Want gun control? Fight smart.

I believe that you waste your time trying to get rid of firearms.I wish you and other rational people would focus on fast and effective treatment of the mentally ill
I'd be happy to spend energy on that. I fought to expand Medicaid in our state so people could afford to see a $100/hr counselor. To keep funds for addiction treatment and to fund psychiatric crisis beds in our hospitals. We lost. But I'd be happy to fight some more. It's gonna be a sticky one and it is a very complicated one, since the vast majority of the mentally ill wouldn't hurt a fly. Can they also not have guns? Who decides and how? That was the crux of this current shooting scenario and it's an important question, for sure.

Judges and Psychiatrists
I would feel better with that than a blanket rule that blindly banned everyone with such and so a diagnosis from ever owning a gun. Might need some more judges and psychiatrists, though.
So you want to role back mental illness laws? o_O
I'm not answering any more of your questions you effin' snake.
I wouldnt either. I point out your retardation.
What is your definition of Assault weapon......
Any firearm that can be fired a high rate, and has a magazine capability. That includes semi pistols, gatling guns, and semi's that can be loaded with high capacity magazines. That would actually allow the old Garand, as it had only an eight shot magazine, and you would have to alter it to have to a larger magazine. Such alteration would earn you a felony and jail term.
LLMMAAOOO effectively just outlawed everything but revolvers and some shotguns.....yet again libs want to change definitions to further their agenda of disarming you...
You are full shit. That does not effect lever guns, bolt action rifles, pump guns, or guns like the single shot rifles.
Did you or did you not just suggest a ban on the vast majority of guns sold today...be honest....numbers are easy to find
If the majority of guns sold today are assault weapons, then those buying them would be required to have a class 3 license. And those possessing these weapons already woul be required to have a class 3 license to have them off their property. That is not a ban or confiscation. If we get many more of these shootings because people like you prevent any measures from being taken to prevent them, I will support an outright ban and confiscation. As will many others, maybe enough to get that law passed. It is now up to you people that want these guns to take action to prevent them from getting in the hands of crazies, or the rest of us will take action to prevent anyone from possessing these guns, period.
So in other words... firearm confiscation
Well there was one law back during Jimmy Carters regime, and that was to allow insane people back into society. That right there started the closing of asylums that would of kept people who want to hurt themselves and others.

Jimmy Carter: Mental Health Systems Legislation Message to the Congress Transmitting the Proposed Legislation. When these sick people were allowed out of the institution, soon there were razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars at Halloween. And the rest is history....Liberal compassion ends up killing people...
Mental health laws wouldnt have stopped this guy either. He was apparently OKd by the FBI (or did they just forget?) AND the state welfare office. The childrens office deemed him perfectly sane.
What I heard over the weekend was about a kid who had explosive moments. He was always calm enough when the police or social workers arrived to be deemed "not a threat." He lived with the new family for over three months and was quiet, polite and followed all their rules. He was loving to their animals. What was happening in his mind, he kept to himself all too well.
The FBI did "forget," but he may well have bullshitted his way out of that interview, too.
He had ten guns. Why did he choose the AR-15? We all know why.

Hey media fed puppet, you piss abut ar15's, what about all these?










And this is just a hand full you moron
Don't you dare "you moron" me. I don't give a shit what it looks like. If it can fire dozens of bullets per minute into a crowd, we don't need it on the streets.

50 rounds a minute can be achieved with a bolt-action rifle. That's dozens, and the bullets are usually way bigger than an AR. One bullet could easily go through 3 people.
Well there was one law back during Jimmy Carters regime, and that was to allow insane people back into society. That right there started the closing of asylums that would of kept people who want to hurt themselves and others.

Jimmy Carter: Mental Health Systems Legislation Message to the Congress Transmitting the Proposed Legislation. When these sick people were allowed out of the institution, soon there were razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars at Halloween. And the rest is history....Liberal compassion ends up killing people...
Mental health laws wouldnt have stopped this guy either. He was apparently OKd by the FBI (or did they just forget?) AND the state welfare office. The childrens office deemed him perfectly sane.
What I heard over the weekend was about a kid who had explosive moments. He was always calm enough when the police or social workers arrived to be deemed "not a threat." He lived with the new family for over three months and was quiet, polite and followed all their rules. He was loving to their animals. What was happening in his mind, he kept to himself all too well.
The FBI did "forget," but he may well have bullshitted his way out of that interview, too.
He had ten guns. Why did he choose the AR-15? We all know why.

Hey media fed puppet, you piss abut ar15's, what about all these?










And this is just a hand full you moron
Don't you dare "you moron" me. I don't give a shit what it looks like. If it can fire dozens of bullets per minute into a crowd, we don't need it on the streets.

