War In Ukraine Has Decimated A Once Feared Russian Brigade

As long as it takes you will pay to defend Ukraine?... untold riches too?... your nations future economic standing?... you sir are a traitor to American and the American people... a Ukraine spy I presume?....
People like you are textbook useful idiots for a mass murdering war criminal.
Decimation means 10% have been killed.

So, if 1400 soldiers that would be 1260 or fewer remaining.

But really this term just doesn’t have the same dramatic weight unless it’s done like Crassus during the Servile War, where a tenth of soldiers were chosen at random and killed by the remainder as a punishment for failure. The legions were so afraid of Spartacus and his gladiators that Crassus decided to give them something to fear more.

Evil? Absolutely.
Badass and dramatic? Absolutely.

And of course the evil bastard died later in a horrible and infamous way later.

The More You Know.
That's why I said decimated was an understatement and dismembered was a better description.

The 200th has had much more than 10 percent put out of action.
Democrats are willing to start WWIII.
You remind me of those spineless commie symps of the 80s who said Reagan was trying to start WWIII by stationing intermediate range missiles in Europe.

There is always a cowardly element in America who are too pussy to face down a paper tiger like Putin. They'd rather surrender.

You remind me of those spineless commie symps of the 80s who said Reagan was trying to start WWIII by stationing intermediate range missiles in Europe.

There is always a cowardly element in America who are too pussy to face down a paper tiger like Putin.

What's shocking is that the so-called alt-right "conservatives" are now whoring for Russia alongside the Far Left, Noam Chomsky, etc.
Warmonger Vladimir Putin is losing the war, and he knows it. So he is using every means of mass communication at his disposal to reach the useful idiots in our country to get the US to surrender to him.

From Putin's ass to their mouths.
Maybe if we weren't aiding Ukraine the war would be over already so who is the murderer?....
The war would be over? Yeah. Putin would be in Kyiv and his troops would be slaughtering millions of Ukrainians.

And you'd be cheering, "Peace in our time!"
The war would be over? Yeah. Putin would in Ukraine and his troops would be slaughtering millions of Ukrainians.

And you'd be cheering, "Peace in our time!"
So what?... Ukraine is not in New Jersey dummy....

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