Want to Keep Pot Illegal? Time to Justify...

Show your sources for the affirmation that state legal clinics buy from illegal sources.

To begin with, there are enough legal clinics around here to know.
For another.

Report: Mexican Drug Cartels Infiltrating Calif. Medical Pot Industry

In Colorado

Colorado 420 Coalition

[News] Beware of RUSSIAN Owned Dispensary's - News & Political Discussion - WeedTRACKER

Most ordinary citizens are profoundly ignorant. Criminals are two steps ahead of you right now. They have always been two steps ahead of you and always will be. By the time the ordinary citizen has muddled around and figured out that making illicit money off pot is impossible, criminals have already figured out 20 ways they can still make a fortune. How long have we had legal gambling and horse racing? Has one bookie been put out of business?

Again Katz, (I don't think you answered me the first time) do criminals run companies like Budweiser, Maker's Mark, Jack Daniels, and Miller? Are criminals in charge of the distribution channels?

This is a historical precedent that we should reference when talking about a prohibited drug becoming a legal one.


Companies like you describe were legal. They had been legal and only made illegal during the few years of prohibition. Alcohol remained legal for all purposes other than as a beverage. They didn't start out as criminal enterprises and then become legal to only become illegal again. By the time the federal prohibition amendment was passed, several states had already prohibited alcohol. After prohibition ended localities were able to prohibit alcohol in their jurisdictions and they did. Some still do.

If you are going to use a historical precedent, get it right. Prohibiton of alcohol has more in common with the laws against tobacco than marijuana. Understand some real history not just what the pro pots put out.

Simplistic assumptions about government’s ability to legislate morals, whether pro or con, find no support in the historical record. As historian Ian Tyrrell writes, “each drug subject to restrictions needs to be carefully investigated in terms of its conditions of production, its value to an illicit trade, the ability to conceal the substance, and its effects on both the individual and society at large.”66 From a historical perspective, no prediction is certain, and no path is forever barred—not even the return of alcohol prohibition in some form. Historical context matters.

Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation
The enlightened doctors who prescribe marijuana just all happen to work for marijuana clinics.

Katz, why are you so against people smoking marijuana? Do you hold this same level of distain towards ALL people who drink alcohol as well?


Not in Maine, they don't.

Here in Maine one must find a doctor willing to perscibe marijuana, and THEN one purchase it either from a marijuana ONLY pharmacy, from one's personally and legally sanctioned marijuana health care provider, or one can grow it for oneself.

As a matter of fact I went to a marijuana perscribing MD last November who refused to prescribe it for me because I did NOT have a long history of complaining about the pain for which I have been illegally smoking POT for the last 20 years.

So in oder for me to get that presciption, I have to go to the doctor for the next 6 months complaining about that pain in order for that MD to give me a prescription.

This is true even though the MD clearly saw the how I was already benefitting from the illegal marijuana I'd been smoking all along ILLEGALLY.

Essantially he told me this

Well you are obviously suffering physicallyin reality, son, but you do not qualify for this presciption ON PAPER!

Now tell me, please, that this society isn't :doubt: slighty nuts when it comes to this substance.
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To begin with, there are enough legal clinics around here to know.
For another.

Report: Mexican Drug Cartels Infiltrating Calif. Medical Pot Industry

In Colorado

Colorado 420 Coalition

[News] Beware of RUSSIAN Owned Dispensary's - News & Political Discussion - WeedTRACKER

Most ordinary citizens are profoundly ignorant. Criminals are two steps ahead of you right now. They have always been two steps ahead of you and always will be. By the time the ordinary citizen has muddled around and figured out that making illicit money off pot is impossible, criminals have already figured out 20 ways they can still make a fortune. How long have we had legal gambling and horse racing? Has one bookie been put out of business?

Again Katz, (I don't think you answered me the first time) do criminals run companies like Budweiser, Maker's Mark, Jack Daniels, and Miller? Are criminals in charge of the distribution channels?

This is a historical precedent that we should reference when talking about a prohibited drug becoming a legal one.


Companies like you describe were legal. They had been legal and only made illegal during the few years of prohibition. Alcohol remained legal for all purposes other than as a beverage. They didn't start out as criminal enterprises and then become legal to only become illegal again. By the time the federal prohibition amendment was passed, several states had already prohibited alcohol. After prohibition ended localities were able to prohibit alcohol in their jurisdictions and they did. Some still do.

