Waiting Out The Transgender Catastrophe

You are flat-out lying. That is not true, and you know damn well that it isn't true. And neither of the links that you provided support it. It's just a malicious, hateful lie, of the sort that you are well known for spreading. It's because of nonsense like this that nobody on this forum regards you as credible on any subject.

Whatever, guy... I posted plenty of sources on your cult, a lot of them by Ex-Mormons. Frankly, all of my encounters with Mormons here just kind of confirm my view of you as an intollerant cult of assholes.

Sexual immorality is a bad thing. Telling children otherwise, especially encouraging them toward it, is child abuse. Only pedophiles want to groom children into sexual perversions.

Sorry, man, I think that any sexual relationship between two consenting adults is acceptable. Telling kids their sexual feelings are something they will be punished for by a malicious sky fairy is the real child abuse.

And the psychological projection and tu quoque on your part is obvious, here; in the form of you falsely accusing one group of grooming little girls to be “baby machines, [with] no other value in life”, while openly supporting the grooming of young children to be faggots and trannies.

Guy, do you really think there's a kid out there who thinks, 'Dammit, screw conventional thought, I'm gonna be gay!!!"

Of course not. If you think otherwise, then ask yourself, when did you "decide" to be straight.

True story. I had an aunt who was gay. But she was also very, very religious, thanks to my Grandparents, who were kind of religious nuts. (They wouldn't consent to my mom marrying my dad until she converted to Catholicism, even though after WWII, Dad was not exactly into benevolent sky pixies....) Well, she PRETENDED to be straight until she died in her 70's. She had a girlfriend on the down-low. She was in a miserable marriage for a year that produced one kid who was kind of a train wreck.

But as much as I rip on the Catholics, they are positively decent compared to the Cult of Latter Day Liars.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.

"New California Law Requires Separate Restrooms For People Who Think They Are Napoleon Bonaparte
October 2nd, 2019

SACRAMENTO, CA—A new California law requires businesses to provide separate restrooms for people who think they are Napoleon Bonaparte.

"Not providing a separate restroom for individuals who believe they are actually the 19th-century French emperor is hateful and wrong," said Governor Gavin Newsom as he signed the bill into law Wednesday, flanked by several people dressed as Napoleon Bonaparte. "We will no longer allow these individuals to be discriminated against."

The restrooms will have doorways that are just over 5'7" tall. 19th-century French classical music will be playing. When the person finishes using the restroom, a victorious military parade will be thrown in their honor as they march out of the restroom and back into the business.

"We must affirm these people's beliefs that they are actually Napoleon," said Newsom. "To do anything but reinforce the delusion they've built up around themselves is a hate crime." Those using the new restrooms will be referred to using the pronoun His Imperial and Royal Majesty Napoleon I, By the Grace of God and of the Constitutions of the Empire, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, Co-Prince of Andorra, under threat of fine or imprisonment.

Any business that does not comply will be burned to the ground by an invading Napoleonic army."
New California Law Requires Separate Restrooms For People Who Think They Are Napoleon Bonaparte
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Really strange how queers call telling the truth about them "hate". It really is a sickness.
View attachment 272080
Denial is always difficult, but admitting your illness is the first step.
You're still at the denial stage. :highfive:
So you are saying that men with tits are women, and if anyone doesnt believe that they are in denial?

Maybe they're just really fat.
That's your belief....the very opposite of the Founders of the nation....

...hmmm.....whose views should I go with????

Organized religion ISN'T a $1.2T industry?

Our founders were bilked also.
Our founders were slaves to a monarchy that took most of what they had so he could live like a king. Those up on the hill feel the same, dont you kinda hate that inequality?

As you are a slave to your religious beliefs making a very few VERY RICH.

Here's a list of your leaders.

List of religious leaders convicted of crimes - Wikipedia
Making a few very rich? Are you wealth envious of others who took their God given talents to make something of themselves. Do you hate Oprah, or Morgan Freeman, how about Shaq or George Foreman? Do you hate them for what they did with their gifts from God?

