Voter ID: How about this?

Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?

Personally, I support welfare parasites not being permitted to vote...but that is a different thread.
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?
Good ideas...but how de po folk gonna git to de place fo da picture or da finger no cah got no gas...yo
At some point, you have to expend some of your own effort if you want to vote.
Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

Comrade G50000

Krebs on Security, a blog that first reported the news, said that breach involved nearly all Target outlets in the United States, citing sources at two credit card issuers.

The breach could have extended from just after Thanksgiving to December 15, Krebs said, citing evidence from investigators.}

Target victim of major credit card breach Reuters

Because showing ID with the credit card did not stop this fraud, you will be demanding that all U.S. retailers stop checking ID for credit card purchases, nyet?

Sounds pretty fucking stupid when viewed objectively, doesn't it?

Actually, ID is almost never checked for credit card transactions...and merchant agreements with the CC companies generally DO NOT PERMIT it.
I always present my military ID card, my drivers liscence and my carry liscence just to bug the ok'd lady checking my status...they always say one is enough but.....
Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

Comrade G50000

Krebs on Security, a blog that first reported the news, said that breach involved nearly all Target outlets in the United States, citing sources at two credit card issuers.

The breach could have extended from just after Thanksgiving to December 15, Krebs said, citing evidence from investigators.}

Target victim of major credit card breach Reuters

Because showing ID with the credit card did not stop this fraud, you will be demanding that all U.S. retailers stop checking ID for credit card purchases, nyet?

Sounds pretty fucking stupid when viewed objectively, doesn't it?

Actually, ID is almost never checked for credit card transactions...and merchant agreements with the CC companies generally DO NOT PERMIT it.

I don't sign my credit cards. I write "Check ID" on the back.
Having to have a government photo issued ID does not and will NOT STOP any illegal voting, if they got registered by the State, in the FIRST PLACE.
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?
Why require it, if there is no problem in the first place? Why increase gvt power over us, when it is not necessary? WHY?
Who said it is not necessary?
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
Pretty please M 14, just spend a few minutes of critical thinking and analysis and plain ole common sense on this....let's think it through together to come up with the scenario of someone trying to vote in someone elses place....

-Is this person that wants to commit voter fraud and vote in your Name at the polls a neighbor or a stranger?
*IF a neighbor, and a citizen, why wouldn't they just vote in their own name? And if they want to steal your vote so that they got 2 votes, don't you think he would be afraid of getting caught at the same polling place that he votes at regularly by the poll worker recognizing him, or that YOU would actually have beaten him there and voted just a few minutes earlier and getting caught that way? AND would this neighbor truly commit a felony at the moment he has to sign your name on the voter roster, and RISK his entire career and life by forever being identified as a con or ex con felon?

I think logic says this scenario could be taken off the table as an's just so highly unlikely.

-So, let's go with it being a Stranger.... where did they get your name and address? How do they know you are a registered voter and how do they know what party affiliation you are? In Massachusetts and here in Maine, neither State had any or have any ID laws to vote when I voted....well you did not just have to give the poll worker your name.... it was required of them to ask for your name, your address and what party you were registered....

OK, this stranger in a state with no gvt photo id required, that is trying to steal your vote by impersonating you at the voting place, has to be an INSIDER.... he has to have access to voter rolls, to the names and addresses and party affiliation...and randomly picked you to impersonate....OR maybe he did this because he also had access to your voting record....and could see that you had not voted in elections frequently?
IF this is the case, this stranger works for one of the Parties imo. and IS NOT going to risk this fraud for just you and your vote, this would be a case of impersonating hundreds or thousands of voters if in a metropolitan area....ENOUGH to change the outcome of the vote....whatever that hurdle is.....

The ''Stranger'', the ''insider'' is not going to hire hundreds or thousands of people to go out and vote in person by impersonating other voters....the RISK is too high that a few of them get caught, due to poll workers recognizing them as not the person they claim, or the grandma of wife are the poll workers at the voting place, or the person they are trying to impersonate just happened to have already voted, or just 1 of the hundreds hired had loose lips that sinks ships....and it leads back to the stranger with the list....

THIS TOO all seems like it is too high risk, so I would rule this out as unlikely as well....

Maybe this stranger would use this voter list and voter information to vote absentee ballot? Seems like this would be more likely, and less of a risk.... but even with that, there are some hurdles....the towns mail out the absentee ballots for their citizens that request least I believe that is who sends the ab ballots out? I just requested one today....the first time in Maine in the 7 years living the internet... They asked me my name, and my town name that I voted in, my address AND the address I wanted them to send my ballot could NOT be a P.O. Box.

