Vivek Ramaswamy running for president.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Another one joins the race. I like this guy a lot but I wonder if he’s POTUS material….your thoughts?
I loved what he had to say on Tucker Carlson he’s making a lot of great points including ending affirmative action.
Ramaswamy is calling for a "total decoupling" from Communist China, which he argues is a greater threat to America today than the Soviet Union was during the Cold War because China makes the "shoes on our feet and the phones in our pockets."

He acknowledged that taking off the economic Band-Aid from Beijing is "not going to be easy," admitting that "it will require some sacrifice of short-term conveniences" but said that the ends would justify the means.

As the son of Indian migrants who legally came through America's "front door," Ramaswamy is a strong supporter of merit-based immigration and would not grant leniency for those who broke the law when entering the country.

Nothing wrong there. If he will break up the monopolies and pursue anti-trust policies, his platform will be near perfect.
Another one joins the race. I like this guy a lot but I wonder if he’s POTUS material….your thoughts?
Might be looking for a VP spot. Definitely didn’t look presentable on tucker, slouched over.
The newly announced US Presidential Candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, is a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow*. Vivek's asset management company, Strive Asset Management, was backed by Peter Thiel, co-founder of Palantir Technologies and PayPal. * Paul Soros is George Soros' brother. Oh

Reading up on this dude Vivek Ramaswamy who just announced he's running for president. Seems like a pretty normal guy

Another one joins the race. I like this guy a lot but I wonder if he’s POTUS material….your thoughts?
Don't really know that much about him to form an opinion but just him running will make people more aware of how woke the left have become. One reason people like this run is in hoping that they will eventually be selected for VP. He pretty much has no chance of becoming the nominee.
Not gonna lie, I am very much looking forward to the supercut of Trump's comical mispronunciations of Vivek Ramaswamy

Do you live near New Jersey? If so, maybe a video 'survey' of people with the funkiest accents there may go viral on that theme.

Just heard this speech for the first time on a radio program. (I don't watch TV)

Maybe I'll have to go and look him up.

I'll reserve judgment, but I can't completely discount a run for VP.

Smart, articulate, knowledgeable.

Beck has him on often

The Soros connection is part of a smear campaign.

He will not be president or Vice President.
His policy platform looks good. I’d like to see his personal biography. I am concerned that he has India willingness to talk with and debate the other side of the aisle.

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