Maybe you should go back and find God for yourself, see what your skills are and use them too, you could leave the victimhood of liberalism and became a successful person. Nah, you cant do that, you are too stupid and will never believe you can do what others have done.

By the way, I make 1/2 million dollars a year, because I used my talents and skills to become a heavy investor in the stock market. You know the one Obama left at 17K and president Trump has at almost 27k. When you make a lot of money you can be charitable to organizations that really help people, not to the government who pads their own pockets and gives pittance to those in need. Like you.

Are you really trying to compare the talents of Oprah, or Morgan Freeman, how about Shaq or George Foreman with religious hucksters? Really?

All you need to be a religious huckster is a tent and a number of people with low self-esteem.

That's not a very nice way to talk about leftist politicians.
It is the logical extension of the Leftists/Liberals advancing victimology, and raising alleged victims to celebrity status.

You don't understand that YOU are a victim of a hoax.

What hoax would that be, dope?

"Believe in me and you'll have everlasting life!" Send me $1000.00 and I'll guarantee the same. But wait, there's more! For a limited time, if you send a "gift" of $1000.00 I'll send you a written guarantee suitable for hanging, printed right here in the United States of America at Kinko's who's corporate offices are in Plano, Tx.

All you've done is document that you have no understanding of the Judeo-Christian faith....and that you are a government school grad.

Let's cut to the chase.....Judeo-Christianity is the basis of Western Civilization, and of liberty.

Three millennia ago, due to the start of monotheism, humanity began to construct the ‘house’ we live in today, the palace known as Western Civilization. Genesis 1:26 suddenly made every individual special, and made the argument against slavery.
In 1215, the Magna Carta underscored the premise with this language:
“Know ye, that we, in the presence of God, and for the salvation of our soul, and the souls of all our ancestors and heirs,….”
1215: Magna Carta - Online Library of Liberty

It appears you know less than nothing.

Religious faith is a spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Why (other than profit) base your life on a non-truth?

Well, you've based your life on the non-truth that you're a worthwhile use of oxygen with a functioning brain. I assume you do it because facing the truth about yourself would make you run out into traffic.
Jessica Simpson gets shamed for dying her young daughters hair but turning your just as young child into a freak is lauded.....Society in unmoored

That child was usually suffering gender dysphoria long before their parents got involved.

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.

I see it in your future, as well.

I just read an article on women's health in which a gynecologist was talking about a women's periods. The magazine, Insider, DELETED "women's periods" and inserted [people with periods]

It pulled me out of the article entirely and I had to read and re-read that.

I thought: you're kidding me. Now we have PEOPLE WITH PERIODS. Because if you're menstruating, I guess..you may be a man.


Which is fairly funny, because of the things men who pretend to be women long for about womanhood, menstrual periods don't even make the list. I have yet to meet a single one of these faux women who rhapsodized about longing to have cramps, bleeding, and water-weight gain once a month.
It's clear that your view of such people and groups is poisoned by your own hatred and embrace of evil.

Your cult was started by a con man and kiddie diddler named Joseph Smith. That guy was evil.

Kid are not “consenting adults”. Sexually grooming and indoctrinating them into immoral perversions is pedophilic child abuse.

Or it's simply educating them. This is the concept you can't get your washed brain around... Nobody is making kids gay. They were gay when they got there.

Of course not. Children don't think of sexual perversions, and certainly don't identify themselves with such perversions, unless some sick child molester is filling their heads with that In a sane society, such molesters would be permanently removed from free society; either put to death or kept in prison for life; and certainly, under no circumstances, be allowed access to children.

1) Reported for trying to sneak my name into a slander.

2) one more time, people are born gay or straight. No one has to tell them anything. We've had gays all through history, even in time periods when religious assholes murdered them for it.
It's clear that your view of such people and groups is poisoned by your own hatred and embrace of evil.

