Virginia's Gubernatorial Election Tied: Poll


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
Terry McAuliffe (D) and Glenn Youngkin (R) are now tied in Virginia's gubernatorial election. Biden won Virginia by 10%. But the polls are so close now that Obama, Harris and Abrams are now stumping for McAuliffe. I don't know how it will end up, but Biden's total failure as president no doubt is why VA is so close.

Terry McAuliffe (D) and Glenn Youngkin (R) are now tied in Virginia's gubernatorial election. Biden won Virginia by 10%. But the polls are so close now that Obama, Harris and Abrams are now stumping for McAuliffe. I don't know how it will end up, but Biden's total failure as president no doubt is why VA is so close.

Keep in mind DemoKKKrats in Virginia elected this guy over and over again. They are not intelligent (or even recognizable) human beings.

(CNN)Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe has admitted President Joe Biden's political woes drag on his gubernatorial campaign. But they pale against the shockwaves that would rip through the White House if he loses his race next month at a perilous time for the party in Washington.

Terry McAuliffe (D) and Glenn Youngkin (R) are now tied in Virginia's gubernatorial election. Biden won Virginia by 10%. But the polls are so close now that Obama, Harris and Abrams are now stumping for McAuliffe. I don't know how it will end up, but Biden's total failure as president no doubt is why VA is so close.

Very likely!! And McAuliffe does have a LOT of negatives.

I don't believe in polls, but politicians do, and it's clear the Dems are very worried about Virginia. I sure hope Youngkin wins ----- Virginia seriously needs some help.
How tone-deaf is Biden?? People are fed up with the leftist policies - culminating in the WH conspiring with the liberal education union to sic the FBI on domestic terrorist parents - and Biden thinks he‘s going to help McAulife pull out a win by showing up at his side?
Youngkin definitely has the momentum. The Democrats have reason to be very concerned. The results could also trickle down to the general assembly as well, possibly winning back a majority for the GOP
Terry McAuliffe (D) and Glenn Youngkin (R) are now tied in Virginia's gubernatorial election. Biden won Virginia by 10%. But the polls are so close now that Obama, Harris and Abrams are now stumping for McAuliffe. I don't know how it will end up, but Biden's total failure as president no doubt is why VA is so close.

Surprised the Clinton's friend McAullife is still tied. Is it really that hard to say the state school superintendent needs to make sure students aren't told America was formed to have slavery and if a student is sexually assaulted, the accused perpetrator needs to be referred to the cops, and the school needs a policy to make sure adults are stationed in areas similar to where the assault occurred, with the victim's identity being protected?
McAuliffe gets 'agitated' when asked about panicking campaign, efforts to tie Youngkin to Trump

"I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach," McAuliffe, who previously served as governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018, said during the debate in Alexandria, Virginia.

No wonder the Glenn Youngkin (R) is tied with McAuliffe. Parents most definitely should have a say in their kid's education.
I would like to think Younkin wins, but I do doubt it. It is a blue state, and we know the Left has to really be pissed for them to elect anything other than a Leftist.

And that is exactly why the Left is soiling their pants. If Younkin wins, the Biden Presidency is for all intensive purposes, over! They will fight for their Leftists bretheren tooth and nail, as long as it doesn't affect THEIR re-election chances. Younkin wins, it shows that supporting this nonsense WILL effect those chances, and by alot!
McAuliffe gets 'agitated' when asked about panicking campaign, efforts to tie Youngkin to Trump

"I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach," McAuliffe, who previously served as governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018, said during the debate in Alexandria, Virginia.

No wonder the Glenn Youngkin (R) is tied with McAuliffe. Parents most definitely should have a say in their kid's education.
Yet YOunking supports a state law to determine what books kids read, rather than leaving it up to the school boards parents elect.
Terry McAuliffe (D) and Glenn Youngkin (R) are now tied in Virginia's gubernatorial election. Biden won Virginia by 10%. But the polls are so close now that Obama, Harris and Abrams are now stumping for McAuliffe. I don't know how it will end up, but Biden's total failure as president no doubt is why VA is so close.

Watch. McAuliffe will win by 12%+. It will be absolutely obvious.

Nothing will be done about it.

This will be the tipping point and it will be a disaster for some...

You heard it hear first.
Are you worried the election in Virginia may be corrupted? I'm getting nervous about it.
I am absolutely CONVINCED that the results will defy the polls like a motherfucker, and McAuliffe will win in a landslide. Corrupted? All we will hear is "No EVIDENCE" repeated 100,000,000,000 times.

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