Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets

The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden.
Boom. Thank you for admitting this was about personal political gain for Trump.
What did Trump get?
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden.
Boom. Thank you for admitting this was about personal political gain for Trump.
speaking of admitting things:

Pelosi's Brain Freezes & Admits Democrats Can't Win 2020 Fairly, Trump Torches Her

boom and stuff.
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden. It's pretty suspicious that a drug addict with no interactions of a country where he didn't know the language, or the business that hired him, was paid multi-million dollars to sit home in the US and call himself a board member.

There are a lot of people who sit on boards who attend a meeting a few times a year and call them board members. The fact that he knows how to raise business capital might be of interest to a foreign company. You have not pointed out anything illegal.

A lot of them? Then name me three; three people with no connections that were hired by a company, in a foreign nation, with no experience in their industry, that were paid 83K a month.
Go ahead and research who the other Burisma board members were at the time of Hunter, and how much they were paid... What they did in life, to get their board seats....

Sounds like a lot of work. Why don't you tell me? Did Burisma hire all board members that got their jobs through shady associations?
The US provides foreign aid to 92 countries. Many, if not most, suffer from rampant corruption.

And yet the only thing Trump has ever asked to be investigated was Burisma, where Joe Biden's son worked. Not all the other corruption in Ukraine, just the Biden thing.

That's because Burisma did involve Biden.
Boom. Thank you for admitting this was about personal political gain for Trump.

There is no "personal political gain" for Trump. It does our President no good at all to see the Biden Family in a Ukrainian prison camp, or whatever they do to their nation's miscreants.
It has not been proven right. The investigation was closed by Shokin before Biden went to Ukraine. That is why his resignation was demanded by the US.

So the US demanded that Shokin be fired because he was not investigating the company that was paying Hunter $83,000 a month. that you put it that way, that certainly makes sense.
Hunter was not paid $83k a month.... BOTH Hunter AND his business partner were board members...That money to their company each month was for both of them.

Nobody knows exactly what because the records are not public. That's why an investigation needs to be conducted, to find out exactly how the money was laundered to get to Hunter.
It has not been proven right. The investigation was closed by Shokin before Biden went to Ukraine. That is why his resignation was demanded by the US.

So the US demanded that Shokin be fired because he was not investigating the company that was paying Hunter $83,000 a month. that you put it that way, that certainly makes sense.
Hunter was not paid $83k a month.... BOTH Hunter AND his business partner were board members...That money to their company each month was for both of them.

Nobody knows exactly what because the records are not public. That's why an investigation needs to be conducted, to find out exactly how the money was laundered to get to Hunter.
What records are not public?


Why is this a Giuliani dog and pony show only?

I'm sorry, but I think you are being fooled, too easily Ray....

if there was predicate to investigate the Bidens, our DOJ would be doing it....
not Giuliani with a bunch of Russian sympathizing goons and corrupt Oligarchs and ex Russian Mafia men and ex corrupt prosecutors, and a man the USA is trying to extradite for money laundering charges ... ALL of whom are Giuliani partners in this scam....
It has not been proven right. The investigation was closed by Shokin before Biden went to Ukraine. That is why his resignation was demanded by the US.

So the US demanded that Shokin be fired because he was not investigating the company that was paying Hunter $83,000 a month. that you put it that way, that certainly makes sense.
Hunter was not paid $83k a month.... BOTH Hunter AND his business partner were board members...That money to their company each month was for both of them.

Nobody knows exactly what because the records are not public. That's why an investigation needs to be conducted, to find out exactly how the money was laundered to get to Hunter.
What records are not public?


Why is this a Giuliani dog and pony show only?

I'm sorry, but I think you are being fooled, too easily Ray....

if there was predicate to investigate the Bidens, our DOJ would be doing it....
not Giuliani with a bunch of Russian sympathizing goons and corrupt Oligarchs and ex Russian Mafia men and ex corrupt prosecutors, and a man the USA is trying to extradite for money laundering charges ... ALL of whom are Giuliani partners in this scam....

The DOJ doesn't investigate just anybody. If they did, the entire plot to defeat Trump would have started without the request from Republicans. In fact, if Hillary won, we would have never discovered the FBI involvement at all. We wouldn't know about Stroke-off and Page. We wouldn't have known about FISA abuses. There would have been no Russia collusion investigated

Nobody was supposed to know about it because Hillary had that race wrapped up in a bag with a bow on it. That goes the same for Burisma. Nobody would have known about it. So Trump asked Zelensky to look into it. Because if Zelensky did find something credible, THEN Trump could have had somebody in our agencies do an investigation.
Nothing = Hunter Biden gets job in Ukraine, doesn't speak the language, never shows up to work, gets millions $$$ stuffed in his pockets, his daddy Low IQ Joe brags about getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired, and Dems vehemently oppose any investigation.....

