if we’re really lucky he’ll wear his Elvis costume again!” Clinton said.

Buffett earlier challenged Trump to release his tax returns, something that presidential candidates typically do. The New York businessman has said he cannot do so until the Internal Revenue Service has completed an audit.

“Now I’ve got news for him,” Buffett said. “I’m under audit, too, and I would be delighted to meet him anyplace, anytime, before the election.

“I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return ... and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there,” Buffett added, saying Trump was “afraid” not of the IRS but voters.

More: Warren Buffett: Trump ‘Afraid’ To Release Tax Returns

Thank you, Mr. Buffett. I agree that Trump is afraid to release his tax returns. Will not happen.
Alongside Hillary Clinton, the billionaire vowed to help drive people to polls for the election.

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett on Monday campaigned alongside Democrat Hillary Clinton at a rowdy rally in his home state of Nebraska, where he challenged Republican Donald Trump to release his tax returns and said he would personally drive people to the polls in November.

After delivering a forceful rebuke of Trump’s recent statements about the Muslim parents of a decorated American soldier killed in Iraq, Buffett said he wanted to surprise Clinton and “make a little news” by announcing the launch of a get-out-the vote effort.

“I pledge today that on Election Day, Nov. 8, I will take at least 10 people to the polls who would otherwise have difficulty getting there,” Buffett said.

Buffett also said he was backing a website, Drive2Vote, that would coordinate transportation to cast votes and that he had reserved a trolley that seats 32 people for the same purpose.

“I’m going to be on it all day. I’m going to do selfies, whatever it takes,” Buffett said.

Buffett, a Clinton backer, said his goal is to generate the highest voter turnout in the congressional district that includes Omaha of any in the country. Nebraska is one of just two U.S. states that award electoral votes in presidential elections by congressional district. Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway <BRKa.N> conglomerate is based in Omaha, stressed that this gives power to Omaha residents to affect the outcome of the election.

Clinton responded to Buffett’s pledge with a promise of her own, if his turnout goal is met.

“Warren and I will dance in the streets of Omaha together! Maybe if we’re really lucky he’ll wear his Elvis costume again!” Clinton said.

Buffett earlier challenged Trump to release his tax returns, something that presidential candidates typically do. The New York businessman has said he cannot do so until the Internal Revenue Service has completed an audit.

“Now I’ve got news for him,” Buffett said. “I’m under audit, too, and I would be delighted to meet him anyplace, anytime, before the election.

“I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return ... and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there,” Buffett added, saying Trump was “afraid” not of the IRS but voters.

More: Warren Buffett: Trump ‘Afraid’ To Release Tax Returns

Thank you, Mr. Buffett. I agree that Trump is afraid to release his tax returns. Will not happen.

Funny how Liberals despise billionaires except when they endorse a Democrat.
We don't give a shit....I don't care if he paid zero in taxes.

..or even if he stands in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoots somebody.

Your uncritical lemming-ism amazes even Trump.

Where are Trump's tax returns? Hillary released hers.

Where are her Goldman Sachs speech's all that Trump has said is on YouTube!

Start a thread about it. Now, where are Trump's tax returns?

Mr. Trump will not reveal his tax returns because they will show that he does not pay taxes. His CPA is "creative" with loopholes, deductions, exemptions. It's as simple as that.
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