Voting fraud


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
In 2014 about ten days before the election news broke in print and local news that a La Raza group had registered over 2,000 illegals to vote in my district, Raul Grijalva the worst piece of shit progressive won re-election by less than 2,000 votes After he won not another word was said about voter fraud. The only difference is we will not allow Joe and his treasonous idiots lto lead us in to what our founders warned us about. Who said when you give up your firearms you are ruined. These government bleeding lychees gave up their rights for a food stamp long ago. The only kind of support, if any they would give their sugar daddy is to stand in our way. It was Jefferson that said
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots" So would you give your life to be sure your children and grand children knew the same rights you had growing up? If not you aren't worth the dirt y your made of. After Waco most realized they would not die of natural causes.
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