50 rounds a minute can be achieved with a bolt-action rifle. That's dozens, and the bullets are usually way bigger than an AR. One bullet could easily go through 3 people.
Not with any accuracy, and most bolt action rifles have a five shot clip. Simply outlaw any larger magazine, and you are not going to be able to shoot much more than 15 shots a minute.
There are different interpretations of the 2nd Amendment and I'm not a constitutional scholar, so I'm not going to get into it with you. However, I certainly don't think that EVERYONE believes as you do that the 2nd is an automatic stop sign forbidding regulation on gun ownership. You are stating an opinion as a fact.

What I want to believe about what other people think ...
What I want the Constitution to state or how I want other people to interpret it ...
In no way changes what the Constitution does actually state ... And that is the only fact.

People only have problems interpreting the Constitution if they want to make it mean something it doesn't ... :thup:

I'm not going to try to posit an educated opinion on a complex issue based on centuries of historic case law and interpretation. You go for it.
I'll let people who know what they're talking about argue the case. There are plenty who believe the 2nd would allow banning certain types of guns. AR-15's were illegal for 10 years and the law wasn't overturned. Why do you think that is?

Because it died a natural death. I'm not for stripping millions of citizens of their rights because of 1 maniac. That's insanity.

How about we teach kids to be good, and "Thou shalt not kill", and give them a little discipline when they get out of line, huh?

That's what worked for 100s of years.
How many guns made do you think CANT do that? Good lord.
I've heard that bullshit argument before. You know AR-15's are faster and more powerful. Why are you lying?
You clearly no nothing about firearms, my God you are ignorant.
Sure, Mike, I'm sure there are guns faster and more powerful than an AR-15. They should be banned, also.
Many many people will not turn them in. I won't. Fascists like you want to start a war in this country, so go for it. I'm ready to volunteer.
Why can't you live without an AR-15 if you can keep your other guns?
someone’s firearm ownership is none your fucking business, it’s none of my business and it certainly is none of the federal government business
Any firearm that can be fired a high rate, and has a magazine capability. That includes semi pistols, gatling guns, and semi's that can be loaded with high capacity magazines. That would actually allow the old Garand, as it had only an eight shot magazine, and you would have to alter it to have to a larger magazine. Such alteration would earn you a felony and jail term.
LLMMAAOOO effectively just outlawed everything but revolvers and some shotguns.....yet again libs want to change definitions to further their agenda of disarming you...
You are full shit. That does not effect lever guns, bolt action rifles, pump guns, or guns like the single shot rifles.
Did you or did you not just suggest a ban on the vast majority of guns sold today...be honest....numbers are easy to find
If the majority of guns sold today are assault weapons, then those buying them would be required to have a class 3 license. And those possessing these weapons already woul be required to have a class 3 license to have them off their property. That is not a ban or confiscation. If we get many more of these shootings because people like you prevent any measures from being taken to prevent them, I will support an outright ban and confiscation. As will many others, maybe enough to get that law passed. It is now up to you people that want these guns to take action to prevent them from getting in the hands of crazies, or the rest of us will take action to prevent anyone from possessing these guns, period.
So in other words... firearm confiscation
Not at all. You fellows state that you want them for protection. So, as long as you keep them on your own property, you have them for protection. But if you take them off your property, you had better have that license, or you are a felon.
And if you haven't got a hammer, use the heel of your shoe or a rock or the cast iron skillet. None of which work as well. That's the point.

Yeah ... Thanks for the advice ... You qualify for Congress now.

The rest of us understand the simplicity of something doing what it is intended to do.
Albeit you try to make a pretty good case that using ineffective an inefficient methods might just be a good idea ...

Which is how you got fooled into thinking the Assault Weapons Ban actually accomplished something worthwhile ... :thup:

