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truepundit ^ | 8/01/16 | by admin - truepundit
"Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria"" Wikileaks has promised to release documents linking Hillary Clinton to knowingly supplying Syria with weapons from her state department. That disclosure could come in any number of days, sources said. True Pundit, however, has already unearthed the documentation.
The Intel provides official confirmation of what has been rumored for years: President Obama, his White House, and Hillary Clinton and her State Department knew that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. Those “rebels” were largely al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood extremist factions, according to corroborating documents.
Below is a gem of an intelligence cable we unearthed from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack. Absent wholesale redaction, this could prove to be a smoking gun finally exhibiting what the United States was doing in Benghazi prior to the Jihadists attacks on the U.S. consulate and then-secret CIA annex just miles away.....
"Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria"" Wikileaks has promised to release documents linking Hillary Clinton to knowingly supplying Syria with weapons from her state department. That disclosure could come in any number of days, sources said. True Pundit, however, has already unearthed the documentation.
The Intel provides official confirmation of what has been rumored for years: President Obama, his White House, and Hillary Clinton and her State Department knew that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. Those “rebels” were largely al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood extremist factions, according to corroborating documents.
Below is a gem of an intelligence cable we unearthed from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack. Absent wholesale redaction, this could prove to be a smoking gun finally exhibiting what the United States was doing in Benghazi prior to the Jihadists attacks on the U.S. consulate and then-secret CIA annex just miles away.....