Want to Keep Pot Illegal? Time to Justify...

Colorado is rethinking its legalization and might repeal the legalization law. It is turning out to be more expensive than the taxes it would bring in.
Yay, they want to control your lives through throwing you in prison for smoking something. Idiocy.

Fucking control freaks on the right.

Are the laws against smoking from fucking control freaks on the left?

It looks like the best and most effective way to make pot illegal is to legalize it!

My personal bet would be on the drug cartels. They have no problem whatsoever with the death penalty.
Katz, my own experience is that marijuana erases the "pain memory". When I got sick I hadn't touched marijuana for over 30 years. I do have pain, which at times is horrible. If I take a pain pill, that's all I do. I can't read, can't go outside and walk around or anything. When I wake up I feel 'hungover' from the oxycotin or flexeral or whatever.('scuse my spelling') If i smoke a pipe when I hurt, I still hurt, but there is no hangover the next day, and my body isn't all stiff and sore from the previous day's pain. When I have pain, I unconsiously 'tighten up', even grit my teeth. When I smoke, I don't do that. I am not stiff and sore from that the next day. However; for me marijuana does not stop the pain, you could say it just makes it less unpleasant.
As for side effects, there is no drug that doesn't come with risks. none. Everyone is not the same, and while I see your point about people that wanna be stoned all the time, I actually use marijuana because it helps me stay more alert and I can do more than if I take pharmecutical drugs.

You THINK it helps you.

I have a friend with fibromyalgia. She smoked heavily when she was younger, but quit for years. She married a man that wouldn't tolerate it. When she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia her pain was intolerable. She went to a pot-doc and got a medical marijuana card. It would help her. Her treating doctor informed her that he no longer wished to have her as a patient so she now goes to a free clinic. Smoking pot actually increased her pain. Pain was what she used to justify smoking pot. If she had no pain, there was no reason for her to use. Psychologically her pain became intolerable. She could do nothing but lay in bed, screaming in agony and vomiting. The more she smoked, the worse the pain became when she wasn't smoking. She had to smoke more to deal with the increased pain. This is what psychological addiction is like. It could be anything. Whatever the fixation is. For some it's chocolate. There are men who think they are totally sexually dysfunctional unless they have watched an hour or two of porn. Gamblers suffer intense pain unless they are distracted by gambling. The addiction creates it's pain, then treats the pain. Without the treatment, the pain increases.

Of course marijuana doesn't keep you alert. Marijuana keeps no one alert. You aren't different. But you think it keeps you alert. Now you need it to stay alert. Marijuana has created conditions which require marijuana for treatment. And you believe it, you can prove it. You need to use pot.

An experiment was conducted several years ago with spiders. The spider would spin a web. A perfect spider web. Then the spider was given marijuana. The web was haphazard, it was poorly constructed. It would never catch a fly. But the spider sat in some off center spot that the spider thought was the center and waited for its food to arrive. The spider didn't know it had built a poor web. It was convinced that the web would serve its intended purpose because it was a spectacularly constructed web. Then it starved to death.

If all it is is in the mind, isn't believing enough? What a wonder drug! It helps by letting your mind allegviate your woes, instead of treating symptoms. No wonder there are no side effects. Your whole post was like a pro-marijuana treatment use argument. Nice job!

"It's not really helping you, you just think it's helping you. It's like a placebo, your just too high to realize you're still in pain. Dummy!" And after you are sober again? Your body and mind experience memory loss and don't remember you were in pain.




A placebo that works is much better than putting medicine into your body, especially something that kills pain.
You THINK it helps you.

I have a friend with fibromyalgia. She smoked heavily when she was younger, but quit for years. She married a man that wouldn't tolerate it. When she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia her pain was intolerable. She went to a pot-doc and got a medical marijuana card. It would help her. Her treating doctor informed her that he no longer wished to have her as a patient so she now goes to a free clinic. Smoking pot actually increased her pain. Pain was what she used to justify smoking pot. If she had no pain, there was no reason for her to use. Psychologically her pain became intolerable. She could do nothing but lay in bed, screaming in agony and vomiting. The more she smoked, the worse the pain became when she wasn't smoking. She had to smoke more to deal with the increased pain. This is what psychological addiction is like. It could be anything. Whatever the fixation is. For some it's chocolate. There are men who think they are totally sexually dysfunctional unless they have watched an hour or two of porn. Gamblers suffer intense pain unless they are distracted by gambling. The addiction creates it's pain, then treats the pain. Without the treatment, the pain increases.