This ''stranger/insider'' has to come up with addresses to have the absentee ballots mailed to, in order to get they would not use your address, because then you would get it and they wouldn't and this would flag that something is wrong in your head and also defeat the stranger's purpose, which is voter a big big way.... so let's say they have a 2nd insider that works in the office that sends out the absentees....but again, I think this is done by each voting district, so the stranger could need 50 insiders to get the absentee ballots?

Gosh, that scenario doesn't work either...?

OK OK, then maybe it is DEAD PEOPLE still on the voter rolls that they would impersonate???

BUT THE SOLUTION to this possibility would be to have the State Dept of Health notify the elections board of all the people they have issued death certificates for and REMOVE THEM from the voter roster, done!

you are welcome to add scenarios I may have missed, but as it stands....

Government issued Photo ID's being mandatory to vote is SIMPLY NOT NECESSARY to solve or prevent voter fraud at the polls....

So I ask AGAIN, why are you even supporting such a charade?

Is it that you want to make it more difficult to vote for the sect of citizens that do not have a government issued photo id and easier for the sect of citizens that drive?
Is it because YOU think minorities are too dumb to go through the trouble of getting ID's as conservatives are claiming is the case with liberals, and THIS would help the Cons win the elections or at least give cons a better chance at getting conservatives elected?
Is it because your Party told you, that you should insist on these gvt issued photo id's? Do you always do what your party asks, without thinking things through?
Is it because you believe that every citizen should have a gvt issued photo id, not just for voting, but a mandatory National ID Card and this is the BACK DOOR WAY of getting this made in to law?
Having to have a government photo issued ID does not and will NOT STOP any illegal voting, if they got registered by the State, in the FIRST PLACE.
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?

How do you verify the identity of a mail in vote?

Can we have one strict ID system and one that only requires a signature?

Solution: eliminate mail-in ballots except for military members. Ballots for members of the armed forces should be required to be delivered to, completed, sealed, and mailed in the presence of no less than two officers or attorneys, who would be required to swear to same under penalties of perjury. Anyone else needs to vote absentee, go to City Hall, show ID, fill out a ballot, the clerk seals it, it goes into a safe until Election Day.
that's not a solution, that's disenfranchisement.
I WILL NEVER, EVER, over my dead body NEVER, give my fingerprint to the gvt so I can vote....or get a chip so I can vote....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having to have a government photo issued ID does not and will NOT STOP any illegal voting, if they got registered by the State, in the FIRST PLACE.
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?

How do you verify the identity of a mail in vote?

Can we have one strict ID system and one that only requires a signature?

Solution: eliminate mail-in ballots except for military members. Ballots for members of the armed forces should be required to be delivered to, completed, sealed, and mailed in the presence of no less than two officers or attorneys, who would be required to swear to same under penalties of perjury. Anyone else needs to vote absentee, go to City Hall, show ID, fill out a ballot, the clerk seals it, it goes into a safe until Election Day.
that's not a solution, that's disenfranchisement.

See, you're still lying!
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

So your position is "you can't stop us from cheating?"

For people more rational, it has actually been an interesting dynamic in Virginia. The democrat screamed racism, poll taxes and all the usual herrings and proclaimed 400K Virginians would be disenfranchised. The number was not so loudly proclaimed when it dropped to a pool of about 90K people who could be affected. Virginia however gives free ID for voters. So far an overwhelming couple thousand people state wide actually went out an got one their free ID. In my minority-majority city, it was reported at 40 something people. In addition, it also was reported both state and locally that most of those folks were seniors. Now the real test will be election day because if you do not have ID you have to cast a provisional ballot and then come to the registrar with proof of your ID before they will count your ballot.

The only conclusion I can logically conclude at this point is that the democrats don't care about blacks voting in states where the Senator is a safe dem thereby showing by their lack of organization of blacks without ID's that they only care about black suffrage in close races or they have zero facts to support their tired old poll tax/racism memes. which is it dem apologists? Surely one of you must be getting paid to defend against truth.

Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

Comrade G50000

Krebs on Security, a blog that first reported the news, said that breach involved nearly all Target outlets in the United States, citing sources at two credit card issuers.

