Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from....


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Mar 9, 2014
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truepundit ^ | 8/01/16 | by admin - truepundit
"Wikileaks Bombshell Leaked To True Pundit: Hillary Clinton Knew of Weapons Supplied from Benghazi to Al-Qaeda in Syria"" Wikileaks has promised to release documents linking Hillary Clinton to knowingly supplying Syria with weapons from her state department. That disclosure could come in any number of days, sources said. True Pundit, however, has already unearthed the documentation.

The Intel provides official confirmation of what has been rumored for years: President Obama, his White House, and Hillary Clinton and her State Department knew that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. Those “rebels” were largely al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood extremist factions, according to corroborating documents.

Below is a gem of an intelligence cable we unearthed from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack. Absent wholesale redaction, this could prove to be a smoking gun finally exhibiting what the United States was doing in Benghazi prior to the Jihadists attacks on the U.S. consulate and then-secret CIA annex just miles away.....

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Wikileaks has promised to release documents linking Hillary Clinton to knowingly supplying Syria with weapons from her state department. That disclosure could come in any number of days, sources said. True Pundit, however, has already unearthed the documentation.

The Intel provides official confirmation of what has been rumored for years: President Obama, his White House, and Hillary Clinton and her State Department knew that weapons were being shipped from Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. Those “rebels” were largely al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood extremist factions, according to corroborating documents.

Below is a gem of an intelligence cable we unearthed from the Defense Intelligence Agency dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack. Absent wholesale redaction, this could prove to be a smoking gun finally exhibiting what the United States was doing in Benghazi prior to the Jihadists attacks on the U.S. consulate and then-secret CIA annex just miles away.

The DIA report, in part, details:

quotesThe weapons shipped from Syria during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s and 125mm and 155mm howitzers missiles. The numbers for each weapon were estimated to be: 500 Sniper rifles, 100 RPG launchers with 300 total rounds,and approximately 400 howitzers missiles [200 ea – 125mm and 200ea – 155 mm.]

Likewise, this could largely contradict public testimony where officials swore the U.S. had no role in running guns and weapons to Syrian rebels. One such example was in January 2013. Sen. Rand Paul asked Clinton whether the U.S. was involved in the shipping of weapons from Libya to any other country. Paul’s questioning hinged on his belief that weapons from Libya ultimately ended up in the hands of Syrian rebels who later joined with al Qaeda in Iraq to form ISIS. Their exchange is noteworthy now more than ever.

RAND PAUL: It has been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and they might have weapons. What I would like to know, is the annex that was close by [in Benghazi]. Were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons, and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries — to any countries, Turkey included.

HILLARY CLINTON: Senator, you’ll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. I will see what information is available.

RAND PAUL: You’re saying you don’t know.

HILLARY CLINTON: I do not now. I don’t have any information on that.

So just who was running these guns and weapons to Syria? The document is heavily redacted (and for obvious reasons) BUT it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the clandestine narrative here. Or perhaps it does. Either way, this confirms that weapons were on the move prior to the Benghazi attack, despite testimony from U.S. officials to the contrary. But it also raises more disturbing scenarios and troubling questions.

Did the Obama administration provide weapons to Islamist extremists who used them to kill four Americans in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. compounds in Benghazi? This latest DIA cable might dovetail with secret intelligence reports previously obtained by The Washington Times indicating the Obama administration armed Islamist extremists and rebels in 2011 as Clinton was trying to overthrow Libyan strong man Muammar Gaddafi.
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is 'is' secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
You now claim to have been concerned about Muslims being drowning in cages, burnt alive and all the other nasty shit ISIS does to Muslims?

Or were you talking about the handful of Christians, as if you really care about them too. They being Arabs and North Africans and others you'd want to keep out of America
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?

The truth has never gotten out into the mainstream. Never. I voted Democrat for pretty much my entire life, until this last election. I would not, could not, vote for Hillary in any race, for any office. Largely because of her corruption involving Libya and Syria.

I will post links if you want, but the short story is that Hillary and the State Department violated international sanctions to ship weapons to Libya. Hillary and the State Department were complicit in the shipping of similar weapons, and even more of them, to Syria arming extremists and causing two civil wars that still rage today.

If that is an example of the “smart power” we were going to get if Hillary was elected, then I have no desire to see her hold any office anywhere.
Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
You now claim to have been concerned about Muslims being drowning in cages, burnt alive and all the other nasty shit ISIS does to Muslims?

Or were you talking about the handful of Christians, as if you really care about them too. They being Arabs and North Africans and others you'd want to keep out of America

So wait you're saying the only choices are I can only care about people I want in my country? uh that's not a real choice bro....I can care about people AND not want them in my country......and some I might want in my country......but I'd rather my government vette them to make sure they wont blow us up........that's my number one

I do care about people getting drowned and burned and thrown acid on and all the stuff. I don't hear you guys ever talk about it. ISIS was a brutal very repressive regime, to you guys it was just the JV squad.......
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS. And Osama for 9/11. So they both have ownership
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
Is this in addition to the $500 million the Obama/McCain gang spent training and arming their little buddies in the ME?
How does this tie in to current demands to re-investigate Hillary Clinton? Do the Rightwing Conspiracy and the FOX News Noise Machine keep reinventing the accusations, and sometimes bringing zombie outrages back from the dead, just to keep the game going - and is there ever a conclusion to these accusations?
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS.
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
We did two invasions of Iraq. The second threw out the Sunni's in power which was the nucleus of ISIS. They formed in Syria or the Levant in which US even with a military could not stop. The Iraqi's had been trained to be their own army yet threw down their arms and ran when ISIS attacked..Not the fault of anyone but the Iraq military troop. But the reason for ISIS in Iraq was the Shia's taking away the power-sharing set up by the US, thus infuriating the Sunni population.
Just proves we were right all along, she is a lying criminal that you voted for President
Is this stuff posted, really what you claim is really what it means? really? Can we get a definition of 'IS' here? Is it secret code for the Clinton are founders of ISIS?

Its not secret....she and Obama gave away what time we'd be leaving and then left a small but ineffective force behind......and allowed ISIS to grow and terrorize people....You guys made a huge deal about the border and would rather have children in jail with their parents, but not a peep when it came to drowning people in cages, burning people and all the other nasty shit ISIS did......
The invasion of Iraq was the cause of the rise of ISIS you dunderhead.
So if we're doing that, then Saddams invasion of Kuwait caused the rise of ISIS.
If we had our full military, ISIS wouldn't have done squat
We did two invasions of Iraq. The second threw out the Sunni's in power which was the nucleus of ISIS. They formed in Syria or the Levant in which US even with a military could not stop. The Iraqi's had been trained to be their own army yet threw down their arms and ran when ISIS attacked..Not the fault of anyone but the Iraq military troop. But the reason for ISIS in Iraq was the Shia's taking away the power-sharing set up by the US, thus infuriating the Sunni population.

That's all fine, but they wouldn't have done anything if we had stayed with are full army. Obama and Clinton pulled out, letting everyone know when, THEN when things got bad, they did NOTHING.....You can't create a power vacuum like that and not expect shit to hit the fan, especially in Iraq.....were they that dumb?
So wait you're saying the only choices are I can only care about people I want in my country? uh that's not a real choice bro....I can care about people AND not want them in my country......and some I might want in my country......but I'd rather my government vette them to make sure they wont blow us up........that's my number one

I do care about people getting drowned and burned and thrown acid on and all the stuff. I don't hear you guys ever talk about it. ISIS was a brutal very repressive regime, to you guys it was just the JV squad.......
No one was being drowned and set on fire here.


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