Dem philosophy - once we steal your money, fuck you!!!!!!!!

It’s not illegal for Biden to work for Burisma. It might be illegal if he were paid improperly. As you said yourself, you have no idea if he was or not.
And that is exactly what Shokin was investigating when Biden got him fired and replaced by Lutsenko.


April 7, 2013: Yuriy Lutsenko is pardoned by Yanukovych.
In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski and the former president of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.
Yanukovych Pardons Tymoshenko Ally Lutsenko, Five Others

And along with Hunter Biden, Alexander Kwasniewski just happened to be a Burisma director.



Shokin wasn't investigating anything. That was problem.

Shokin says different. How do you explain that?

Shokin's a disgraced former prosecutor, thrown out by his own parliament, with an ax to grind against Biden who facilitated his ouster.

That's how.
"Facilitated"? :abgg2q.jpg:

That's an interesting verb choice.

Exactly how and why do you believe that VP Joe Biden merely "facilitated" the removal of the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was enriching Hunter Biden with hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Didn't you see Biden get caught on the hot mic during a live stream video?

Kinda funny how Democrats all keep calling Shokin "corrupt", yet when pressed on the issue they cannot ever cite any law that they believe Shokin ever violated.

Things that make you go...............

Kinda funny how Democrats all keep calling Shokin "corrupt", yet when pressed on the issue they cannot ever cite any law that they believe Shokin ever violated.

Things that make you go...............

Correct. One would think that if somebody was corrupt, he would have been arrested or charged within the three years after being ousted. Never happened.
Good Luck.
Shokin is corrupt. So yeah, let's believe Shokin. Lol.
According to that video the man has never been charged for or convicted on any corruption charges.

So what makes you think he's corrupt? CNN says so? BSNBC? Joe Biden?

That's because after he went back to Russia, there was no way of prosecuting him.
:booze:When did Shokin go to Russia?

After the fall of Viktor Yanukovych's government in February 2014, Pshonka, a Russian citizen[7] with an arrest warrant issued for him,[8] fled from Ukraine to Russia and was last publicly seen on April 13, 2014, at Rostov-on-Don in Russia.[9] The Pshonka gold jewelry businesses, formerly located in Kramatorsk, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, moved to Sebastopol in Russian occupied Crimea in the fall 2014.[10][11] Russia has illegally occupied Crimea since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2014.

Viktor Shokin - Wikipedia
The fact is that he was not. That has been confirmed by Ukrainian officials. The prosecutor who replaced Shokin has said that Hunter Biden has not broken any Ukrainian laws.

If Hunter Biden is truly innocent as you contend, he should have an opportunity to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And that's all that President Trump has ever asked for.

American citizens should not be harassed just because his father is running for President. There is not a shred of evidence to back a investigation.

Actually, there is plenty of evidence. Biden's own bragging about getting rid of the prosecutor. Hunter Biden's suspicious job that he wasn't qualified for. Hunter Biden's drug and prostitution habits.

Suppose Hunter Biden stayed in a Kiev hotel in the same room that Trump stayed in previously. Hunter knows the prostitutes already and would have no problem paying them to ruin the mattresses. Shouldn't that be investigated? It would certainly be enough to get a FISA warrant to surveil him.

There is nothing suspicious about his job. There is no evidence whatsoever. A prosecutor that the EU, IMF, our state department and Ukrainians wanted out because he was corrupt,.

If there is nothing suspicious about Hunter Biden's job, if he was worth every die he was paid, good. Investigating him will give him a chance to prove his innocence.

Maybe Trump should be investigated so he cam prove his innocence.
The fact is that he was not. That has been confirmed by Ukrainian officials. The prosecutor who replaced Shokin has said that Hunter Biden has not broken any Ukrainian laws.

If Hunter Biden is truly innocent as you contend, he should have an opportunity to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And that's all that President Trump has ever asked for.

American citizens should not be harassed just because his father is running for President. There is not a shred of evidence to back a investigation.

Actually, there is plenty of evidence. Biden's own bragging about getting rid of the prosecutor. Hunter Biden's suspicious job that he wasn't qualified for. Hunter Biden's drug and prostitution habits.

Suppose Hunter Biden stayed in a Kiev hotel in the same room that Trump stayed in previously. Hunter knows the prostitutes already and would have no problem paying them to ruin the mattresses. Shouldn't that be investigated? It would certainly be enough to get a FISA warrant to surveil him.

There is nothing suspicious about his job. There is no evidence whatsoever. A prosecutor that the EU, IMF, our state department and Ukrainians wanted out because he was corrupt,.