If you are going to use a historical precedent, get it right. Prohibiton of alcohol has more in common with the laws against tobacco than marijuana. Understand some real history not just what the pro pots put out.

Simplistic assumptions about government’s ability to legislate morals, whether pro or con, find no support in the historical record. As historian Ian Tyrrell writes, “each drug subject to restrictions needs to be carefully investigated in terms of its conditions of production, its value to an illicit trade, the ability to conceal the substance, and its effects on both the individual and society at large.”66 From a historical perspective, no prediction is certain, and no path is forever barred—not even the return of alcohol prohibition in some form. Historical context matters.

Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation

Katz, so you're saying that all of these United States retail locations and distribution channels are going to risk prosecution, violence by dealing with a ruthless illegal cartel instead of going with a legal, legitimate company that they can pay electronically and hold accountable for bad product, ect?

How is a legal pot store supposed to sue a Mexican drug lord when they find out their pot is laced with coke?

Do you get my point?

Lets go at it from a business angle...

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I have absolutely no confidence in the claim that the russian mafia is lacing pot with lead.

This is, I suspect another of the WHOPPERS that the anti-marijuana folks have been passing off for decades.

And clearly whoever invested this nonsense knows NOTHING about he illegal marijuana business.

All one need do to increase weight to a bag is ADD WATER.

Adding lead would not only be STUPID because how does on add LEAD to it, but is would also be much more expensive to cheat your customers that way.]

Honestly what are we talking to here, children?
I have absolutely no confidence in the claim that the russian mafia is lacing pot with lead.

This is, I suspect another of the WHOPPERS that the anti-marijuana folks have been passing off for decades.

And clearly whoever invested this nonsense knows NOTHING about he illegal marijuana business.

All one need do to increase weight to a bag is ADD WATER.

Adding lead would not only be STUPID because how does on add LEAD to it, but is would also be much more expensive to cheat your customers that way.]

Honestly what are we talking to here, children?

There are people who depend on your believing that. After all didn't tobacco companies add dangerous substances to their product for years. They got away with it too and no one would believe that tobacco companies would actually add expensive dangerous chemicals to their product.

For this alone, we should legalize marijuana and start reducing the drug addict population.
I have absolutely no confidence in the claim that the russian mafia is lacing pot with lead.

This is, I suspect another of the WHOPPERS that the anti-marijuana folks have been passing off for decades.

And clearly whoever invested this nonsense knows NOTHING about he illegal marijuana business.

All one need do to increase weight to a bag is ADD WATER.

Adding lead would not only be STUPID because how does on add LEAD to it, but is would also be much more expensive to cheat your customers that way.]

Honestly what are we talking to here, children?

There are people who depend on your believing that. After all didn't tobacco companies add dangerous substances to their product for years. They got away with it too and no one would believe that tobacco companies would actually add expensive dangerous chemicals to their product.

For this alone, we should legalize marijuana and start reducing the drug addict population.

So you're pro-legalization then?

Case closed..

Again Katz, (I don't think you answered me the first time) do criminals run companies like Budweiser, Maker's Mark, Jack Daniels, and Miller? Are criminals in charge of the distribution channels?

This is a historical precedent that we should reference when talking about a prohibited drug becoming a legal one.


Companies like you describe were legal. They had been legal and only made illegal during the few years of prohibition. Alcohol remained legal for all purposes other than as a beverage. They didn't start out as criminal enterprises and then become legal to only become illegal again. By the time the federal prohibition amendment was passed, several states had already prohibited alcohol. After prohibition ended localities were able to prohibit alcohol in their jurisdictions and they did. Some still do.

If you are going to use a historical precedent, get it right. Prohibiton of alcohol has more in common with the laws against tobacco than marijuana. Understand some real history not just what the pro pots put out.

Simplistic assumptions about government’s ability to legislate morals, whether pro or con, find no support in the historical record. As historian Ian Tyrrell writes, “each drug subject to restrictions needs to be carefully investigated in terms of its conditions of production, its value to an illicit trade, the ability to conceal the substance, and its effects on both the individual and society at large.”66 From a historical perspective, no prediction is certain, and no path is forever barred—not even the return of alcohol prohibition in some form. Historical context matters.

Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation

Katz, so you're saying that all of these United States retail locations and distribution channels are going to risk prosecution, violence by dealing with a ruthless illegal cartel instead of going with a legal, legitimate company that they can pay electronically and hold accountable for bad product, ect?

How is a legal pot store supposed to sue a Mexican drug lord when they find out their pot is laced with coke?

Do you get my point?

Lets go at it from a business angle...


What I'm saying is that many of the legal retail locations will actually be fronts for some very illegal enterprises. Just like they are now for other illegal products. You don't think that pot is the only product that is or would be sold illegally do you?

The one thing about pot heads is, you can tell them anything. The investment in drug addiction is so towering, they'll believe anything you tell them.

Marijuana is perfectly safe. Keep using it. The sooner the pot heads die off the better.
Companies like you describe were legal. They had been legal and only made illegal during the few years of prohibition. Alcohol remained legal for all purposes other than as a beverage. They didn't start out as criminal enterprises and then become legal to only become illegal again. By the time the federal prohibition amendment was passed, several states had already prohibited alcohol. After prohibition ended localities were able to prohibit alcohol in their jurisdictions and they did. Some still do.

If you are going to use a historical precedent, get it right. Prohibiton of alcohol has more in common with the laws against tobacco than marijuana. Understand some real history not just what the pro pots put out.

Simplistic assumptions about government’s ability to legislate morals, whether pro or con, find no support in the historical record. As historian Ian Tyrrell writes, “each drug subject to restrictions needs to be carefully investigated in terms of its conditions of production, its value to an illicit trade, the ability to conceal the substance, and its effects on both the individual and society at large.”66 From a historical perspective, no prediction is certain, and no path is forever barred—not even the return of alcohol prohibition in some form. Historical context matters.

Did Prohibition Really Work? Alcohol Prohibition as a Public Health Innovation

Katz, so you're saying that all of these United States retail locations and distribution channels are going to risk prosecution, violence by dealing with a ruthless illegal cartel instead of going with a legal, legitimate company that they can pay electronically and hold accountable for bad product, ect?

How is a legal pot store supposed to sue a Mexican drug lord when they find out their pot is laced with coke?

Do you get my point?

Lets go at it from a business angle...


What I'm saying is that many of the legal retail locations will actually be fronts for some very illegal enterprises. Just like they are now for other illegal products. You don't think that pot is the only product that is or would be sold illegally do you?

The one thing about pot heads is, you can tell them anything. The investment in drug addiction is so towering, they'll believe anything you tell them.

Marijuana is perfectly safe. Keep using it. The sooner the pot heads die off the better.

Katz, relatively speaking, marijuana is a pretty safe product. Alcohol (for numerous reasons) is much more dangerous..

1.) You can overdose on it in a single sitting
2.) It causes liver disease/cancer when consumed in bulk for a long time
3.) Removes inhibitions, causing people to make very poor decisions
4.) Extremely addictive

Would it be fair to assume that you also want the alcohol-heads to die off too (ie anyone who drinks)?

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Nice try at deflection, but the facts remain:

1. Smoking IS the most common means of ingestion; and

2. People who first use marijuana are more likely to use harder drugs.

3. According to your assertion, the vast majority of marijuana users are either irresponsible or teetotalers. Which is it?
If you wouldn't mind answering some personal questions there are some things about you I'd like to know:





Is anyone close to you addicted to drugs, now or in the past?

Not that it is particularly relevant, but here you go:






How about you?

P.S. Please explain why you think legalized marijuana cigarettes would be any less of a health hazard than legalized tobacco cigarettes.

Because the chemicals found in marijuana are not carcenogenic. Yeah yeahm I know you've heard otherwise. You have been lied to.

In fact, marijuania is found to have anti-carcenogenic properties.

And, Epidemiological studies show evidence that POT AND cigarette smokers have a lower incidence of lung cancer than cigarettes smokers who do not smoke pot.


Pretty much everything we have ever been taught about pot has been a lie.

Not a mistake, a LIE.

Gateway drug?

Chocolate is the first drug most people take.

Chocolate (another harmless drug, one also o with antioxidents, just like po]t) is ALSO not a gateway drug.

The concept of GATEWAY drugs is another of those FILTHY LIES brought to us courtesy of the Masters of prohibition.
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Katz, so you're saying that all of these United States retail locations and distribution channels are going to risk prosecution, violence by dealing with a ruthless illegal cartel instead of going with a legal, legitimate company that they can pay electronically and hold accountable for bad product, ect?

