Voting: The Thought Process


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
As always, my view is that the correct way to determine your vote is based on polices, not persons.
If that had been done, I doubt Hussein would have been in the position to do the damage he did....and, no, Democrats, he was not god, Jesus nor the messiah.

In fact, referring to the thread title....lacking the ability to think, lots of Democrat voters would have to stay home.

But just now, Daniel Pipes wrote his view of voting, and it conforms to the above.
1. "Why I'm Voting for Trump We Elect a Team, Not a Person

2. It makes sense to focus intensely on those issues in the primary, when one has a choice among two or more candidates with a roughly similar outlook. In the general election, however, the candidate's superficial qualities matter much less in deciding whom to vote for.
That's because the candidate heads a vast team that enters government with his election, from cabinet secretaries to the military chief of staff to federal judges and many, many others, including those furtive "senior assistants to the acting deputy" types and other bureaucrats. In the aggregate, they reduce the importance of the leader. A vote for the candidate is also an implicit vote for the team.

3. Rather than the person, I advise a focus on a party's overall outlook. Does it take pride in American history or emphasize its faults? Does it favor the original Constitution or a living version of it? Does it emphasize individualism or equality? Does it focus on the free market or government oversight? Does it see the United States more as a force for good or ill in the world?

4.These, not the president's appearance or college grades, determine his place in history and the trajectory of the country. Indeed, that the team's views and policies are often sharper-edged than the president's further emphasizes the central importance of his outlook.
Personally, I favor the first in each of those dualities: a proud view of the United States, caution about the Constitution, and an emphasis on individualism and free markets. In this election, only one of the two major parties agrees with my outlook. Despite my intense aversion to Trump's immorality, vulgarity, and egotism, these now worry me less than the Democrats' uniquely radical program. And so, I publicly endorsed him. To quote journalist Bernard Goldberg, "He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins."

5. ...Trump appeared to be a populist out to wreck the Republican party, the conservative movement, and even American democracy. Then, to my surprise, he governed as a conservative on those issues I consider most important. So, consistent with the argument presented here, I put aside my distaste and fears. "

There is no way any sentient individual can vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
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I was against Trump at the beginning, especially when attacked Ted Cruz' father as if he was somehow involved in the JFK assassination. And I understand why so many people detest him, because I did too.

And, I was really looking hard for a way I could hold my nose and vote for Clinton.

But Clinton refused to walk even one inch in my direction on the issue most important to me: abortion. She said her primary concern in who to select for Supreme Court justice was whether he or she would uphold Roe v. Wade. And when Trump accused her, in a debate, of supporting partial birth abortion, she could have denied it, but she didn't.
As always, my view is that the correct way to determine your vote is based on polices, not persons.
If that had been done, I doubt Hussein would have been in the position to do the damage he did....and, no, Democrats, he was not god, Jesus nor the messiah.

In fact, referring to the thread title....lacking the ability to think, lots of Democrat voters would have to stay home.

But just now, Daniel Pipes wrote his view of voting, and it conforms to the above.
1. "Why I'm Voting for Trump We Elect a Team, Not a Person

2. It makes sense to focus intensely on those issues in the primary, when one has a choice among two or more candidates with a roughly similar outlook. In the general election, however, the candidate's superficial qualities matter much less in deciding whom to vote for.
That's because the candidate heads a vast team that enters government with his election, from cabinet secretaries to the military chief of staff to federal judges and many, many others, including those furtive "senior assistants to the acting deputy" types and other bureaucrats. In the aggregate, they reduce the importance of the leader. A vote for the candidate is also an implicit vote for the team.

3. Rather than the person, I advise a focus on a party's overall outlook. Does it take pride in American history or emphasize its faults? Does it favor the original Constitution or a living version of it? Does it emphasize individualism or equality? Does it focus on the free market or government oversight? Does it see the United States more as a force for good or ill in the world?

4.These, not the president's appearance or college grades, determine his place in history and the trajectory of the country. Indeed, that the team's views and policies are often sharper-edged than the president's further emphasizes the central importance of his outlook.
Personally, I favor the first in each of those dualities: a proud view of the United States, caution about the Constitution, and an emphasis on individualism and free markets. In this election, only one of the two major parties agrees with my outlook. Despite my intense aversion to Trump's immorality, vulgarity, and egotism, these now worry me less than the Democrats' uniquely radical program. And so, I publicly endorsed him. To quote journalist Bernard Goldberg, "He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins."