Nothing suspicious about his job?

* Hunter no previous dealings in the country.
* No experience in energy.
* He is the son of the former Vice President of the United States.
* His father was chosen to oversee Ukrainian matters.
* He was the highest paid board member in spite of his inexperience.
* He didn't even understand the language.
* He was paid 83,000 a month to sit home in the US.
* The prosecutor that his father had fired claims he was indeed looking into money laundering by Hunter.
* Joe's tax returns revealed that he earned over 15 million dollars since he left the Obama administration.

Nothing to see here folks.

Are you a real moron or do you just play one?
The Board of Directors does not run the company. Do you think that Warren Buffet knows anything about Heinz ketchup? He sat on the board of Heinz until this year. The Board usually has meetings several times a year. Also worth noting that Hunter Biden only left the Board this year, 3 years after Biden left office.

Shokin was fired because he was corrupt. Clearly he is trying to get even by lying. You are so desperate for dirt on Biden, you don't care where it comes from.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019

She's talking about you.
Kinda funny how Democrats all keep calling Shokin "corrupt", yet when pressed on the issue they cannot ever cite any law that they believe Shokin ever violated.

Things that make you go...............

Even Ukrainians knew he was corrupt.
I just want to ask all you anti-Trump people a question here. I'm really not expecting an honest answer, just curious as to what they will be:

At your job, the son of your supervisor gets a promotion everybody wanted. It's the highest paid position in that part of the company. He has no experience at it, he's never been part of that operation at the plant, and he has been known to have a lot of personal challenges in his life.

Would you conclude that it was dumb luck, or that the supervisor--being close to the management, got him that job?
Do you mean like Jarod and Ivanka, being put in to govt positions with zero gvt experience? Well conveted by hard working gov't employees that have worked a lifetime to get the positions in the whit house that Jarod and Ivanka were handed on a silver platter?

Or like Ambassador position for the EU, being handed to a man with ZERO EXPERIENCE as a diplomat, who simply 've a million dollars to the Trump inaugural , like Ambassador mainland, while dedicated diplomats have worked a near quarter century to earn the covetted ambassadorship?

View attachment 294490

Trump would never deny putting those people in those positions. If Biden put his son in charge of managing his campaign for two million dollars a year, it's his money and there are no potential kickbacks. Nobody would care on either side.

And it's not only that Joe got Hunter that job, and that Burisma (a corrupt company) used Hunter's name to try and get a meeting with the state department, but they also got their government to keep their nose out of their dirty business thanks to Joe; if what Shokin says is valid.

Shokin has no credibility. You apparently think you know more than Ukrainians who wanted him out because of his corruption.

Or the Ukrainians wanted him out to get the money via quid pro quo by Joe Biden.

So let's see, we have a corrupt Prosecutor General, and the Democrats. Which is more trusting? I'm going with Shokin.

Of course you are. You are so desperate to save Trump you would make a deal with the devil. You are crooked as hell.
There are a lot of people who sit on boards who attend a meeting a few times a year and call them board members. The fact that he knows how to raise business capital might be of interest to a foreign company. You have not pointed out anything illegal.

Hunter knows how to raise capital to buy cocaine and pay for prostitution services. Treating that as a qualification for a cushy job in Kiev for big bucks is a stretch.

But I'd like to hear Mr. Biden talk about it, when and if he is called to testify in a Senate trial. After all, its a perfectly acceptable defense if Mr. Biden is guilty of crimes in Ukraine for President Trump to ask his good friend to investigate.

Rush Limbaugh is a druggie. Why should he have a cushie job. What Hunter Biden does in his private life is none of anyone's business.

Even Senate Republicans will not go there. They are not going to turn this into a circus. If they tried, I would tell them to go to hell.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't have a cushy job at all.

He's on the air 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. does morning updates, gets interviewed on FOX regularly, does various promotions and charity events, as well as political speeches.

Your guy is a druggie and that is okay. Someone you don't like has a drug problem. You apparently support druggies.

So you shoot off your mouth about Limbaugh being a druggie, and support Joe and his son who was not only kicked out the military for his addiction, but also had to enter rehab three different times as well.

People in glass houses........

If Hunter Biden is a druggie then so is Limbaugh. Hunter Biden's addiction is no different than having a illness. You people can throw heat but you can't take it.
It has not been proven right. The investigation was closed by Shokin before Biden went to Ukraine. That is why his resignation was demanded by the US.

So the US demanded that Shokin be fired because he was not investigating the company that was paying Hunter $83,000 a month. that you put it that way, that certainly makes sense.

Shokin was not investigating Burisma or prosecuting corruption. That is why the Obama Administration, the world and Ukrainians wanted him out.

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