The breach could have extended from just after Thanksgiving to December 15, Krebs said, citing evidence from investigators.}

Target victim of major credit card breach Reuters

Because showing ID with the credit card did not stop this fraud, you will be demanding that all U.S. retailers stop checking ID for credit card purchases, nyet?

Sounds pretty fucking stupid when viewed objectively, doesn't it?

Actually, ID is almost never checked for credit card transactions...and merchant agreements with the CC companies generally DO NOT PERMIT it.

I don't sign my credit cards. I write "Check ID" on the back.

yeah, that'll stop a thief from using your CC ... they just hand a clerk their ID... you dumbass.

remember the thread where the RW's were carping about illegals getting a valid drivers license without any problems?

you don't say?

you mean the same place they get voter ID cards ??????????

moron RW's ... rock-dumb, ALL OF THEM.
Having to have a government photo issued ID does not and will NOT STOP any illegal voting, if they got registered by the State, in the FIRST PLACE.
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?

How do you verify the identity of a mail in vote?

Can we have one strict ID system and one that only requires a signature?

Solution: eliminate mail-in ballots except for military members. Ballots for members of the armed forces should be required to be delivered to, completed, sealed, and mailed in the presence of no less than two officers or attorneys, who would be required to swear to same under penalties of perjury. Anyone else needs to vote absentee, go to City Hall, show ID, fill out a ballot, the clerk seals it, it goes into a safe until Election Day.
that's not a solution, that's disenfranchisement.

See, you're still lying!
nahhh, you are just being idiotic... I and MANY OTHER CITIZENS traveled for a living and was out of town many times during elections....

limiting absentee ballots to ONLY THE MILITARY, is disenfranchisement of many citizens that travel and even live overseas....and even military wives...

so your suggestion jarlaxle is just plain silly.
Every one of you that wants a mandatory Gvt issued photo id in order to vote, believe in having a National ID card and would accept this without the blink of an eye....

I AM NOT ONE OF THEM....never have been, never will be.... THAT'S where I stand.

No matter how many times you screech that, it is STILL A FUCKING LIE!

Maybe you are too young and also have had no interest in History....I'll write it off as that.....
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?
Good ideas...but how de po folk gonna git to de place fo da picture or da finger no cah got no gas...yo
At some point, you have to expend some of your own effort if you want to vote.
Who says? And why spend any more time and effort than you have spent the last 20 elections you have voted in?
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?

How do you verify the identity of a mail in vote?

Can we have one strict ID system and one that only requires a signature?

Solution: eliminate mail-in ballots except for military members. Ballots for members of the armed forces should be required to be delivered to, completed, sealed, and mailed in the presence of no less than two officers or attorneys, who would be required to swear to same under penalties of perjury. Anyone else needs to vote absentee, go to City Hall, show ID, fill out a ballot, the clerk seals it, it goes into a safe until Election Day.
that's not a solution, that's disenfranchisement.

See, you're still lying!
nahhh, you are just being idiotic... I and MANY OTHER CITIZENS traveled for a living and was out of town many times during elections....

limiting absentee ballots to ONLY THE MILITARY, is disenfranchisement of many citizens that travel and even live overseas....and even military wives...

so your suggestion jarlaxle is just plain silly.

We don't have surprise elections here like those in many countries. Anyone who travels knows YEARS in advance when an election is scheduled, so they can show up in person and collect an absentee ballot before they embark on their travels.
How do you verify the identity of a mail in vote?

Can we have one strict ID system and one that only requires a signature?

Solution: eliminate mail-in ballots except for military members. Ballots for members of the armed forces should be required to be delivered to, completed, sealed, and mailed in the presence of no less than two officers or attorneys, who would be required to swear to same under penalties of perjury. Anyone else needs to vote absentee, go to City Hall, show ID, fill out a ballot, the clerk seals it, it goes into a safe until Election Day.
that's not a solution, that's disenfranchisement.

See, you're still lying!
nahhh, you are just being idiotic... I and MANY OTHER CITIZENS traveled for a living and was out of town many times during elections....

limiting absentee ballots to ONLY THE MILITARY, is disenfranchisement of many citizens that travel and even live overseas....and even military wives...

so your suggestion jarlaxle is just plain silly.

We don't have surprise elections here like those in many countries. Anyone who travels knows YEARS in advance when an election is scheduled, so they can show up in person and collect an absentee ballot before they embark on their travels.
Seriously? :lol:
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?

Personally, I support welfare parasites not being permitted to vote...but that is a different thread.

Should corporate giants receiving Government subsidies be allowed to vote?

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