Wake up, dufus! It's TRUTH TIME!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Obamacare is going to tax you into bankruptcy!

Money Morning

Get ready to be blindsided by a barrage of new taxes. $1 trillion worth...

They'll be coming courtesy of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

And they won't just be affecting those who make over $250,000. The bulk of these taxes will be passed on directly to the middle class.

That's because while a majority of these "stealth taxes" were designed to be taxes on businesses, they're actually transferred directly to ordinary citizens.
Do you want to debate why this would be the right time to adopt a whole new system in this nation.

We have communism and Marxism. Both would work.

Although I prefer Marxism as our first option.

This country as a whole is leaning towards that path.

It started with the housing crisis.
Do you want to debate why this would be the right time to adopt a whole new system in this nation.

We have communism and Marxism. Both would work.

Although I prefer Marxism as our first option.

This country as a whole is leaning towards that path.

It started with the housing crisis.

There's a whole shitload of lazy assed people like yourself that prefer to be given what they want rather than working for it. It's dumb assholes like you that deny the historical evidence that communism does not work well. It is even dumber of you to not realize that Marxism is just a step in that direction.

Fucking idiots think ...IT WILL WORK THIS TIME!

Get a job! Save your OWN earnings! Then spend them on yourself and your kids! Don't depend on me to provide you with wealth!

If you don't believe what I say here, visit North Korea, rural China, Russia and other remnants of communism. Communism has proved itself UNSUSTAINABLE! It is a failure that should be renounced as such!
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.
Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Why do we need an army? Can't defend yourself? Pussy.

Yo bastage! :poke:

Defending the country is in the Constitution.

Our administration is about making the populous equal.
If the prior statement is correct why are companies exempt from ACA until 2015, yet individuals are not?
That is not equal treatment of the populous by our Administration.

Batter up!
Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Why do we need an army? Can't defend yourself? Pussy.

Yo bastage! :poke:

Defending the country is in the Constitution.

Our administration is about making the populous equal.
If the prior statement is correct why are companies exempt from ACA until 2015, yet individuals are not?
That is not equal treatment of the populous by our Administration.

Batter up!

But....taxation is nothing but armed robbery! I say we put donation buckets on 7-11 counters for funding the military. It should be optional. Our freedom to not be defended must be maintained.
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Oh please, slaves? :cuckoo:
“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” wrote John Marshall, memorably, for a unanimous Court in McCulloch v. Maryland, 193 years ago. True enough. And Congress has the power to tax.

But thank goodness in america we have the power to vote for what we want to pay taxes on. Like ohaha care, we all voted on that RIGHT?


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[MENTION=45423]KokomoJojo[/MENTION] :cuckoo: 4 cocopuffs

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Oh please, slaves? :cuckoo:
“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” wrote John Marshall, memorably, for a unanimous Court in McCulloch v. Maryland, 193 years ago. True enough. And Congress has the power to tax.

But thank goodness in america we have the power to vote for what we want to pay taxes on. Like ohaha care, we all voted on that RIGHT?


Failed Rovian Logic 101: people who own guns are killers because people with guns have the power to kill. :cuckoo:

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Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Talking point bumper sticker slogans like this deserve contempt

Contempt given
@KokomoJojo :cuckoo: 4 cocopuffs

Oh please, slaves? :cuckoo:
“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” wrote John Marshall, memorably, for a unanimous Court in McCulloch v. Maryland, 193 years ago. True enough. And Congress has the power to tax.

But thank goodness in america we have the power to vote for what we want to pay taxes on. Like ohaha care, we all voted on that RIGHT?


Failed Rovian Logic 101: people who own guns are killers because people with guns have the power to kill. :cuckoo:


failed relational connections

if you wanted to correctly state it "people who are gun owners have the power to kill", not are killers.

when a group of people are authorized to enforce their whims on others in the form of taxation, it is in fact the power to destroy them, despite your attempt at spinning the relational logic into something never intended or applicable.
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Talking point bumper sticker slogans like this deserve contempt

Contempt given

I would take offense had a sensible person shown contempt. Coming from you, it is welcomed.

I do enjoy your narcissism. Other than that, you have no redeeming value. :lol:
@KokomoJojo :cuckoo: 4 cocopuffs

“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” wrote John Marshall, memorably, for a unanimous Court in McCulloch v. Maryland, 193 years ago. True enough. And Congress has the power to tax.

But thank goodness in america we have the power to vote for what we want to pay taxes on. Like ohaha care, we all voted on that RIGHT?


Failed Rovian Logic 101: people who own guns are killers because people with guns have the power to kill. :cuckoo:


failed relational connections

if you wanted to correctly state it "people who are gun owners have the power to kill", not are killers.

when a group of people are authorized to enforce their whims on others in the form of taxation, it is in fact the power to destroy them, despite your attempt at spinning the relational logic into something never intended or applicable.

He doesn't understand logic...just emotion and deception...it's the liberal way of life.
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.
Preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I am curious! What do you think the phrase "...promote the general welfare, . . ." means? Seems to me that helping people who are starving promotes the general welfare. Helping people who could not get medical insurance also seems like promoting the general welfare. Building a federal highway system qualifes as promoting the general welfare. FDA, FAA, DOT, etc are examples of promoting the general welfare. And the list goes on.
Oh, and one other thing, just because a person does not have a job DOES NOT mean that they are lazy. Some people don't have jobs for the simple reason there are no jobs to be had! If you want people to have jobs start bitching at the gop. Rather than passing jobs bills they spend their days repealing the ACA. To date they have voted to repeal it 41 times.
41 repeals of ACA. 0 jobs bills. Does that make any sense to you?
Karl Marx was a hero! :mad:

Karl Marx was a lazy, half assed sloth that never worked a day in his life and hardly ever completed anything. All the writings he "undertook" were finished by Engels. Engels, along with Mark's father, also paid his way through most of his entire life.

He's a hero to the zeros, that's for sure.
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Oh please, slaves? :cuckoo:

Hey, I believe it was Biden that said the Republicans were going to put you all back in chains! Looks to me like it's going to be the other way around.... :eusa_whistle:

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