Your cult was started by a con man and kiddie diddler named Joseph Smith. That guy was evil.

Kid are not “consenting adults”. Sexually grooming and indoctrinating them into immoral perversions is pedophilic child abuse.

Or it's simply educating them. This is the concept you can't get your washed brain around... Nobody is making kids gay. They were gay when they got there.

Of course not. Children don't think of sexual perversions, and certainly don't identify themselves with such perversions, unless some sick child molester is filling their heads with that In a sane society, such molesters would be permanently removed from free society; either put to death or kept in prison for life; and certainly, under no circumstances, be allowed access to children.

1) Reported for trying to sneak my name into a slander.

2) one more time, people are born gay or straight. No one has to tell them anything. We've had gays all through history, even in time periods when religious assholes murdered them for it.
If people are born gay, then they can never go straight. Just like someone born straight cant go gay.

Anne Heche - Wikipedia
Partner(s) Ellen DeGeneres
(c. 1997; sep. 2000)
James Tupper
(c. 2007; sep. 2018)
Sorry Joe, it is a lifestyle, and people make choices to be gay, because somewhere along their miserable life, they got turned down by the opposite sex and it devastated them. So angrily they turned to someone who thinks like them, making life much easier but then can never naturally have God's gift. But like with Anne here, she did find the right man, and has lived the way God meant for her to live, and has two of God's gifts.
If people are born gay, then they can never go straight. Just like someone born straight cant go gay.

Naw, Anne Heche was bisexual. And nuts.

Sorry Joe, it is a lifestyle, and people make choices to be gay, because somewhere along their miserable life, they got turned down by the opposite sex and it devastated them. So angrily they turned to someone who thinks like them, making life much easier but then can never naturally have God's gift. But like with Anne here, she did find the right man, and has lived the way God meant for her to live, and has two of God's gifts.

Yeah, buddy, there is no God. Never was. 5 billion people don't believe in your God... how can that be possible?

I've known a lot of gay folks. Not a one of them was upset the opposite sex "turned them down". Some of them even tried to live as straight before coming out.
"Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
October 8th, 2019

PORTLAND, OR—Local progressive parents Ken and Molly Harper decided it was time to have "the talk" with their preteen daughter, Rayne.

"Honey, it's time we have a little talk about the birds and the bees," Mr. Harper began nervously. "Not that birds necessarily have to be birds, mind you! I'm not suggesting that we assign biological species at birth. May Gaea forbid it!" After apologizing to any birds he might have offended, he continued. "All I'm saying is that, well, uh---honey, you got anything?"

Molly Harper patted their daughter on the back. "What your father's trying to say is that, well, the birds and the bees... and, well, let's not leave out the birds who want to become bees, and the bees who identify as birds! Maybe we'd better start there and then we'll circle back to the cisspecies birds and bees."

The couple then got out a large bulletin board and began pinning different clippings on it with thumbtacks, slowly connecting all the pieces of information with a web-like pattern of red yarn. "So you can feel like a bee, but present yourself as a bird, but still be attracted to bees, right? I hope that makes sense."

"Not that I'm saying that's superior to polyamorous birds, heavens no!" he stammered, suddenly realizing he had become a bigot. "Uh, what I meant to say is... uh..."

Rayne Harper asked if this was going to be over anytime soon so she could go back to reading Harry Potter.

"We're not even close," Mrs. Harper said. "You'd better settle in, this might take a while."

16 hours later, they'd gotten a good halfway through "the talk" and decided to leave the discussion about birds having surgeries when they're still hatchlings to become bees until the following day."
Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
I continue to call this "the new patriarchy". It's the 21st century spin on a group of men defining womanhood according to their own stereotypes, and telling women to sit down, shut up, and accept their assigned place in things.
"Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
October 8th, 2019

PORTLAND, OR—Local progressive parents Ken and Molly Harper decided it was time to have "the talk" with their preteen daughter, Rayne.

