Virginia Governor Election: Youngkin is clearly Trump in sheep's clothing - but he may win...

The only thing Youngkin proved he is is NOT a Marxist Democrat POS.
  • This from the supporter of a man who asked Bill Barr to arrest Joe and Hunter Biden two weeks before the election.
  • This from the supporter of a man who had his AG use jackboots with teargas on horseback to clear Lafayette park during a peaceful, legal demonstration so that he could sanche over to the church to hold a Bible upside down.
  • This from the supporter of a man who had his AG completely whitewash the Mueller report with a four page summery of a 448 page report (which he hadn't had time to read) years in the making.
  • This from the supporter of a man who had his AG fire Geoffrey Berman at SDNY for looking into shady Trump business practices.
  • This from the supporter of a man who tried to get his AG to take licenses away from broadcasting companies.
  • This from the supporter of a man who treated the DOJ as his personal plaything, in the end nearly succeeding in a Saturday Night Massacre by moving loyalists into key DOJ positions.
  • This from the supporter of a man who begged his AG to overturn a free and fair election.

"How the f--- could you do this to me? Why did you say it?" Trump asked Barr, who up to that point had been considered a staunch ally of the president.
When Barr responded "because it's true," Trump said: "You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump."

Lol, where there's smoke there's fire. And the smoke around Trump is gagging most normal people. ;)
Let's see---Joe and Hunter Biden have been taking bribes from the Chinese among others---they need to be far worse than just arrested, Hun.

Oh my PEACEFUL PROTESTORS at LaFayette Park? WOW!! Aren't full of shit? You mean the Race Pimps that are always violent and attacking people? They too deserved worse than being cleared from the park, which BTW was done so a fence could be put up to keep their ilk out as they are violent assholes. SEE VIDEO of your supposed Peaceful Protestors--Ashli Bobbit did far less and shot and killed....

Mueller? Did you just Say Mueller? The guy who is a swamp POS who dragged a fake investigation to score political points LYING to try to get trump in court and finally forced to admit that their was no evidence to get Trump on after wasting MIllions $$$ of taxpayer money? Mueller is a treasonous little bastard--he too deserves worse than just to be arrested. Even before Trump, this asshole was harassing and destroying innocent people... all to protect the swamp and mob that pays off his dumb ass. Are you so lost in the sauce that you still insane enough to even mention his name? Pathetic.

Berman technically resigned, Sweetheart. He was only assigned for a temporary post of 120 days. During that time he investiged Rudy for investigating the crimes that Biden and son committed in the Ukraine. He deserved to be fired and worse---which is probably why you have it in your mind that he was fired. It's a Freudian slip indicating that you know that Berman deserved to be you try to spin
shit. I would seek professional help if I were you---you are indicating some mental issues with this and the rest of your post.

BROADCASTING COMPANIES? Oh you mean the lib fascist propaganda've got the wrong woman here. I think their licenses should be pulled and their anchors and writers, owners etc involved in pimping propaganda should be arrested and put on trial for RICO and Treason charges...I'm judgemental that way.

The DOJ is corrupted---and has been since alteast the Clinton Days---they have been allowing criminals especially in the high ranks of the dems and other swamp creatures to get away with murder literally (hence Hilliary's dead body count) and even at times snagged aiding if not outright doing the murder---see the murder of Whitey Belger and Epstein both. They need their leadership removed and replaced. And then for their leadership to investigated and put on trial for their various crimes as well

And finally we get to the ELECTION which you claim was Fair and on the up and up---to which I say only a fucking idiot thinks this way. IN order to believe that the election wasn't Fraudulent, you would have to be stupid enough to think that shit for brains Biden got more votes than OBAMA while losing what around half or more of the Counties that Obama won. This on top of TRUMP receiving even more votes for him than in 2016. There is no fucking way that this happened on the up and up. Sorry, not possible.
Mafia Bosses never do the hit themselves. They hire someone else. For example, look at January 6th. trump did not march to the Capitol he promised his cult. He had his unhinged mob march and attack the Capitol. That is one of the characteristics of a Mafia Boss. Once he saw his plan to keep Biden from being certified was going to fail...only after hours where many were begging him to call them off....he relented and told them to go home. "We Love you."

Then he walks back into this residence and washes his hands of the whole thing, leaving his mob to swing in the wind. He instigated it, he planned it, he probably funded it....but Garland has not gone after him yet. trump was the main and largest reason for the January 6th attack. He needs to be held accountable or he will do it again....with more violence and more death.

But now the repubs have a star in Virginia! The light is going to shine on Glenn. Let's see how Donnie takes that. He is not a party person. He is a ME person. Youngkin kept trump at arms length. trump only held a virtual rally in Virginia when he was confident that Youngkin would win. If he had gone there and rallied in person, I doubt Youngkin would have showed up there either. The repub party better push back from trump. Youngkin showed them how to do it.
Oh come on Dimmer! The bestest example is the Clintons you know that!
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Youngkin is clearly Trump in sheep's clothing - but he may win. If he does win - I expect that many who voted for him will have buyer's remorse. I'm not a Terry McAuliffe fan - but he is clearly the safer and more reasonable choice. What do you think?

Your smear didn't work, although I don't know what's wrong with being Trump. I would take him over Terry McAuliffe any day of the week.
Look who is back. You thought enough of me to bookmark my quote. I'm still inside your head, living rent free. I bet you circled November 2nd on your calendar and set a reminder.
Poor baby. Now reduced to projecting and trying to rationalize your stupid statement. Hey asshole, mocking you for being stupid is not you living in anybody’s head. It’s you being mocked for being an idiot.

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