You clearly no nothing about firearms, my God you are ignorant.
Sure, Mike, I'm sure there are guns faster and more powerful than an AR-15. They should be banned, also.
Many many people will not turn them in. I won't. Fascists like you want to start a war in this country, so go for it. I'm ready to volunteer.
Why can't you live without an AR-15 if you can keep your other guns?
Dude, you just said you wanted to ban all kinds of them.
You dont know what you believe or want
Reading is fundamental.....
If they are faster and more powerful/deadly than AR-15's, they should be banned. That is not all the guns in existence, Mike. Even I know that.
‘It’s One of the Greatest Rifles’: Fans of the AR-15 Explain the Gun’s Appeal
Don't you dare "you moron" me. I don't give a shit what it looks like. If it can fire dozens of bullets per minute into a crowd, we don't need it on the streets.
How many guns made do you think CANT do that? Good lord.
I've heard that bullshit argument before. You know AR-15's are faster and more powerful. Why are you lying?
You clearly no nothing about firearms, my God you are ignorant.
Sure, Mike, I'm sure there are guns faster and more powerful than an AR-15. They should be banned, also.
You are a stupid as a bag of hammers, educate yourself on the subject before you speak. You looping bitch
Well, asshole, she is not making money of selling murder weapons as you are. I hope that you end up bankrupt, and out on the street, begging.
Many many people will not turn them in. I won't. Fascists like you want to start a war in this country, so go for it. I'm ready to volunteer.
Why can't you live without an AR-15 if you can keep your other guns?
No fascist, you cannot have gun control without taking all the rest. Even a fool would know that. Besides I don't have an AR, but any ban wont stop there so I wont turn in any guns.
That is bullshit. Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands. Hunting and self protection are fine by me if the assault weapons are off the streets.
No one can prove you wrong because you aren't dealing with a fact. It doesn't make you right, though. No one can prove you right either.
Your arguments are all over the place. Try and collect yourself and maybe you could start focusing on one argument at a time :thup:
Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands, and that includes the AR-15. That focused enough?

This thread has become just another gun control thread. It started out as something very different. There are many approaches we can take to improve our chances of living through the day without being shot in America. I have listened to you folks, read the articles, Googled stuff you've taught me. I've thought about it. I get what you're saying. There are things we agree on, just not gun control. We can get stuff done via background checks, ERPO's, better FBI data base reporting, etc. We can focus resources on mental health services and prevention.
I get testy when I'm personally insulted; I'm no fucking saint. But trading insults with Mike and his ilk aren't going to solve shit. I'm guilty.
An ar15 is one hundred percent civilian, just a sporting rifle nothing more... dip shit
I've heard that bullshit argument before. You know AR-15's are faster and more powerful. Why are you lying?
You clearly no nothing about firearms, my God you are ignorant.
Sure, Mike, I'm sure there are guns faster and more powerful than an AR-15. They should be banned, also.
Many many people will not turn them in. I won't. Fascists like you want to start a war in this country, so go for it. I'm ready to volunteer.
Why can't you live without an AR-15 if you can keep your other guns?
someone’s firearm ownership is none your fucking business, it’s none of my business and it certainly is none of the federal government business
It is everyone's business, when these guns are being used to murder our children. Therefore, it is the federal governments business.
Why can't you live without an AR-15 if you can keep your other guns?
No fascist, you cannot have gun control without taking all the rest. Even a fool would know that. Besides I don't have an AR, but any ban wont stop there so I wont turn in any guns.
That is bullshit. Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands. Hunting and self protection are fine by me if the assault weapons are off the streets.
No one can prove you wrong because you aren't dealing with a fact. It doesn't make you right, though. No one can prove you right either.
Your arguments are all over the place. Try and collect yourself and maybe you could start focusing on one argument at a time :thup:
Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands, and that includes the AR-15. That focused enough?

This thread has become just another gun control thread. It started out as something very different. There are many approaches we can take to improve our chances of living through the day without being shot in America. I have listened to you folks, read the articles, Googled stuff you've taught me. I've thought about it. I get what you're saying. There are things we agree on, just not gun control. We can get stuff done via background checks, ERPO's, better FBI data base reporting, etc. We can focus resources on mental health services and prevention.
I get testy when I'm personally insulted; I'm no fucking saint. But trading insults with Mike and his ilk aren't going to solve shit. I'm guilty.
An ar15 is one hundred percent civilian, just a sporting rifle nothing more... dip shit
Yep, a real sport, especially in school classrooms. Real fun, shooting them little buggers.
Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands, and that includes the AR-15.

Indeed they do. Go read the intent of the 2nd and get back to me
I'm done, Mike. This was supposed to be a reminder, a plea, for both sides to show a little respect for each other.
You are showing no respect for anyone when you want to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens you loopy bitch
How many guns made do you think CANT do that? Good lord.
I've heard that bullshit argument before. You know AR-15's are faster and more powerful. Why are you lying?
You clearly no nothing about firearms, my God you are ignorant.
Sure, Mike, I'm sure there are guns faster and more powerful than an AR-15. They should be banned, also.
You are a stupid as a bag of hammers, educate yourself on the subject before you speak. You looping bitch
Well, asshole, she is not making money of selling murder weapons as you are. I hope that you end up bankrupt, and out on the street, begging.
You just failed the Fight smart curriculum
How many guns made do you think CANT do that? Good lord.
I've heard that bullshit argument before. You know AR-15's are faster and more powerful. Why are you lying?
You clearly no nothing about firearms, my God you are ignorant.
Sure, Mike, I'm sure there are guns faster and more powerful than an AR-15. They should be banned, also.
You are a stupid as a bag of hammers, educate yourself on the subject before you speak. You looping bitch
Well, asshole, she is not making money of selling murder weapons as you are. I hope that you end up bankrupt, and out on the street, begging.
No fascist, you cannot have gun control without taking all the rest. Even a fool would know that. Besides I don't have an AR, but any ban wont stop there so I wont turn in any guns.
That is bullshit. Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands. Hunting and self protection are fine by me if the assault weapons are off the streets.
No one can prove you wrong because you aren't dealing with a fact. It doesn't make you right, though. No one can prove you right either.
Your arguments are all over the place. Try and collect yourself and maybe you could start focusing on one argument at a time :thup:
Assault weapons don't belong in civilian hands, and that includes the AR-15. That focused enough?