"Honey, it's time we have a little talk about the birds and the bees," Mr. Harper began nervously. "Not that birds necessarily have to be birds, mind you! I'm not suggesting that we assign biological species at birth. May Gaea forbid it!" After apologizing to any birds he might have offended, he continued. "All I'm saying is that, well, uh---honey, you got anything?"

Molly Harper patted their daughter on the back. "What your father's trying to say is that, well, the birds and the bees... and, well, let's not leave out the birds who want to become bees, and the bees who identify as birds! Maybe we'd better start there and then we'll circle back to the cisspecies birds and bees."

The couple then got out a large bulletin board and began pinning different clippings on it with thumbtacks, slowly connecting all the pieces of information with a web-like pattern of red yarn. "So you can feel like a bee, but present yourself as a bird, but still be attracted to bees, right? I hope that makes sense."

"Not that I'm saying that's superior to polyamorous birds, heavens no!" he stammered, suddenly realizing he had become a bigot. "Uh, what I meant to say is... uh..."

Rayne Harper asked if this was going to be over anytime soon so she could go back to reading Harry Potter.

"We're not even close," Mrs. Harper said. "You'd better settle in, this might take a while."

16 hours later, they'd gotten a good halfway through "the talk" and decided to leave the discussion about birds having surgeries when they're still hatchlings to become bees until the following day."
Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
Saw this suggested and it really fits
"Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
October 8th, 2019

PORTLAND, OR—Local progressive parents Ken and Molly Harper decided it was time to have "the talk" with their preteen daughter, Rayne.

"Honey, it's time we have a little talk about the birds and the bees," Mr. Harper began nervously. "Not that birds necessarily have to be birds, mind you! I'm not suggesting that we assign biological species at birth. May Gaea forbid it!" After apologizing to any birds he might have offended, he continued. "All I'm saying is that, well, uh---honey, you got anything?"

Molly Harper patted their daughter on the back. "What your father's trying to say is that, well, the birds and the bees... and, well, let's not leave out the birds who want to become bees, and the bees who identify as birds! Maybe we'd better start there and then we'll circle back to the cisspecies birds and bees."

The couple then got out a large bulletin board and began pinning different clippings on it with thumbtacks, slowly connecting all the pieces of information with a web-like pattern of red yarn. "So you can feel like a bee, but present yourself as a bird, but still be attracted to bees, right? I hope that makes sense."

"Not that I'm saying that's superior to polyamorous birds, heavens no!" he stammered, suddenly realizing he had become a bigot. "Uh, what I meant to say is... uh..."

Rayne Harper asked if this was going to be over anytime soon so she could go back to reading Harry Potter.

"We're not even close," Mrs. Harper said. "You'd better settle in, this might take a while."

16 hours later, they'd gotten a good halfway through "the talk" and decided to leave the discussion about birds having surgeries when they're still hatchlings to become bees until the following day."
Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
Saw this suggested and it really fits

They make themselves heroes to the cause at the sacrifice of their children.....

....but, it's a shade better than killing them in the womb.
"Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
October 8th, 2019

PORTLAND, OR—Local progressive parents Ken and Molly Harper decided it was time to have "the talk" with their preteen daughter, Rayne.

"Honey, it's time we have a little talk about the birds and the bees," Mr. Harper began nervously. "Not that birds necessarily have to be birds, mind you! I'm not suggesting that we assign biological species at birth. May Gaea forbid it!" After apologizing to any birds he might have offended, he continued. "All I'm saying is that, well, uh---honey, you got anything?"

Molly Harper patted their daughter on the back. "What your father's trying to say is that, well, the birds and the bees... and, well, let's not leave out the birds who want to become bees, and the bees who identify as birds! Maybe we'd better start there and then we'll circle back to the cisspecies birds and bees."

The couple then got out a large bulletin board and began pinning different clippings on it with thumbtacks, slowly connecting all the pieces of information with a web-like pattern of red yarn. "So you can feel like a bee, but present yourself as a bird, but still be attracted to bees, right? I hope that makes sense."

