War mongering wing-nuts/village idiots


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.
I love how Obama stood in front of the UN and said that the rest of the world needs to trust us and work with us.

"We all know that Iraq had WMD's, just like Colin Powell and president Bush told you before we acted to help the Iraqi people. We've brought stability to Iraq and the world has seen the fruits of our success as a result of our good and moral efforts.

Now we understand that Iran is building nuclear weapons. Honest. Cross my heart and hope to die. We have satellite pictures to prove it. We want you to work with us so we can send our patriotic boys and girls to Tehran to help the poor opressed Iranians just like we helpoed the poor oppressed people in Fallujah. We're here to help, and our American mothers and fathers are willing to shed the lives of their first-born so that we can make the world a nicer place. Like we did in Iraq."

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.

We are the world's policemen. That is our duty and our responsibility as the #1 superpower of the world.

We are the world's policemen. That is our duty and our responsibility as the #1 superpower of the world.


And we will gladly send our chlidren by the tens of thousands to tin-pot dictator countries to kill and to die, and we will support it all openly and willingly with our tax dollars, or with loans from China. becuase we are smart and the government is here to help. Amen.
We are the world's policemen. That is our duty and our responsibility as the #1 superpower of the world.


And we will gladly send our chlidren by the tens of thousands to tin-pot dictator countries to kill and to die, and we will support it all openly and willingly with our tax dollars, or with loans from China. becuase we are smart and the government is here to help. Amen.

no thanx
Yet may believe that, while it is not our duty to be the world's policeman, it is our duty to export our industries offshore in order to punish the American workers for having the gall to demand a living wage.

Odd, that value system they have, isn't it?

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.

Do you understand that it isn't an ideology that killed people on 9/11, and it is not an ideology that blows itself up in crowded markets, restaurants, wedding receptions, etc?

You mean let the UN handle the problem like it has in Darfur? Rwanda?

And let's be real ... when the UN actually DOES act, it's STILL US doing the acting. Does taht gay-ass blue helmet somehow legitimize doing what we are already doing in our name to you?

That's just dumb. One does not have to be a warmongerer to stand up against terrorism. One just needs to have enough balls to preserve him/herself and a way of life that doesn't include suicide bombing people into submission.

These people exist because of people like YOU.

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.

We are the world's policemen. That is our duty and our responsibility as the #1 superpower of the world.


I hope this is sarcasm
We are the world's policemen. That is our duty and our responsibility as the #1 superpower of the world.


And we will gladly send our chlidren by the tens of thousands to tin-pot dictator countries to kill and to die, and we will support it all openly and willingly with our tax dollars, or with loans from China. becuase we are smart and the government is here to help. Amen.

If you say so.

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.

Do you understand that it isn't an ideology that killed people on 9/11, and it is not an ideology that blows itself up in crowded markets, restaurants, wedding receptions, etc?

You mean let the UN handle the problem like it has in Darfur? Rwanda?

And let's be real ... when the UN actually DOES act, it's STILL US doing the acting. Does taht gay-ass blue helmet somehow legitimize doing what we are already doing in our name to you?

That's just dumb. One does not have to be a warmongerer to stand up against terrorism. One just needs to have enough balls to preserve him/herself and a way of life that doesn't include suicide bombing people into submission.

These people exist because of people like YOU.

OK, you 've got me curious. What did that poster do to make those people exist. Explain in detail, please.

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.

Do you understand that it isn't an ideology that killed people on 9/11, and it is not an ideology that blows itself up in crowded markets, restaurants, wedding receptions, etc?

You mean let the UN handle the problem like it has in Darfur? Rwanda?

And let's be real ... when the UN actually DOES act, it's STILL US doing the acting. Does taht gay-ass blue helmet somehow legitimize doing what we are already doing in our name to you?

That's just dumb. One does not have to be a warmongerer to stand up against terrorism. One just needs to have enough balls to preserve him/herself and a way of life that doesn't include suicide bombing people into submission.

These people exist because of people like YOU.

Exactly ........

there is a large difference between being a War Monger and being Realistic and Proactive!

As a person who has lost family members to war and as a person who has had to take life, I can assure you, the last thing I want is to see our men and women sent into harms way and I can assure you, I stand with many like me who feel that way, but, we are realistic as well.

These people want to bomb Iran and start another war we cannot win.
Some village idiot called into C-Span and said that terrorist killed innocent people on 9-11 and that gives us an excuse to kill innocent people that Al Qaeda and Taliban hide behind. This is typical mentality of village idiots and went on to say we have to stay in Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Does any of these people understand that we cannot kill an ideology, a religion and a culture that have existed for thousands of years and a hatred that we created with our policies? If we start another war, we will have to induct old men and women. And we would be less safe than we already are with our upon door policies.
We are not the world’s policemen. Let the U.N. handle world problems. It’s their job. Or let Israel and other surrounding nations deal with Iran. Iran is no threat to us as neither was Iraq nor Afghanistan.
We deal with an ideology by building a strong and secure America and Americans. We cannot do that by bombing every nations that hates us.

We are the world's policemen. That is our duty and our responsibility
as the #1 superpower of the world.


That's why 9/11 happened and the whole world wants us dead​
You mean let the UN handle the problem like it has in Darfur? Rwanda?

You're right. We'll help them like helped Mexico, Cuba, Belize, Grenada, Russia...

These people exist because of people like YOU.

did it ever occur to you that maybe they hate the US so much more than Canada because of the US' past actions?

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