War crimes by the Bush Administration.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Just to refresh everyone's memories, especially the specific Obama-haters who have collective amnesia about the events between 2001 to 2009.

Former US President George W Bush, his Vice-President Dick Cheney and six other members of his administration have been found guilty of war crimes by a tribunal in Malaysia.

Bush, Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and five of their legal advisers were tried in their absence and convicted on Saturday.

Victims of torture told a panel of five judges in Kuala Lumpur of their suffering at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Among the evidence, Briton Moazzam Begg, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, said he was beaten, put in a hood and left in solitary confinement. Iraqi woman Jameelah Abbas Hameedi said she was stripped and humiliated in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.

Transcripts of the five-day trial will be sent to the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the Security Council.

The only thing President Bush and his Staff did was to accurately follow the money trail of the 9/11 murderers and act in self-defense of this nation. That included not only Afghanistan's hosting of the perpetrators, the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, openly funded all anti-american warfare his oil-wealthy nation could muster, plus he was eliminating the Kurds off the face of the map of his own country using the WOMDs of sarin and other gases to wipe out entire villages in a genocide-maniacal manner, not to mention his vicious, criminal rape rooms for women of men he despised for any reason.

For these reasons, I call on the President to ground Nancy Pelosi's cheap usage of the Air Force for her transportation to commit acts of treason against the United States of America. She's been douching around, pilfering the treasury for her political aims for over two decades now to transport her commie pals and family to all four corners of this planet, and I'm sick of it. She uses the Air Force to seek and destroy her political opponents, and she has become the point man for the criminally-insane Democrat Party. At least Biden will no longer hold that distinction, having been caught with his hand in the extortion cookie jar using his Vice Presidency as his excuse to pocket cash from China, the Ukraine, and others.
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Bush's biggest crime was being such a shitty President that our country was bamboozled into electing our worst President ever in protest.
I thought President Bush was very honest, and his librarian wife, First Lady Laura Bush was dynamite to ignorance by inciting literacy at a high level to all American Children.
President Bush stood for strength in American children, not to mention adults, by his daily running through the paths of Washington D.C., from his background of being the owner of a major league competitive sports team. He won awards from Ducks Unlimited for his great love of protecting animals from ground pollution from the petroleum industry and set an example in so doing to the world to clean up its pollution act. He did his best, and I am proud I had the privilege of voting for him twice for President. And I praise him for starting a Presidential Library in his adopted state of Texas where his family lived starting with his second birthday if memory serves me right.
And as far as war crimes are concerned, he prevented Saddam Hussein from murdering millions. God bless President Dubya for all time.
I have no idea if Mr. Bush and his staff did commit war crimes but in any case this sentence may never be carried out because I think that Mr. Bush and the others who have been found guilty have some kind of "immunity" :dunno:
Just to refresh everyone's memories, especially the specific Obama-haters who have collective amnesia about the events between 2001 to 2009.

Former US President George W Bush, his Vice-President Dick Cheney and six other members of his administration have been found guilty of war crimes by a tribunal in Malaysia.

Bush, Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and five of their legal advisers were tried in their absence and convicted on Saturday.

Victims of torture told a panel of five judges in Kuala Lumpur of their suffering at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Among the evidence, Briton Moazzam Begg, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, said he was beaten, put in a hood and left in solitary confinement. Iraqi woman Jameelah Abbas Hameedi said she was stripped and humiliated in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.

Transcripts of the five-day trial will be sent to the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the Security Council.

Tried in absentia by a third world kangeroo court? Fuck them.

You know, they just demonstrated that they know we are the good guys.

Cause if we were half the villain, assholes like them pretend we are, they wouldn't dare.

FUcing cowards.
FUcing cowards.
We're the cowards for not trying them here.

Query: What percentage of living republican presidents wold you like to see arrested and jailed?
I'm not Noam Chomsky.
I'm more interested in them being held accountable
so people know the truth. That's what juries are for.

"Held accountable"? "Juries"?

Why afraid to answer the question? You obviously think GW should be in jail. How many others?

It is all of them is it not? And most of their administrations.
Why afraid to answer the question?
I gave my answer, oh trolling one.

You lefties love to arrest people once you gain power. Someday, I have no doubt you people will start arresting GOP Presidents when they leave office. It will be a big step towards your dream of making America a Third World shithole.

When you get too obvious, people will realize that the Republic is dead, and people will stop respecting a Rule of Law, that is not lawful.
The only thing President Bush and his Staff did was to accurately follow the money trail of the 9/11 murderers and act in self-defense of this nation. That included not only Afghanistan's hosting of the perpetrators, the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, openly funded all anti-american warfare his oil-wealthy nation could muster, plus he was eliminating the Kurds off the face of the map of his own country using the WOMDs of sarin and other gases to wipe out entire villages in a genocide-maniacal manner, not to mention his vicious, criminal rape rooms for women of men he despised for any reason.

For these reasons, I call on the President to ground Nancy Pelosi's cheap usage of the Air Force for her transportation to commit acts of treason against the United States of America. She's been douching around, pilfering the treasury for her political aims for over two decades now to transport her commie pals and family to all four corners of this planet, and I'm sick of it. She uses the Air Force to seek and destroy her political opponents, and she has become the point man for the criminally-insane Democrat Party. At least Biden will no longer hold that distinction, having been caught with his hand in the extortion cookie jar using his Vice Presidency as his excuse to pocket cash from China, the Ukraine, and others.
No. They did not follow the money trail. It led to Saudi Arabia. At the same time, I do not care of the finding of a Malaysian tribunal or any other international body, this many years after the fact. We do need to leave the middle east to the middle easterners and get the heck out of Iraq, back Israel and turn a blind eye. We are shitty at trying to enforce our chosen course for that region.

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