"Not that I'm saying that's superior to polyamorous birds, heavens no!" he stammered, suddenly realizing he had become a bigot. "Uh, what I meant to say is... uh..."

Rayne Harper asked if this was going to be over anytime soon so she could go back to reading Harry Potter.

"We're not even close," Mrs. Harper said. "You'd better settle in, this might take a while."

16 hours later, they'd gotten a good halfway through "the talk" and decided to leave the discussion about birds having surgeries when they're still hatchlings to become bees until the following day."
Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
Saw this suggested and it really fits

Of course it does. Anyone who thinks prepubescent children are coming up with this crap on their own without being brainwashed into it by the adults in their lives is delusional to the point of insanity.
"Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
October 8th, 2019

PORTLAND, OR—Local progressive parents Ken and Molly Harper decided it was time to have "the talk" with their preteen daughter, Rayne.

"Honey, it's time we have a little talk about the birds and the bees," Mr. Harper began nervously. "Not that birds necessarily have to be birds, mind you! I'm not suggesting that we assign biological species at birth. May Gaea forbid it!" After apologizing to any birds he might have offended, he continued. "All I'm saying is that, well, uh---honey, you got anything?"

Molly Harper patted their daughter on the back. "What your father's trying to say is that, well, the birds and the bees... and, well, let's not leave out the birds who want to become bees, and the bees who identify as birds! Maybe we'd better start there and then we'll circle back to the cisspecies birds and bees."

The couple then got out a large bulletin board and began pinning different clippings on it with thumbtacks, slowly connecting all the pieces of information with a web-like pattern of red yarn. "So you can feel like a bee, but present yourself as a bird, but still be attracted to bees, right? I hope that makes sense."

"Not that I'm saying that's superior to polyamorous birds, heavens no!" he stammered, suddenly realizing he had become a bigot. "Uh, what I meant to say is... uh..."

Rayne Harper asked if this was going to be over anytime soon so she could go back to reading Harry Potter.

"We're not even close," Mrs. Harper said. "You'd better settle in, this might take a while."

16 hours later, they'd gotten a good halfway through "the talk" and decided to leave the discussion about birds having surgeries when they're still hatchlings to become bees until the following day."
Progressive Parents Sit Their Kid Down For Talk About The Birds And The Bees And The Birds Who Want To Become Bees And The Bees Who Identify As Birds And Buckle Up, This Might Take A While
Saw this suggested and it really fits

They make themselves heroes to the cause at the sacrifice of their children.....

....but, it's a shade better than killing them in the womb.

Not really sure I'm able to rank horrible atrocities that way.

I will say I don't have much trouble connecting the dots between society deciding that unborn children are nuisances which can be tossed in a biohazard bag whenever they're inconvenient, and a society that views children as accessories to be remade according to their "parents'" fashionable choices this season.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.

I have said before that it is a grave error to allow those who claim to be 'offended' to set the standards of society.

No where is the error more toxic than in the Transgender Fiasco.

There is a trend among a certain sort of 'parent to sacrifce their child, and become darlings of the Left....I attribute it largely to the fact that the major political party and its subsidiary media has made victims.....weird individuals....heroes and worthy of being celebrated.

Some evidence for the truth of that view:

"What It’s Like to Lose Your Children to the ‘Transgender Cult,’ From a Mom Who Knows
Lynn Meagher has two adult children who identify as transgender. “A lot of these kids have concurrent mental health issues, and they find a place to fit in because as soon as you say that you’re trans, you get love-bombed,” she reflects. “You get love-bombed online, you get love-bombed on at school … As soon as you say you’re trans, you turn into a star. And kids are thirsty for that kind of affirmation.”
I have unfortunately lost two of my children to the transgender cult. I call it a cult, and it really has some very cult-like characteristics to it. So it’s been a very painful journey for me. And so I have learned a lot through that journey."
What It's Like to Lose Your Children to the 'Transgender Cult'

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