5. ...Trump appeared to be a populist out to wreck the Republican party, the conservative movement, and even American democracy. Then, to my surprise, he governed as a conservative on those issues I consider most important. So, consistent with the argument presented here, I put aside my distaste and fears. "

There is no way any sentient individual can vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
The Fake News polls were always lies. They are starting to window dress so they can say that their final poll wasn't completely ridiculous. Biden never led by double digits, it was always lies.

The latest Investor’s Business Daily poll has Biden leading President Trump 48 to 46 for Trump with a +/- 3.2 percent margin of error.

That makes the race a statistical tie.


Week ago these same clowns claimed he was 8.6 points ahead, he wasn't.

They also used to claim that the Biden Family Crime Boss had a double digit lead with Independents, they have since backed off that lie.

Their explanation?

"Now this is 'tigheting'"

Actually their brain is "tigheting".
As always, my view is that the correct way to determine your vote is based on polices, not persons.
If that had been done, I doubt Hussein would have been in the position to do the damage he did....and, no, Democrats, he was not god, Jesus nor the messiah.

In fact, referring to the thread title....lacking the ability to think, lots of Democrat voters would have to stay home.

But just now, Daniel Pipes wrote his view of voting, and it conforms to the above.
1. "Why I'm Voting for Trump We Elect a Team, Not a Person

2. It makes sense to focus intensely on those issues in the primary, when one has a choice among two or more candidates with a roughly similar outlook. In the general election, however, the candidate's superficial qualities matter much less in deciding whom to vote for.
That's because the candidate heads a vast team that enters government with his election, from cabinet secretaries to the military chief of staff to federal judges and many, many others, including those furtive "senior assistants to the acting deputy" types and other bureaucrats. In the aggregate, they reduce the importance of the leader. A vote for the candidate is also an implicit vote for the team.

3. Rather than the person, I advise a focus on a party's overall outlook. Does it take pride in American history or emphasize its faults? Does it favor the original Constitution or a living version of it? Does it emphasize individualism or equality? Does it focus on the free market or government oversight? Does it see the United States more as a force for good or ill in the world?

4.These, not the president's appearance or college grades, determine his place in history and the trajectory of the country. Indeed, that the team's views and policies are often sharper-edged than the president's further emphasizes the central importance of his outlook.
Personally, I favor the first in each of those dualities: a proud view of the United States, caution about the Constitution, and an emphasis on individualism and free markets. In this election, only one of the two major parties agrees with my outlook. Despite my intense aversion to Trump's immorality, vulgarity, and egotism, these now worry me less than the Democrats' uniquely radical program. And so, I publicly endorsed him. To quote journalist Bernard Goldberg, "He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins."

5. ...Trump appeared to be a populist out to wreck the Republican party, the conservative movement, and even American democracy. Then, to my surprise, he governed as a conservative on those issues I consider most important. So, consistent with the argument presented here, I put aside my distaste and fears. "

There is no way any sentient individual can vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
The Fake News polls were always lies. They are starting to window dress so they can say that their final poll wasn't completely ridiculous. Biden never led by double digits, it was always lies.

The latest Investor’s Business Daily poll has Biden leading President Trump 48 to 46 for Trump with a +/- 3.2 percent margin of error.

That makes the race a statistical tie.

View attachment 404559

Week ago these same clowns claimed he was 8.6 points ahead, he wasn't.

They also used to claim that the Biden Family Crime Boss had a double digit lead with Independents, they have since backed off that lie.

Their explanation?

"Now this is 'tigheting'"

Actually their brain is "tigheting".

“'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'” is attributed to a baseball-playing philosopher, Yogi Berra
"The same logic holds for Democrats who propose a distinctive set of policies, from halting climate change to battling systemic racism. A vote for Joe Biden not only amounts to a vote for his program and his team but, given his age, it doubly implies a vote for the Democrats who will accompany him into government, from wife Jill and vice presidential running mate Senator Kamala Harris to the host of Obama-era personnel primed to take up positions higher than in their last round. "
Daniel Pipes, Op.Cit.

