Warnings to Republicans: If you nominate Jeb or Mitt I'm voting Democrat


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.
No you won't.

You'll do what you always do - IF you get out from under the bed that day, you'll vote straight party ticket, even you don't recognize any of the names and even though you know you're voting against your own best interests.

I refuse to give legitimacy to this system. No votes given.

Good for you. Don't vote but be sure to show up here and whine.

A vote against Romney or Bush is a vote for Hillary or Warren.
Just deal with it.
I dont get it with the narco-libertarians. SOmehow they think throwing the election to the worst democrap piece of shit by not voting is more noble than voting for someone they agree with maybe 40% of the time.
No you won't.

You'll do what you always do - IF you get out from under the bed that day, you'll vote straight party ticket, even you don't recognize any of the names and even though you know you're voting against your own best interests.

I refuse to give legitimacy to this system. No votes given.

Good for you. Don't vote but be sure to show up here and whine.


Wrong, I voted for Obama in 2008 because I didn't know anything.

But I voted for Obama again in 2012 because Romney was the same as Obama, so I sided with the evil I knew. I mean really, he even wrote Romneycare.
I'm keeping my hopes up for Roseanne! I'll post a picuture of my mail ballot for proof of my heart felt-though useless-vote.:thup:
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.

You are assuming that the far left will let Hilary have the DNC nomination.

Obama is a closet war monger and the far left sits by as he starts illegal wars. Hilary will be the same way.

Why is the far left so silent on the illegal wars of Obama?

It goes to show the far left only cares about letters behind a persons name than who they truly are..
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.

Please do not nominate Jeb or Romney or Gingrich.

I don't want this guy voting for the same party as I am.
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.
Jeb and Mitt are war mongers? I wish.
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.
Really? Seriously? Thanks for the afternoon laugh. Any other threats that you'd like to add? Hey, you just admitted that you're voting for a professional politician. That says it all. No need to go any farther.
A vote against Romney or Bush is a vote for Hillary or Warren.
Just deal with it.
I dont get it with the narco-libertarians. SOmehow they think throwing the election to the worst democrap piece of shit by not voting is more noble than voting for someone they agree with maybe 40% of the time.

here we go!
It's approaching election season again, Rabbi. Yank the narco-lib talking points out!

it's a shame we agree in so many instances and yet you willing alienate instead of foster coop there.

Not shocking, just shameful.
A vote against Romney or Bush is a vote for Hillary or Warren.
Just deal with it.
I dont get it with the narco-libertarians. SOmehow they think throwing the election to the worst democrap piece of shit by not voting is more noble than voting for someone they agree with maybe 40% of the time.

here we go!
It's approaching election season again, Rabbi. Yank the narco-lib talking points out!

it's a shame we agree in so many instances and yet you willing alienate instead of foster coop there.

Not shocking, just shameful.
I feel no alienation from the Head Jew's observation.
it's a shame we agree in so many instances and yet you willing alienate instead of foster coop there.

Not shocking, just shameful.

It's Libertarians and Tea Partiers on the ground generating support and votes for conservative policies.

You're the ones that stab us in the back with neocon candidates at the end, you alienate us.

It's shameful what you do to the grassroots, but no longer shocking.
A vote against Romney or Bush is a vote for Hillary or Warren.
Just deal with it.
I dont get it with the narco-libertarians. SOmehow they think throwing the election to the worst democrap piece of shit by not voting is more noble than voting for someone they agree with maybe 40% of the time.

here we go!
It's approaching election season again, Rabbi. Yank the narco-lib talking points out!

it's a shame we agree in so many instances and yet you willing alienate instead of foster coop there.

Not shocking, just shameful.
I feel no alienation from the Head Jew's observation.

then you haven't had to endure his tirades about how libertarians are retards and how we should mindless follow him because we are dumb.
The OP has claimed that he is entering the Air Force Academy in July. Is it weird that someone with so much disgust for authority would want to become a cadet? A plebe?

Any thoughts?

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