Virginia DemonRATS Working On Bill To Confiscate Some Legally Owned Firearms, Report

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It was only a matter of time after Democrats grabbed all of the power in Virginia for them to begin to enact a radical left-wing agenda.

And it should serve as a warning for the voters of any state to pay attention to so they know what is headed their way if they make this mistake.

The first step that Virginia lawmakers are doing, and they have a good chance of enacting with their Democrat governor, is confiscating guns from those who legally own their firearms.


And the governor was not done there. When asked by reporters if he would confiscate legally owned “assault weapons” he said he is working on it.

“That’s something I’m working [on] with our secretary of public safety,” the governor said. “I’ll work with the gun violence activists, and we’ll work [on] that. I don’t have a definitive plan today.”



If it can't be stopped in the legislature first, when this law passes, some individuasl or groups needs to take it to court.

This would seem to be blatantly.unconstitutional at first blush.... but in todays fucked up society what has been taken for granted as gospel is no longer looked on in the same light that the founders intended it to be.

I notice that 26 counties in Virginia have declared themselves sanctuaries for the 2nd Amendment.

Maybe Virginia will be where the second Civil War in this country will start, as it most certainly has to start somewhere!

It was only a matter of time after Democrats grabbed all of the power in Virginia for them to begin to enact a radical left-wing agenda.

And it should serve as a warning for the voters of any state to pay attention to so they know what is headed their way if they make this mistake.

The first step that Virginia lawmakers are doing, and they have a good chance of enacting with their Democrat governor, is confiscating guns from those who legally own their firearms.


And the governor was not done there. When asked by reporters if he would confiscate legally owned “assault weapons” he said he is working on it.

“That’s something I’m working [on] with our secretary of public safety,” the governor said. “I’ll work with the gun violence activists, and we’ll work [on] that. I don’t have a definitive plan today.”



If it can't be stopped in the legislature first, when this law passes, some individuasl or groups needs to take it to court.

This would seem to be blatantly.unconstitutional at first blush.... but in todays fucked up society what has been taken for granted as gospel is no longer looked on in the same light that the founders intended it to be.

I notice that 26 counties in Virginia have declared themselves sanctuaries for the 2nd Amendment.

Maybe Virginia will be where the second Civil War in this country will start, as it most certainly has to start somewhere!


Any vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

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