How is a legal pot store supposed to sue a Mexican drug lord when they find out their pot is laced with coke?

Do you get my point?

Lets go at it from a business angle...


What I'm saying is that many of the legal retail locations will actually be fronts for some very illegal enterprises. Just like they are now for other illegal products. You don't think that pot is the only product that is or would be sold illegally do you?

The one thing about pot heads is, you can tell them anything. The investment in drug addiction is so towering, they'll believe anything you tell them.

Marijuana is perfectly safe. Keep using it. The sooner the pot heads die off the better.

Katz, relatively speaking, marijuana is a pretty safe product. Alcohol (for numerous reasons) is much more dangerous..

1.) You can overdose on it in a single sitting
2.) It causes liver disease/cancer when consumed in bulk for a long time
3.) Removes inhibitions, causing people to make very poor decisions
4.) Extremely addictive

Would it be fair to assume that you also want the alcohol-heads to die off too (ie anyone who drinks)?


Not everyone who has a glass of wine with dinner is an alcoholic. Yes, let the alcoholics kill themselves off too. And do it in a way that doesn't take out a family of five on the freeway.

Yes. I am pro legalization, as long as there are adequate protections for the non users. Which is one of the reasons why you can't have legalization and gun control. I am also pro drug cartel. After all, they have taken 70,000 users and dealers off the streets of mexico permanently. In all the years of "drug wars" we haven't managed a fraction of that.
If you wouldn't mind answering some personal questions there are some things about you I'd like to know:





Is anyone close to you addicted to drugs, now or in the past?

Not that it is particularly relevant, but here you go:






How about you?

P.S. Please explain why you think legalized marijuana cigarettes would be any less of a health hazard than legalized tobacco cigarettes.

Because the chemicals found in marijuana are not carcenogenic. Yeah yeahm I know you've heard otherwise. You have been lied to.

In fact, marijuania is found to have anti-carcenogenic properties.

And, Epidemiological studies show evidence that POT AND cigarette smokers have a lower incidence of lung cancer than cigarettes smokers who do not smoke pot.


Pretty much everything we have ever been taught about pot has been a lie.

Not a mistake, a LIE.

Gateway drug?

Chocolate is the first drug most people take.

Chocolate (another harmless drug, one also o with antioxidents, just like po]t) is ALSO not a gateway drug.

The concept of GATEWAY drugs is another of those FILTHY LIES brought to us courtesy of the Masters of prohibition.

What is the level of cognitive impairment of chocolate? And what causes more cognitive impairment, chocolate or pot?

Everything you just said is NORML propaganda and a lie. Keep believing it.
Do you have any actual evidence that shows pot as more harmful than alcohol? More addictive? More anything?

I really find it difficult to believe that pot has shown to be anywhere near alcohol.
Do you have any actual evidence that shows pot as more harmful than alcohol? More addictive? More anything?

I really find it difficult to believe that pot has shown to be anywhere near alcohol.

Did I ever say it was more harmful or addictive than alcohol. Although, many people, the majority in fact, have a glass of wine or a champagne toast and don't get drunk. Everyone who ingests pot does so to get high.

It's when you start comparing marijuana to chocolate or cigarettes, or coffee, which have no cognitive impairment at all that the pot is good for you train goes off the rails.

Marijuana | National Institute on Drug Abuse

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Contrary to common belief, marijuana is addictive. Estimates from research suggest that about 9 percent of users become addicted to marijuana; this number increases among those who start young (to about 17 percent, or 1 in 6) and among daily users (to 25-50 percent). Thus, many of the nearly 7 percent of high-school seniors who (according to annual survey data) report smoking marijuana daily or almost daily are well on their way to addiction, if not already addicted (besides functioning at a sub-optimal level all of the time).

Long-term marijuana users trying to quit report withdrawal symptoms including irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which can make it difficult to remain abstinent. Behavioral interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational incentives (i.e., providing vouchers for goods or services to patients who remain abstinent) have proven to be effective in treating marijuana addiction

Marijuana addiction is following the same line as tobacco addiction. A total denial that it is addictive because some people don't get addicted. Not everyone got addicted to cigarettes either. Many people would go to a party or out to a bar, smoke, and never want a cigarette outside the social situation. Very few people get addicted to alcohol. As many alcoholics as there are, they are few because alcoholism isn't caused by drinking, but by someone with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism who drinks. Researchers Identify Alcoholism Gene

Marijuana addiction might be caused by the same genetic predisposition.

