War on Christmas

Actually, I thought Christmas was celebrated by our forefathers.

I know that in the dark and middle ages it was celebrated, but it wasn't so much CHristmas as Michaelmas and a couple of other saints days that all sort of fell around the same time.

Big whoop. The Christians have decided to use it as a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Some people use it to celebrate winter and a season of giving. Who gives a shit? Like I said, some people need to get a hobby, or spend some more time doing things that really matter, and quit obsessing about shutting down everyone else's lives.
Actually, I thought Christmas was celebrated by our forefathers.

I know that in the dark and middle ages it was celebrated, but it wasn't so much CHristmas as Michaelmas and a couple of other saints days that all sort of fell around the same time.

Big whoop. The Christians have decided to use it as a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Some people use it to celebrate winter and a season of giving. Who gives a shit? Like I said, some people need to get a hobby, or spend some more time doing things that really matter, and quit obsessing about shutting down everyone else's lives.

You appear in your posts to be very much at war.
We're here to discuss whether there is a war on Christmas or not. Isn't that why you're here too?

We're here to discuss our opinions and to back them up. There is no war on Christmas. Christmas is alive and well.

There does appear to be conflict about whether it makes any sense in a multi-cultural America to extend the same greeting to all, no matter who they are.

I think it's pretty obvious from this thread that there is a war on CHristmas and all things overtly Christian.

It's idiotic to assume that we can use our telekenetic mind reading powers to determine the appropriate greeting for every person we see based upon what they look like. Merry Christmas is a universal greeting of good cheer. If you don't like it, hole up in your bunker and stay out of the midst of normal human beings.

I also have no problem with a cheerful greeting of "Happy Hannukah!" or "Praise Allah how the hell are you?"
I think it's pretty obvious from t his threat that there is a war on CHristmas and all things overtly Christian.

It's idiotic to assume that we can use our telekenetic mind reading powers to determine the appropriate greeting for every person we see based upon what they look like. Merry Christmas is a universal greeting of good cheer. If you don't like it, hole up in your bunker and stay out of the midst of normal human beings.

I also have no problem with a cheerful greeting of "Happy Hannukah!" or "Praise Allah how the hell are you?"

So you're going to use Christmas to launch the new crusades? Hole up in your bunker with your weapons.

Good luck with that.
Yes, but it's pretty much been acknowledged that your human-o-meter is some clicks off.

It's pretty much been acknowledged that your posts are the least Christ-like anyone has ever seen.

Which one of the ten commandments tells you to shove your anger down everyones throat?
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I think it's pretty obvious from this thread that there is a war on CHristmas and all things overtly Christian.

It's idiotic to assume that we can use our telekenetic mind reading powers to determine the appropriate greeting for every person we see based upon what they look like. Merry Christmas is a universal greeting of good cheer. If you don't like it, hole up in your bunker and stay out of the midst of normal human beings.

I also have no problem with a cheerful greeting of "Happy Hannukah!" or "Praise Allah how the hell are you?"

Likewise, what is wrong with saying "Happy Holidays"??? Who is offended by that greeting? It covers the entire holiday season until New Years.
Or Muslims who may see it a sign of Western degradation, money grubbing and lack of spiritual insight.
Or my dog, who according to Agnew has a more developed sense of self than a child and who may think "Happy Holidays" represents a challenge to her authority.
Maybe Jehovah's Witnesses, who don't celebrate holidays.

Maybe other Christians, who think Christmas is a pagan holiday. I worked with one of those women. Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, atheists don't celebrate Christmas.
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"Tell me if you've heard this one before: a Muslim, three Jews, and ten Christians walk into a subway... and then the Muslim has to come to the aid of the Jews who are being attacked by peace-loving Christians. OK, maybe you haven’t heard it before, but would you be surprised to learn that the altercation started when one of the Jews dared to wish the Christians a "Happy Hanukkah" rather than a "Merry Christmas"?

" Friday's altercation on the Q train began when somebody yelled out "Merry Christmas," to which rider Walter Adler responded, "Happy Hanukkah," said Toba Hellerstein.

"Almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like I've called his mother something," Adler told CNN affiliate WABC. Two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault Adler's companions with anti-Semitic language, Hellerstein said.

One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said. When Adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.

Source: CNN
Happy Hanukkah: Muslim Defends Jews from Militant Christians

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