Voters to be Paired With Illegals in Voting


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The latest move by the Obama administration to get around that pesky US Constitution and cheapen the votes of those who don't agree with it. It never stops and the Left will leap to support this.


Vote Allies

A new grassroots organization that connects disenfranchised people with voters who want to share their power at the ballot and build a more inclusive democracy.

At what point do these people ever wish to stop trying to destroy the very foundations of this nation?

Just think of it. You (or someone you knows) volunteers to pair up with a convicted murderer or rapist or someone how illegally sneaked into this country. You will then listen to them as they express their political desires and you will consider those views when YOU CAST YOUR VOTE!

The atrocities never end.

Story @ 'Vote-sharing' program gives voice to those with no say in elections
The latest move by the Obama administration to get around that pesky US Constitution and cheapen the votes of those who don't agree with it. It never stops and the Left will leap to support this.


Vote Allies

A new grassroots organization that connects disenfranchised people with voters who want to share their power at the ballot and build a more inclusive democracy.

At what point do these people ever wish to stop trying to destroy the very foundations of this nation?

Just think of it. You (or someone you knows) volunteers to pair up with a convicted murderer or rapist or someone how illegally sneaked into this country. You will then listen to them as they express their political desires and you will consider those views when YOU CAST YOUR VOTE!

The atrocities never end.

Story @ 'Vote-sharing' program gives voice to those with no say in elections
I give you a D for English usage, spelling and grammar.....
I don't know of any illegals and the candidates running for office are more dismal than Where's the beef and Read my lips..
what's more sick is the people voted this crap down us from this administration.

we need to hope a Republican gets in so they GET rid of all this garbage being done by them and then WE the people need to kick our CONGRESS critters asses to change and Limit how many EO and memorandums a president can use on anything. that's how Obama was able to go over Congress and YOUR Representation that comes with it. (some President eh. steamrolls over YOUR Representation to put in all that HE WANTS and says: the hell with YOU the people)
How is it a bad thing, or any concern of yours if a voter volunteers to discuss how he will vote with someone who can't vote? The one entitled to vote still controls who it is cast for, and more discussion and sharing of ideas is always a good thing. You're just looking for something else to whine about.
Since when does their view point become valid in a sovereign nation, if they are here illegally?
How is it a bad thing, or any concern of yours if a voter volunteers to discuss how he will vote with someone who can't vote? The one entitled to vote still controls who it is cast for, and more discussion and sharing of ideas is always a good thing. You're just looking for something else to whine about.
Since when does their view point become valid in a sovereign nation, if they are here illegally?
How is it a bad thing, or any concern of yours if a voter volunteers to discuss how he will vote with someone who can't vote? The one entitled to vote still controls who it is cast for, and more discussion and sharing of ideas is always a good thing. You're just looking for something else to whine about.

Their viewpoint becomes valid the instant a voter volunteers to discuss the coming election with them. This is not a government program. It is a small community outreach program, and it's none of your business if a voter wants to discuss their vote with whomever they chose. Is anybody telling you that you can't discuss your vote with other crazy right wingers?
It will only work if the person who cannot vote stands next to the voter to make sure the voter votes as instructed.

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