Marijuana Addiction Today | Psychology Today

What's absurd is the idea that by increasing the number of impaired by marijuana, it somehow means that the number of people impaired by alcohol is reduced! The sane answer is you get a larger total of people who are impaired. Including a large number of individuals who are both drunk and high.

What are the effects of mixing marijuana and alcohol?

When people smoke marijuana and drink alcohol at the same time they can experience nausea and/or vomiting or they can react with panic, anxiety or paranoia. Mixing marijuana with alcohol can increase the risk of vulnerable people experiencing psychotic symptoms.

There is some evidence to support that having alcohol in your blood causes a faster absorption of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana that causes intoxication). This can lead to the marijuana having a much stronger effect than it would normally have and could result in ‘greening out’.

Greening out is a term commonly referred to in a situation where people feel sick after smoking marijuana. They can go pale and sweaty, feel dizzy, nauseous and may even start vomiting. They usually feel they have to lie down straight away.

It appears that this is more likely to happen if a person has been drinking alcohol before smoking marijuana rather than the other way around.

What are the risks of mixing marijuana and alcohol?
Marijuana: Factsheets: Alcohol and Marijuana

Unpredictable effects – if marijuana and alcohol are used at the same time there is a greater likelihood of negative side-effects occurring either physically (greening out) or psychologically (panic, anxiety and paranoia).

Drug addicts should be allowed to die on their own. Whatever negative effects should be permitted to occur with the primary focus being on protecting those around the user from harm. And that by any means necessary with an emphasis on self defense as primary.
What I'm saying is that many of the legal retail locations will actually be fronts for some very illegal enterprises. Just like they are now for other illegal products. You don't think that pot is the only product that is or would be sold illegally do you?

The one thing about pot heads is, you can tell them anything. The investment in drug addiction is so towering, they'll believe anything you tell them.

Marijuana is perfectly safe. Keep using it. The sooner the pot heads die off the better.

Katz, relatively speaking, marijuana is a pretty safe product. Alcohol (for numerous reasons) is much more dangerous..

1.) You can overdose on it in a single sitting
2.) It causes liver disease/cancer when consumed in bulk for a long time
3.) Removes inhibitions, causing people to make very poor decisions
4.) Extremely addictive

Would it be fair to assume that you also want the alcohol-heads to die off too (ie anyone who drinks)?


Not everyone who has a glass of wine with dinner is an alcoholic. Yes, let the alcoholics kill themselves off too. And do it in a way that doesn't take out a family of five on the freeway.

Yes. I am pro legalization, as long as there are adequate protections for the non users. Which is one of the reasons why you can't have legalization and gun control. I am also pro drug cartel. After all, they have taken 70,000 users and dealers off the streets of mexico permanently. In all the years of "drug wars" we haven't managed a fraction of that.

Likewise, not everyone who smokes occasionally is a 'pothead'.

By the way, what protections do you need from pot smokers anyways? There will be laws against smoking and driving but beyond that I can't think of anything else.

Also, you're pro Cartel? That's kind of disturbing (given the level of violence they deal in and the types of horrible, horrible drugs they produce (like meth)). That doesn't say much about your character, Katz.

Of course I'm pro cartel. Who do you think took these drug dealers off the streets?

Six strangled, one decapitated in Mexican resort of Cancun | Reuters

"It looks like the victims were independent drug dealers without any links to any specific cartel," said Juan Ignacio Hernandez, deputy attorney general of Quintana Roo state.

Last month six people died and five were injured after two men opened fire in a bar on the outskirts of Cancun.

In a separate incident, police on Sunday found the body of another man in Cancun who had been gagged, bound and wrapped in sheets.

Bring THAT to the "legal" pot shops.
Of course I'm pro cartel. Who do you think took these drug dealers off the streets?

Six strangled, one decapitated in Mexican resort of Cancun | Reuters

"It looks like the victims were independent drug dealers without any links to any specific cartel," said Juan Ignacio Hernandez, deputy attorney general of Quintana Roo state.

Last month six people died and five were injured after two men opened fire in a bar on the outskirts of Cancun.

In a separate incident, police on Sunday found the body of another man in Cancun who had been gagged, bound and wrapped in sheets.

