Want proof the left's Jihad against Trump has failed?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
We live in a small town with one radio station, which is a CBS affiliate. The alarm clock goes off at 6:00 AM every morning at news time. For the last 6 months, the CBS news' lead story went something like this:


But strangely this morning, not a mention of Donald Trump. Not one, single mention.

Out of curiosity, I turned the TV onto the CBS Evening news while eating supper. They only mentioned him twice: Once because he was viewing the eclipse, and once because of a speech he's giving tonight.

So liberals, you failed. He will not be impeached, and unless you can come up with something better, you're stuck with him for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years. Enjoy. :biggrin:
jihad, eh?

great zone #2 thread.

Well maybe you'd like to explain what happened to the big "Muh Russia" hoopla? Where's the 24/7 coverage of Mueller's "investigation"?

Ahh, I get it: There was never was any "collusion" or "obstruction".
Only liberals believed that, and it was "fake news" all along.

Even a leftist rag like "Salon" is staring to question the whole thing...

What if the DNC Russian “hack” was really a leak after all? A new report raises questions media and Democrats would rather ignore

We live in a small town with one radio station, which is a CBS affiliate. The alarm clock goes off at 6:00 AM every morning at news time. For the last 6 months, the CBS news' lead story went something like this:


But strangely this morning, not a mention of Donald Trump. Not one, single mention.

Out of curiosity, I turned the TV onto the CBS Evening news while eating supper. They only mentioned him twice: Once because he was viewing the eclipse, and once because of a speech he's giving tonight.

So liberals, you failed. He will not be impeached, and unless you can come up with something better, you're stuck with him for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years. Enjoy. :biggrin:

Trumps worse enemy is not the left, not Robert Mueller, and not even CNN or MSNBC. Nope, his worse enemy is his twitter account. If the guy would just shut his trap, or more appropriately cancel his twitter, and just govern he might actually accomplish something worthwhile. I voted against Hellary, and I'd do it again, but right now,I'd love to see him resign and give the reins to Pence.
We live in a small town with one radio station, which is a CBS affiliate. The alarm clock goes off at 6:00 AM every morning at news time. For the last 6 months, the CBS news' lead story went something like this:


But strangely this morning, not a mention of Donald Trump. Not one, single mention.

Out of curiosity, I turned the TV onto the CBS Evening news while eating supper. They only mentioned him twice: Once because he was viewing the eclipse, and once because of a speech he's giving tonight.

So liberals, you failed. He will not be impeached, and unless you can come up with something better, you're stuck with him for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years. Enjoy. :biggrin:

Trumps worse enemy is not the left, not Robert Mueller, and not even CNN or MSNBC. Nope, his worse enemy is his twitter account. If the guy would just shut his trap, or more appropriately cancel his twitter, and just govern he might actually accomplish something worthwhile. I voted against Hellary, and I'd do it again, but right now,I'd love to see him resign and give the reins to Pence.

I've heard other Republicans say the same thing, but I personally have no problem with his use of social media. He never fails to deliver. :biggrin:
Trump's approval is in the 30's in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania,

the three states he needed to win his electoral vote victory.

Ya. he'll be dropping out any day now.

His presidency is effectively over. He's now saving the seat for the next Democratic President.

For the next Democrat to further ruin the economy, lose jobs, allow increased terrorist attacks and illegals into this country, send the market plummeting, insult our allies, and suck up to our enemies?

You have quite a lot of work ahead of you. Good luck with that.
Trump's approval is in the 30's in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania,

the three states he needed to win his electoral vote victory.

Seriously, just how slow are you? News flash- the polls are not accurate. Ask Rachel Maddow. Remember? He is the guy who went on about the polls just days before the election and claimed the orange clown had NO CHANCE. I order you to watch this video again, and every time you want to post about polls, watch it before posting.

Trump's approval is in the 30's in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania,

the three states he needed to win his electoral vote victory.

Seriously, just how slow are you? News flash- the polls are not accurate. Ask Rachel Maddow. Remember? He is the guy who went on about the polls just days before the election and claimed the orange clown had NO CHANCE. I order you to watch this video again, and every time you want to post about polls, watch it before posting.

"he is the guy" lol

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