Violent Domestic Terririst Antifa Holds Pathetic / Hypocritical 'Love' March In City It Just Ransacked, Attacjed ICE HQ


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
How stupid is ANTIFA....OR how stupid do they think people are....OR how stupid are people?

If a foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorist group commits a violent terrorist attack on your city and causes damage while attacking a federal government building (ICE HQ), do you open up your arms, forgive, embrace, and welcome them back the next week when they show up to hold a 'Love' March, pathetically carrying a sign that says, 'ANTIFA Loves You'?!

These terrorists have caused BILLIKNS of dollars of damage to Demicrat-run communities all over the US and just recently attacked this city, damaging it too as it committed a terrorist attack against a federal govt building....

'....but Antifa loves you'......suckers.
I have a buddy that lives in Portland. I'd really like to go out and visit.
Progressives seem to not have any self awareness

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