Bring THAT to the "legal" pot shops.

I'll bet the name of one of the main Cartels responsible was the "Marijuana" Cartel. Isn't that one of the real reason's why "Marijuana" needs to be illegal?

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Sound like cigarette advertising in the 1950's.

Nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes, what's the addictive substance in Pot?

Marijuana | Brown University Health Education

No one would argue that marijuana is as addictive as alcohol or cocaine. However, it's wrong to say that it is not at all addictive. More and more studies are finding that marijuana has addictive properties. Both animal and human studies show physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, including irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Tolerance to marijuana also builds up rapidly. Heavy users need 8 times higher doses to get the same effects as infrequent users.

For a small percentage of people who use it, marijuana can be highly addictive. It is estimated that 10% to 14% of users will become heavily dependent. In 2006 marijuana was responsible for 16% of all admissions to treatment facilities in the U.S. Because the consequences of marijuana use can be subtle and insidious, it is more difficult to recognize signs of addiction. Cultural and societal beliefs that marijuana cannot be addictive make it less likely for people to seek help or to get support for quitting.

Agreed. :thup:

I guess we just have to warn the young instead of sticking our heads in the sand. Damn shame to make the most beneficial and cheapest drug on the planet illegal because of this though, right? Best legalize it, control it, warning our kids about it and making sure parents can keep it away from the children wouldn't you say?

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Katz, my own experience is that marijuana erases the "pain memory". When I got sick I hadn't touched marijuana for over 30 years. I do have pain, which at times is horrible. If I take a pain pill, that's all I do. I can't read, can't go outside and walk around or anything. When I wake up I feel 'hungover' from the oxycotin or flexeral or whatever.('scuse my spelling') If i smoke a pipe when I hurt, I still hurt, but there is no hangover the next day, and my body isn't all stiff and sore from the previous day's pain. When I have pain, I unconsiously 'tighten up', even grit my teeth. When I smoke, I don't do that. I am not stiff and sore from that the next day. However; for me marijuana does not stop the pain, you could say it just makes it less unpleasant.
As for side effects, there is no drug that doesn't come with risks. none. Everyone is not the same, and while I see your point about people that wanna be stoned all the time, I actually use marijuana because it helps me stay more alert and I can do more than if I take pharmecutical drugs.

You THINK it helps you.

I have a friend with fibromyalgia. She smoked heavily when she was younger, but quit for years. She married a man that wouldn't tolerate it. When she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia her pain was intolerable. She went to a pot-doc and got a medical marijuana card. It would help her. Her treating doctor informed her that he no longer wished to have her as a patient so she now goes to a free clinic. Smoking pot actually increased her pain. Pain was what she used to justify smoking pot. If she had no pain, there was no reason for her to use. Psychologically her pain became intolerable. She could do nothing but lay in bed, screaming in agony and vomiting. The more she smoked, the worse the pain became when she wasn't smoking. She had to smoke more to deal with the increased pain. This is what psychological addiction is like. It could be anything. Whatever the fixation is. For some it's chocolate. There are men who think they are totally sexually dysfunctional unless they have watched an hour or two of porn. Gamblers suffer intense pain unless they are distracted by gambling. The addiction creates it's pain, then treats the pain. Without the treatment, the pain increases.

Of course marijuana doesn't keep you alert. Marijuana keeps no one alert. You aren't different. But you think it keeps you alert. Now you need it to stay alert. Marijuana has created conditions which require marijuana for treatment. And you believe it, you can prove it. You need to use pot.

An experiment was conducted several years ago with spiders. The spider would spin a web. A perfect spider web. Then the spider was given marijuana. The web was haphazard, it was poorly constructed. It would never catch a fly. But the spider sat in some off center spot that the spider thought was the center and waited for its food to arrive. The spider didn't know it had built a poor web. It was convinced that the web would serve its intended purpose because it was a spectacularly constructed web. Then it starved to death.

If all it is is in the mind, isn't believing enough? What a wonder drug! It helps by letting your mind allegviate your woes, instead of treating symptoms. No wonder there are no side effects. Your whole post was like a pro-marijuana treatment use argument. Nice job!

"It's not really helping you, you just think it's helping you. It's like a placebo, your just too high to realize you're still in pain. Dummy!" And after you are sober again? Your body and mind experience memory loss and don't remember you were in pain.




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