This thread has become just another gun control thread. It started out as something very different. There are many approaches we can take to improve our chances of living through the day without being shot in America. I have listened to you folks, read the articles, Googled stuff you've taught me. I've thought about it. I get what you're saying. There are things we agree on, just not gun control. We can get stuff done via background checks, ERPO's, better FBI data base reporting, etc. We can focus resources on mental health services and prevention.
I get testy when I'm personally insulted; I'm no fucking saint. But trading insults with Mike and his ilk aren't going to solve shit. I'm guilty.
An ar15 is one hundred percent civilian, just a sporting rifle nothing more... dip shit
Yep, a real sport, especially in school classrooms. Real fun, shooting them little buggers.
What is your definition of Assault weapon......
Any firearm that can be fired a high rate, and has a magazine capability. That includes semi pistols, gatling guns, and semi's that can be loaded with high capacity magazines. That would actually allow the old Garand, as it had only an eight shot magazine, and you would have to alter it to have to a larger magazine. Such alteration would earn you a felony and jail term.
LLMMAAOOO effectively just outlawed everything but revolvers and some shotguns.....yet again libs want to change definitions to further their agenda of disarming you...
You are full shit. That does not effect lever guns, bolt action rifles, pump guns, or guns like the single shot rifles.
Did you or did you not just suggest a ban on the vast majority of guns sold today...be honest....numbers are easy to find
If the majority of guns sold today are assault weapons, then those buying them would be required to have a class 3 license. And those possessing these weapons already woul be required to have a class 3 license to have them off their property. That is not a ban or confiscation. If we get many more of these shootings because people like you prevent any measures from being taken to prevent them, I will support an outright ban and confiscation. As will many others, maybe enough to get that law passed. It is now up to you people that want these guns to take action to prevent them from getting in the hands of crazies, or the rest of us will take action to prevent anyone from possessing these guns, period.
I would like not to use threats here, but I think you're right. Absolute refusal to work for improvement is eventually going to end with what you predict.
What is your definition of Assault weapon......
Any firearm that can be fired a high rate, and has a magazine capability. That includes semi pistols, gatling guns, and semi's that can be loaded with high capacity magazines. That would actually allow the old Garand, as it had only an eight shot magazine, and you would have to alter it to have to a larger magazine. Such alteration would earn you a felony and jail term.
LLMMAAOOO effectively just outlawed everything but revolvers and some shotguns.....yet again libs want to change definitions to further their agenda of disarming you...
You are full shit. That does not effect lever guns, bolt action rifles, pump guns, or guns like the single shot rifles.
Did you or did you not just suggest a ban on the vast majority of guns sold today...be honest....numbers are easy to find
If the majority of guns sold today are assault weapons, then those buying them would be required to have a class 3 license. And those possessing these weapons already woul be required to have a class 3 license to have them off their property. That is not a ban or confiscation. If we get many more of these shootings because people like you prevent any measures from being taken to prevent them, I will support an outright ban and confiscation. As will many others, maybe enough to get that law passed. It is now up to you people that want these guns to take action to prevent them from getting in the hands of crazies, or the rest of us will take action to prevent anyone from possessing these guns, period.
You know they are...don't lie...semi - auto pistols are not assault weapons.....what was the stat on % of people who don't have $500 for an emergency .....all about the ban
I hope that you end up bankrupt, and out on the street, begging.
Ahhh, i see why you claim to care so much about people.
There are people that I intensely dislike, like you and Rustic. I bet you crow with delight about every school shooting. You see, it is easy to post really stupid shit.

But, as Old Lady posted, we have a real problem, and we need to solve it. And you are not even offering a suggestion for solving it. As we have seen in the paper on the indictments of the Russians, there are people actively devoted to preventing any solutions to the problems in our nation. People that seek only to divide and weaken our nation. By the posting here, I think that we can identify some of those people.

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