Of course marijuana doesn't keep you alert. Marijuana keeps no one alert. You aren't different. But you think it keeps you alert. Now you need it to stay alert. Marijuana has created conditions which require marijuana for treatment. And you believe it, you can prove it. You need to use pot.

An experiment was conducted several years ago with spiders. The spider would spin a web. A perfect spider web. Then the spider was given marijuana. The web was haphazard, it was poorly constructed. It would never catch a fly. But the spider sat in some off center spot that the spider thought was the center and waited for its food to arrive. The spider didn't know it had built a poor web. It was convinced that the web would serve its intended purpose because it was a spectacularly constructed web. Then it starved to death.

If all it is is in the mind, isn't believing enough? What a wonder drug! It helps by letting your mind allegviate your woes, instead of treating symptoms. No wonder there are no side effects. Your whole post was like a pro-marijuana treatment use argument. Nice job!

"It's not really helping you, you just think it's helping you. It's like a placebo, your just too high to realize you're still in pain. Dummy!" And after you are sober again? Your body and mind experience memory loss and don't remember you were in pain.




A placebo that works is much better than putting medicine into your body, especially something that kills pain.

The only problem placebos have is that while the person is taking the placebo, the disease is still progressing. Of course people who just imagine they have a disease to begin with, that's different. A placebo can effect a complete cure. Like the woman I know. There's really nothing wrong with her at all. She is in pain because she wants marijuana. She needs to justify her desire to get high so when deprived she is in terrible pain. Now she's bedridden. That's a side effect of placebo therapy.

There have been plenty of incidents of people who have deadly diseases, take some sort of placebo cure that doesn't work and died, when had they taken a real cure, would have lived. Steve Jobs comes to mind as one of those.
the main problem with weed is it turns you into a social retard, that just wants to watch TV and fears the world outside. It is not a social drug! it makes you nervous, paranoid and lazy. which is frustrating as it makes you more creative, but making you too lazy to act on it. Still none of these are good reasons to make it illegal. If you look at the original reasons for the illegalisation of the drug you would laugh at how exaggerated and unfounded in science they are. which, right there, makes the law redundant.
If we didn't also have to support these lazy pot heads, no one would care if they sat around high on pot all day.
the majority of pot heads have jobs, good ones in many cases. the ones that sit there all day take some pressure off real job seekers. basically what im saying here is there's too many of us all working to chase the same money, its good that some people choose not to participate in the rat race.
the majority of pot heads have jobs, good ones in many cases. the ones that sit there all day take some pressure off real job seekers. basically what im saying here is there's too many of us all working to chase the same money, its good that some people choose not to participate in the rat race.

They just should not be supported.
If all it is is in the mind, isn't believing enough? What a wonder drug! It helps by letting your mind allegviate your woes, instead of treating symptoms. No wonder there are no side effects. Your whole post was like a pro-marijuana treatment use argument. Nice job!

"It's not really helping you, you just think it's helping you. It's like a placebo, your just too high to realize you're still in pain. Dummy!" And after you are sober again? Your body and mind experience memory loss and don't remember you were in pain.




A placebo that works is much better than putting medicine into your body, especially something that kills pain.

The only problem placebos have is that while the person is taking the placebo, the disease is still progressing. Of course people who just imagine they have a disease to begin with, that's different. A placebo can effect a complete cure. Like the woman I know. There's really nothing wrong with her at all. She is in pain because she wants marijuana. She needs to justify her desire to get high so when deprived she is in terrible pain. Now she's bedridden. That's a side effect of placebo therapy.

There have been plenty of incidents of people who have deadly diseases, take some sort of placebo cure that doesn't work and died, when had they taken a real cure, would have lived. Steve Jobs comes to mind as one of those.