I have yet to see any Democrat voter defend this:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Well good morning to you !
You just made me feel better about my early voting for Trump, by describing what the Democrats truly stand for.
Pretty much like Democrats Clinton.
I believe this is one of the reasons that Durhams report is not ready.
I think he keeps finding more and more evidence, every time he looks at a new leads.
I believe its an extremely detailed spiderweb.
As always, my view is that the correct way to determine your vote is based on polices, not persons.
If that had been done, I doubt Hussein would have been in the position to do the damage he did....and, no, Democrats, he was not god, Jesus nor the messiah.

In fact, referring to the thread title....lacking the ability to think, lots of Democrat voters would have to stay home.

But just now, Daniel Pipes wrote his view of voting, and it conforms to the above.
1. "Why I'm Voting for Trump We Elect a Team, Not a Person

2. It makes sense to focus intensely on those issues in the primary, when one has a choice among two or more candidates with a roughly similar outlook. In the general election, however, the candidate's superficial qualities matter much less in deciding whom to vote for.
That's because the candidate heads a vast team that enters government with his election, from cabinet secretaries to the military chief of staff to federal judges and many, many others, including those furtive "senior assistants to the acting deputy" types and other bureaucrats. In the aggregate, they reduce the importance of the leader. A vote for the candidate is also an implicit vote for the team.

3. Rather than the person, I advise a focus on a party's overall outlook. Does it take pride in American history or emphasize its faults? Does it favor the original Constitution or a living version of it? Does it emphasize individualism or equality? Does it focus on the free market or government oversight? Does it see the United States more as a force for good or ill in the world?

4.These, not the president's appearance or college grades, determine his place in history and the trajectory of the country. Indeed, that the team's views and policies are often sharper-edged than the president's further emphasizes the central importance of his outlook.
Personally, I favor the first in each of those dualities: a proud view of the United States, caution about the Constitution, and an emphasis on individualism and free markets. In this election, only one of the two major parties agrees with my outlook. Despite my intense aversion to Trump's immorality, vulgarity, and egotism, these now worry me less than the Democrats' uniquely radical program. And so, I publicly endorsed him. To quote journalist Bernard Goldberg, "He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins."

5. ...Trump appeared to be a populist out to wreck the Republican party, the conservative movement, and even American democracy. Then, to my surprise, he governed as a conservative on those issues I consider most important. So, consistent with the argument presented here, I put aside my distaste and fears. "

There is no way any sentient individual can vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

I think that your last paragraph is a bit harsh but is substantially accurate.

Just as many people say that today's Republican Party is not your father's Republican Party, neither is today's Democratic Party your mother's Democratic Party.

Politicians have one goal: to get elected. In the case of Dem pols, they know that the key to election is through getting votes from so-called "minority groups." That is why they embrace BLM, for example. And it's working. November 3 is projected to be a Dem landslide. I do not plan to watch the returns. They will be too depressing. Many Americans will be making a big mistake, but that is their right.
As always, my view is that the correct way to determine your vote is based on polices, not persons.
If that had been done, I doubt Hussein would have been in the position to do the damage he did....and, no, Democrats, he was not god, Jesus nor the messiah.

In fact, referring to the thread title....lacking the ability to think, lots of Democrat voters would have to stay home.

But just now, Daniel Pipes wrote his view of voting, and it conforms to the above.
1. "Why I'm Voting for Trump We Elect a Team, Not a Person

2. It makes sense to focus intensely on those issues in the primary, when one has a choice among two or more candidates with a roughly similar outlook. In the general election, however, the candidate's superficial qualities matter much less in deciding whom to vote for.
That's because the candidate heads a vast team that enters government with his election, from cabinet secretaries to the military chief of staff to federal judges and many, many others, including those furtive "senior assistants to the acting deputy" types and other bureaucrats. In the aggregate, they reduce the importance of the leader. A vote for the candidate is also an implicit vote for the team.

3. Rather than the person, I advise a focus on a party's overall outlook. Does it take pride in American history or emphasize its faults? Does it favor the original Constitution or a living version of it? Does it emphasize individualism or equality? Does it focus on the free market or government oversight? Does it see the United States more as a force for good or ill in the world?

4.These, not the president's appearance or college grades, determine his place in history and the trajectory of the country. Indeed, that the team's views and policies are often sharper-edged than the president's further emphasizes the central importance of his outlook.
Personally, I favor the first in each of those dualities: a proud view of the United States, caution about the Constitution, and an emphasis on individualism and free markets. In this election, only one of the two major parties agrees with my outlook. Despite my intense aversion to Trump's immorality, vulgarity, and egotism, these now worry me less than the Democrats' uniquely radical program. And so, I publicly endorsed him. To quote journalist Bernard Goldberg, "He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins."

