VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.

Add to that the fact that the MSM and the democrats are complicit in election tampering in that they blamed Trump for spreading misinformation about covid and causing unnecessary deaths. Now the truth comes out that they, themselves, were guilty of spreading misinformation resulting in unnecessary deaths.
Since HCQ, Zinc Sulfate and Erythomycin have been around for years, demonstrating that these meds are effective in the treatment of the China virus, it should be allowed to be prescribed more liberally to combat the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 virus, allowing people to be treated prophlatically on a large scale against the virus when patients develop a fever and a cough, the Pandemic would be over quickly. One important factor is to start treatment within 48 hours of symptoms arising. Problem solved.
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.

The DemoKKKrats, the pharma companies that fund them, and their media murdered thousands of us by slandering legitimate treatment options for people who were sick with Covid and could have been saved.
Since HCQ, Zinc Sulfate and Erythomycin have been around for years, demonstrating that these meds are effective in the treatment of the China virus, it should be allowed to be prescribed more liberally to combat the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 virus, allowing people to be treated prophlatically on a large scale against the virus when patients develop a fever and a cough, the Pandemic would be over quickly. One important factor is to start treatment within 48 hours of symptoms arising. Problem solved.

It has never been as simple as that and only fools that follow Newsmax and other rightwing sites believe it is but you also believe in stuff that was never real...
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.

VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.


Bit late for memes. It has been proven successful.
You people were wrong again.

No apology will be given until it is proven that she was correct and the article you guys are using is the one in the link I am posting and the AJM is not endorsing the usage of the drug and only published an article while others still state it has no benefit!
Why did the Left not ridicule the Cubans for using it??? Not fit your narrative?
Check out the Cuban death tally.
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.

Hydroxychloroquine: Does it Have Clinical Value in COVID-19? A Point, Counterpoint Discussion
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.


Bit late for memes. It has been proven successful.
You people were wrong again.

Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt defended the purchase last year, saying the drug was showing some promise as a treatment in early March and he didn’t want to miss an opportunity to acquire it.
“I was being proactive to try and protect Oklahomans,” Stitt said at the time.

The drug has since been shown to have little or no effect on severe cases of COVID-19, and a former state health official chalked up Oklahoma’s purchase to something that happens in “the fog of war.”

VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.

This is why Fauci would have been in Gitmo in Trump's second term
Even if it was only 10% effective, that's thousands of lives.
It's ten cents a pop.
What is there to lose.

Control over the narrative, which is the only thing the DemoKKKrats care about. That's why over 60,000 of us have died from Covid since Biden took office, and he still has no plan, and he's still ordering the tech/media complex to ignore/suppress it.
Cuba used the HCQ all through the China Virus.
Feel free to compare the death rate in Cuba to Dem States.
Such was the hatred for Trump that the media was prepared to demonise this drug, and no doubt let thousands die......just because Trump endorsed it.
Especially amazing since the virus is known to ravage the hispanic communities much harder than others......the anti virals are the answer and in HCQ case it has a maintenance dosage that is meant for long term use to prevent malaria which could have and should have been also assigned to prevent covid. this would have stopped the spread of covid....but the dems wanted covid spread instead.
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works
VIDEO: Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - Conservative War - Breaking Political News
9 Feb 2021 ~~ By

Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her.
“I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.”
Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.”

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their biased complicit quisling media acted with Depraved Indifference, malice and reckless disregard for human life when they went full Jihad on HCQ and those mentioning it.
It's sad to see Medicine become so politicized.
That 'Democrats' would withhold medicine, refuse to do proper studies, set up sham studies designed to fail and effectively kill hundreds of thousands of American citizens because of politics is henious and beyond all reason..
Whatever happened to 'First Do No Harm'? Whether they did it because of Presidential politics or because they were financially backing vaccines, it's shameful and teeters on the edge of genocide.
So now Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists have politicized medicine. No surprise there. China launched Biological warfare directed at America and the world PM/DSA Democrats politicized ii in 2020.
Charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder would be appropriate to those politicians and media talking heads that conspired to demonize the use of the HCQ cocktail. All to make Trump look bad. How obscene is that? To kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people just because you didn't like the sitting president.
Impeachment of those politicians is more appropriate that what PM/DSA Democrats are doing at this very moment in their deep hatred for TRump.

Nobody is shocked ! They are democrats , doesn't matter what you must do,kill people , the end justifies the means! That's how ruthless they are. No ,, they did not cheat the vote! Not them!

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