Has anyone here been talking about using cannabis to cure a deadly disease?
We throw people into prison for years and it costs billions of dollars because someone wants to get stoned. You people don't bitch about the drunk as you damn well know it isn't worth illegalizing it as we learned long ago.

We as a nation need to throw out prison sentences for smoking a damn leaf. Sure, you break the law behind the wheal fine the person...The war on drugs is just stupid.
Yay, they want to control your lives through throwing you in prison for smoking something. Idiocy.

Fucking control freaks on the right.

Are the laws against smoking from fucking control freaks on the left?

It looks like the best and most effective way to make pot illegal is to legalize it!

My personal bet would be on the drug cartels. They have no problem whatsoever with the death penalty.

I don't believe the left should have that power either. :eek:
the main problem with weed is it turns you into a social retard, that just wants to watch TV and fears the world outside. It is not a social drug! it makes you nervous, paranoid and lazy. which is frustrating as it makes you more creative, but making you too lazy to act on it. Still none of these are good reasons to make it illegal. If you look at the original reasons for the illegalisation of the drug you would laugh at how exaggerated and unfounded in science they are. which, right there, makes the law redundant.

I think you're dealing in some brash oversimplification a here. Many successful, active individuals smoke regularly.

If we didn't also have to support these lazy pot heads, no one would care if they sat around high on pot all day.

Who's supporting who? I smoke and my wife and I make well over six figures (not to brag, just proving a point). We just got back from a run and a trip to the farmers market (supporting local businesses).

Perhaps maybe you rescind some of your oversimplified assumptions?

The only problem placebos have is that while the person is taking the placebo, the disease is still progressing. Of course people who just imagine they have a disease to begin with, that's different. A placebo can effect a complete cure. Like the woman I know. There's really nothing wrong with her at all. She is in pain because she wants marijuana. She needs to justify her desire to get high so when deprived she is in terrible pain. Now she's bedridden. That's a side effect of placebo therapy.

There have been plenty of incidents of people who have deadly diseases, take some sort of placebo cure that doesn't work and died, when had they taken a real cure, would have lived. Steve Jobs comes to mind as one of those.
any links for any of that? You know you're in the CDZ right?
If we didn't also have to support these lazy pot heads, no one would care if they sat around high on pot all day.

Who's supporting who? I smoke and my wife and I make well over six figures (not to brag, just proving a point). We just got back from a run and a trip to the farmers market (supporting local businesses).

Perhaps maybe you rescind some of your oversimplified assumptions?


see above ^

as to the OP, its because we live in jesusland :eusa_pray:
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the main problem with weed is it turns you into a social retard, that just wants to watch TV and fears the world outside.
This might be true only for those whose personal problems cause them to use it as an emotional anesthetic by remaining constantly tranquilized. What you've said is analogous to blaming food for a given individual's compulsive gluttony.

It is not a social drug! it makes you nervous, paranoid and lazy.
Marijuana certainly is a social drug -- i.e., for those who are seeking a social experience rather than an anesthetic effect.

which is frustrating as it makes you more creative, but making you too lazy to act on it.
Again you are describing the effect of over-indulgence, which is typical in situations wherein the user is seeking escape rather than intellectual expansion. Much of this problem is the result of marijuana prohibition, which has so effectively suppressed access that control of quality and potency is virtually impossible and ignorance about proper usage prevails. Legalization would remove these barriers, enabling widespread education in proper usage.
If we didn't also have to support these lazy pot heads, no one would care if they sat around high on pot all day.

ahoy Katzndogz,

when i was in me twenties and early thirties, i made six figures per year, me bucko...and i was busy (very busy) loadin' up herb and "C" and a bit 'o "H" into me blunderbuss at at pretty robust clip.

i also stimulated the economy a great deal by employin' makeup artists, assistants and stylists on a daily basis - plus, all them narcotics provided a huge multiplier effect to me earnings as the monies i made were joyously spent with a vigor and a joy that brings a smile to me face as i reminisce 'o me conquerin' years.

ye really have to loosen up and have yerself a spliff ondeck, me friend. as the sun be settin' and the bracin' spray 'o the salt water breaks against the prow, thar be few things as relaxin' as unwindin' from yer day's labors with a pinch 'o kind bud.

wind at yer back, matey.


- MeadHallPirate
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