5. ...Trump appeared to be a populist out to wreck the Republican party, the conservative movement, and even American democracy. Then, to my surprise, he governed as a conservative on those issues I consider most important. So, consistent with the argument presented here, I put aside my distaste and fears. "

There is no way any sentient individual can vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Let's face it, you vote for Trump because you're also obnoxious, and a liar since nearly everything you post is bullshit, with Godwin's Law Nazis sprinkled around. It's going to be fun watching you and Trumplethinskin melt down. Trump has already started. I see you have as well.:popcorn:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Concise and accurately describes the Demonicrat party of hate. ... :thup:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Concise and well said. ... :thup:
^^^^^^^ sunni and PoleChick, two deluded peas in an insane asylum pod. :lol:

Sunni, you grow a beard yet? :lmao:
As always, my view is that the correct way to determine your vote is based on polices, not persons.
If that had been done, I doubt Hussein would have been in the position to do the damage he did....and, no, Democrats, he was not god, Jesus nor the messiah.

In fact, referring to the thread title....lacking the ability to think, lots of Democrat voters would have to stay home.

But just now, Daniel Pipes wrote his view of voting, and it conforms to the above.
1. "Why I'm Voting for Trump We Elect a Team, Not a Person

2. It makes sense to focus intensely on those issues in the primary, when one has a choice among two or more candidates with a roughly similar outlook. In the general election, however, the candidate's superficial qualities matter much less in deciding whom to vote for.
That's because the candidate heads a vast team that enters government with his election, from cabinet secretaries to the military chief of staff to federal judges and many, many others, including those furtive "senior assistants to the acting deputy" types and other bureaucrats. In the aggregate, they reduce the importance of the leader. A vote for the candidate is also an implicit vote for the team.

3. Rather than the person, I advise a focus on a party's overall outlook. Does it take pride in American history or emphasize its faults? Does it favor the original Constitution or a living version of it? Does it emphasize individualism or equality? Does it focus on the free market or government oversight? Does it see the United States more as a force for good or ill in the world?

4.These, not the president's appearance or college grades, determine his place in history and the trajectory of the country. Indeed, that the team's views and policies are often sharper-edged than the president's further emphasizes the central importance of his outlook.
Personally, I favor the first in each of those dualities: a proud view of the United States, caution about the Constitution, and an emphasis on individualism and free markets. In this election, only one of the two major parties agrees with my outlook. Despite my intense aversion to Trump's immorality, vulgarity, and egotism, these now worry me less than the Democrats' uniquely radical program. And so, I publicly endorsed him. To quote journalist Bernard Goldberg, "He is a detestable man. And I hope he wins."

5. ...Trump appeared to be a populist out to wreck the Republican party, the conservative movement, and even American democracy. Then, to my surprise, he governed as a conservative on those issues I consider most important. So, consistent with the argument presented here, I put aside my distaste and fears. "

There is no way any sentient individual can vote for this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

I think that your last paragraph is a bit harsh but is substantially accurate.

Just as many people say that today's Republican Party is not your father's Republican Party, neither is today's Democratic Party your mother's Democratic Party.

Politicians have one goal: to get elected. In the case of Dem pols, they know that the key to election is through getting votes from so-called "minority groups." That is why they embrace BLM, for example. And it's working. November 3 is projected to be a Dem landslide. I do not plan to watch the returns. They will be too depressing. Many Americans will be making a big mistake, but that is their right.

Today's Democrat Party is closer in agenda to Lee Harvey Oswald than to John F. Kennedy.

Sad, but true.
Pretty much like Democrats Clinton.
I believe this is one of the reasons that Durhams report is not ready.
I think he keeps finding more and more evidence, every time he looks at a new leads.
I believe its an extremely detailed spiderweb.

I hope you're right.....I've pretty much given up given up expecting justice on the earthly plane.
Pretty much like Democrats Clinton.
I believe this is one of the reasons that Durhams report is not ready.
I think he keeps finding more and more evidence, every time he looks at a new leads.
I believe its an extremely detailed spiderweb.

I hope you're right.....I've pretty much given up given up expecting justice on the earthly plane.
Your reward will come when you die. Shouldn't you hurry up?

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