smell the coffee { Biden Economy }. Doesn't smell like any fresh-brewed
coffee.Doesn't appear like a traditional American Economy.Like the one
a good to great American leader produced and made sure to sustain.
Donald Trump may have been a kidder { kids around } but when it comes
to America,Americana and Americans ... the guy was solid as a rock.
" So much that President Trump said ... Rings True. " -- Mike Huckabee.
The exact and total opposite of what the current resident of the White
House ... says on a daily basis.So much it can't help but drive ordinary
sane Americans half crazy.Nothing is a joke anymore where Parody is the
norm.Our Economy has become a joke and the " corrupt " MSM seems
just fine about it.So shut up all you Serfs and drink that coffee.
Where even sugar can be rationed.There will always be plenty of cheap
cardboard coffee cups.McDonalds will still make available those little
coffee stirs { once used to snort cocaine }.Maybe a new drug can be
invented to help numb the pain many americans are suffering.
Like one reason behind crack cocaine.Which took off like free coffee.
Because Life can be good.Just not what Trump offered.
Be a good little Serf.And Obey
" Do not do to others what angers you if done to you
by others. " -- Isocrates {436-338 B.C. }
coffee.Doesn't appear like a traditional American Economy.Like the one
a good to great American leader produced and made sure to sustain.
Donald Trump may have been a kidder { kids around } but when it comes
to America,Americana and Americans ... the guy was solid as a rock.
" So much that President Trump said ... Rings True. " -- Mike Huckabee.
The exact and total opposite of what the current resident of the White
House ... says on a daily basis.So much it can't help but drive ordinary
sane Americans half crazy.Nothing is a joke anymore where Parody is the
norm.Our Economy has become a joke and the " corrupt " MSM seems
just fine about it.So shut up all you Serfs and drink that coffee.
Where even sugar can be rationed.There will always be plenty of cheap
cardboard coffee cups.McDonalds will still make available those little
coffee stirs { once used to snort cocaine }.Maybe a new drug can be
invented to help numb the pain many americans are suffering.
Like one reason behind crack cocaine.Which took off like free coffee.
Because Life can be good.Just not what Trump offered.
Be a good little Serf.And Obey
" Do not do to others what angers you if done to you
by others. " -- Isocrates {436-338 B.C. }