VP Kamala “Boom-Boom” Harris Hosts House Party to Celebrate Fiddy Years of Hip-Hop

So let me see if I got this straight: An American Vice President celebrates the same Black thug culture she prosecuted with extreme prejudice back in 2011, when as Attorney General, she threw at least 1,560 people behind bars for marijuana-related offenses, the majority of whom were Black?

And Democrats overwhelmingly voted for her in 2020?

All of that is correct. Yes. :clap2:
“To be clear, hip hop culture is America’s culture,” Harris said. “It is music and melody and rhyme. Hip hop is also an ethos of strength and self-determination; of ambition and aspiration; of pride, power and purpose. Hip hop is a declaration of identity. It says I love who I am. I represent where I come from, and I know where I’m going.”

What a fucking moron. Hip hop turned from happy rapping about your friend's mom's chicken that tasted like wood to talking about women as hoes and killing police. "hip hop culture" is now driving businesses out of cities and destroying their own neighborhoods.
Ye Gads. A woman dancing! Shocking. Women should be in hijab, amIright? How dare they cavort in public with men?

I have zero issues with Hip Hop, women dancing or whatever but Kamala is a fraud.

On the one hand the OP rambles on about things like sexual assaults when there is only one prominent politician who has been found liable for committing one, the other side is no better when completely letting Harris off the hook for her actions as a prosecutor.
I have zero issues with Hip Hop, women dancing or whatever but Kamala is a fraud.

On the one hand the OP rambles on about things like sexual assaults when there is only one prominent politician who has been found liable for committing one, the other side is no better when completely letting Harris off the hook for her actions as a prosecutor.
Ok. So share. What actions as a prosecutor that the Dems are letting Kamala off the hook?

Hip-hop: a collection of rhythmic patterns and spoken word that is not quite music, glamorizes urban violence and drug use, and is anti-American politically.

Serious leaders do not host hip hop house parties. Also, I think we all know that KH is not actually a negro. As such, there will be security up the wazoo to keep the drug use and sexual assaults, which are integral parts of hip hop culture, to a minimum on Kammy’s property.

This is so fucking stupid that a blind man can see through this sham.
Lol, she is just hosting the music that describes her best. Being a whore.

Hip-hop: a collection of rhythmic patterns and spoken word that is not quite music, glamorizes urban violence and drug use, and is anti-American politically.

Serious leaders do not host hip hop house parties. Also, I think we all know that KH is not actually a negro. As such, there will be security up the wazoo to keep the drug use and sexual assaults, which are integral parts of hip hop culture, to a minimum on Kammy’s property.

This is so fucking stupid that a blind man can see through this sham.
Hip hop culture is a huge earner for the US and plays a vital part in the soft power the US enjoys. Hip hop conquered the world.
Only a racist shit struggles with this.
To be very frank and fair and kind:

1. I saw a bit about that party on the news.

2. As a very old man (86), I immediately thought: "Oh, my! Is that what will be going on in the White House in a few decades?"

3. But I imagine younger people of all ethnicities were thinking: "Wow! That's cool! Get down, girl!"

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